Chapter 22- Waking up

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*Jason's p.o.v*

I rubbed my eyes, trying to stay awake. We had made it back to the castle. Madison and Jenna are in the infirmary. Me and Jerome haven't left there sides since we got here. One of the nurses tried to make me leave so she could take care of my wounds and I ended up yelling at her. She didn't seemed to be mad though, she just muttered something about crazy, and love. I'm not sure what order. Jerome wouldn't leave either, so we sat there, waiting. When we had come up with both of them unconscious, everyone had panicked. For a long time everyone was gathered around them. But as soon as it got later they slowly left, one by one. Danielle had wanted to stay, but eventually Tyler convinced her to leave. It was probably 1 in the morning. I leaned back in the chair, fighting sleep. I knew she would be ok, but I couldn't keep from worrying. I didn't want to sleep because I wanted to be there when she woke up, so I would know she is ok. My eyes just felt so heavy and, finally I gave into sleep.

*Jerome's p.o.v*

I glanced over towards Jason. His eyes had closed and I am pretty sure he was asleep. If Jenna woke up I would wake him up, but for now I let him sleep. I looked over beside me at Madison. She was going to be ok, but she hasn't woken up either. She sighed in her sleep, and I smiled. She looked so peaceful in her sleep, when she is awake, she looks like she can and will attack anyone. I watched her sleep for a little while. I heard a voice, "That's not creepy at all." Mitch said walking into the room. "What do you mean?" I asked, blushing. He laughed, "You were watching Madison sleep." I blushed even more. "Yes, and you haven't even come to see Jenna till now!" He turned red, "Yeah, well..." His voice trailed off. I looked back at Madison again. When I looked back at Mitch, he left the room. I rolled my eyes, then closed them for a moment. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

*Madison's p.o.v*

I opened my eyes groggily and looked up. I was in a bright white room. Not knowing where I was, I suddenly sat up straight. A shot of pain went through my back. I winced but refused to cry out. I slowly swung my legs to the side of the bed. It wasn't until then, that I noticed the stitches in my leg. The cut looked like it had been deep. It was strange, I didn't remember how this happened. I heard a voice, "Madison? You're ok!" It was Jerome. He gently hugged me and when I winced he backed away. "Sorry." He muttered. I shook my head and hugged him. He smiled, "You need to lay down, or you will mess up the stitches." I frowned, "Fine," I said noticing he looked really tired, "but only f you promise to get some rest too." He looked like he was going to object, but then nodded. Then I noticed the bed beside me. I looked over and Jenna was there. Jason, asleep in a chair beside her. I let out a gasp, "Is she...Ok?" Jerome nodded, "She will be fine. She got shot in the stomach and leg, about the same place you did." "Shot?" I thought for a moment. Suddenly I remembered. We had been running away and this had happened. "Oh," I said softly, "Now I remember." I lay back and closed my eyes. Soon I fell back asleep.

*Jenna's p.o.v*

I fluttered my eyes open and looked around. My surroundings were very unfamiliar. "Hey," I heard a soft voice say. I turned toward the voice. "Jason!" I said happily. He smiled, "Are you ok?" I nodded, "I think so." I looked down, to look at my wound in my stomach. I blushed when I saw I only had my bra on. Jason seemed to noticed that I was uncomfortable ad blushed. "They had to be able to get the cut easily," He said turning redder by the minute. "That's fine." I said laughing. He looked over at me, "Hey, my blushing isn't funny. It's adorable." "Whatever you say Jason." I said smirking. I tried to roll over and winced. His expression softened, "You need to rest." "So do you." I pointed out, he looked like he hadn't slept in a long time. He nodded and stood up. "Stay with me." I said scooting over on the bed. He hesitated for a minute, "Are you sure? You might not rest as well." "I will sleep a lot better with you." I answered. He finally sighed and laid down beside me. I smiled and drift off to sleep.

*Danielle's p.o.v*

It was about 11:30 and I oculdn't wait any longer. Tyler had made me wait at least until 12 to go visit Madison and Jenna. I dragged him along with me. "Would you slow down? They aren't going to disappear." Tyler complained, he had been wanting to just lay in bed and watch TV all day. "You never know with them. They might disappear." I said, smiling. He rolled his eyes. I slowly opened the door and looked in. Jerome was holding Madison's hand and they had fallen asleep like that, their hands hanging in the gap between them. I smiled. Tyler walked around me and entered before I did. He smirked. I walked in to see what he was laughing about. Jason and Jenna were lying next to each other. "Should we wake them?" Tyler asked eagerly. "No Tyler." I said. "I think we should." He said, still trying to convince me. "No Tyler. It's cute." I said first looking at Jerome and Madison, then looking at Jenna and Jason. He pouted, "Fine," a smile appeared on his face, "but do you know what is even cuter?" He asked. "No." I said not really paying attention. "You." He said stepping closer to me taking my hand. I looked up at him and smiled. He leaned down and kissed me. We pulled apart and he pressed his forehead to mine. We jumped apart when we heard a small laugh . It was Madison. She was sitting up smirking. "First those two, now you two." she said gesturing toward Jenna and Jason. "Yeah and next, you and Jerome." I muttered going to sit beside her. "What?" she asked, her eyes big and her cheeks red. "Nothing!" I smiled. She realized she was still holding Jerome's hand and slowly pulled away. Tyler continued to stand in the doorway, he had his Nintendo 3DS. "So are you ok?" I asked Madison. She nodded, "What had been happening here?" I shrugged, "Nothing much really." "So you like Tyler? Finally." She said laughing. I lowered my voice, "I liked him before you came. I liked him the moment I saw him." I looked over at Tyler, who didn't seem to noticed we were talking about him. He still had his eyes glued to his game. "Yes, yes. I know that, But I mean, are you guys together? Like boyfriend, girlfriend?" Madison asked. I shrugged. I had been wondering that myself lately. "My turn to ask question!" I claimed "Do you like Jerome?" I smirked. She turned red and looked over at him. "" She stuttered. Before she could say anything  else, Tyler looked up from his game, "I just want both of you to know, that Jerome, is in fact, awake. I saw him open his eyes and close them." He said smirking. Jerome cursed under his breath and his eyes opened. "Hello." He muttered. He looked over at Jason and Jenna and laughed. I turned my head and Tyler was there. His face right next to mine. "Tyler! You scared me!" I exclaimed. He pouted, "Sorry. Danielllllllle. I want foooooood. Come with meeee." I raised an eyebrow, "What makes you think I want to go with you?" I asked jokingly. "This," He said and kissed me first on the lips and then my nose. "I don't know..." I said still teasing him. "Just go with him, so I don't have to see anymore of this!" Came a voice from the other side of me. Jason had woken up and so had Jenna. Jenna frowned. "You don't like kisses Jason?" She asked, leaning up and kissing him. He looked surprised but happy. He smiled and she smiled back. "Ok, so now, I understand why you guys want me to go with him. Come on Tyler. Lets get food!" I said running from the room.

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