Chapter 36- Dancing

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

I hung back by Ian and Sky while Madison, Danielle, and Ivy talked about dresses and other stuff like that. I scowled, I never been interested in any of that. "So, why aren't you talking with them?" Ian asked. "I don't care for all that." I replied shortly. Sky laughed, "Yeah right." "It's true," I shrugged, "I didn't grow up around a lot of girls, and I guess I just don't care for that stuff." Ian looked at me, "They didn't either." He said gesturing towards the other girls. "Yeah," Sky replied, "I guess that's why they are so excited about it, they never had any other friends to do anything like this with anyone." I looked at them for a minute, "You guys really do have feelings!" I faked gasped. Sky rolled his eyes and looked at In, "Well Jenna. I;m afraid you have to go talk to them now." I raised an eyebrow, "And why is that?" "We have to discuss something about Ivy and Seto, bye!" Ian and Sky pushed me into the middle of Madison, Danielle, and Ivy. "Hey, you going to talk to us now?" Madison said laughing. Wait what had Ian and Sky said? "Guess, so." I shrugged. "Aw, come on. Why won't you act excited? You know you want toooo!" Danielle said elbowing me. "Yeah, this is really kind of fun." Ivy said. I had to admit, a part of me was actually felt really excited about this. "Ok, fine! I am!" I admitted. "See! I knew you were!" Danielle said. "Hey, Ian and Sky pushed me away, saying they had to talk about Ivy and Seto." I said, suddenly remembering. I looked at Ivy who seemed a little ticked off that they were talking about her. "Do you like him?" I asked Ivy, Madison and Danielle started talking about something else. She laughed. "Yeah, I like him. It doesn't matter though, because he doesn't like me. I mean, there was the other night when he said he liked me and kissed me, but he doesn't talk to me. Tonight was the first time he has talked to me in a few days." She sighed. " He doesn't like you!? That's crazy talk! I don't believe that for a second, do you see the way he looks at you?" I protested. She blushed. "Well, if he likes you or not, he will like you, come tomorrow." I said, smiling. I started talking about her make up and her hair and what dress. She laughed. It wasn't long before we came to a small shop with beautiful dresses lined up in the windows. We went in and decided to take turned trying on dresses. Ian and Sky went and sat against the wall saying this was the worst thing ever. I rolled my eyes at them. "Ok! Can I go first?" Danielle asked jumping up and down.  Had she stopped jumping since we left?? We laughed at her and let her go first. She walked into a dressing room and came out in a deep blue dress. It was ok, but she didn't care for it. She tried on several till she came to one she loved. (It is the one in the picture with her name one it.) She laughed, "This one!" We all agreed it was very pretty. I went next around. I found one I wanted immediately. Then Madison went, the Ivy. We got the dresses and bought make up and other things to go with the dresses. Ian and Sky practically ran to the door and to the castle. We followed them and went inside and went to put my stuff up.

*Ivy's p.o.v*

I went to go put my stuff up in Seto's room. I found Seto in his room, practicing magic. He nodded towards me when I entered, but didn't look away from what he was doing. I put my stuff away and sat down beside him on the floor. He was making a small green plant grow. First it was a small stem. Then it grew taller and grew a flower bud. He made it bloom and it was a beautiful yellow rose. He made it come out of its pot and float to me. I picked it up from the air, and twirled it between my fingers. He watched me with a soft smile on his face. "Hey Ivy? Would you want to go to the ball with me?" My face brightened and I hugged him, "Of course I will Seto!" He let out a soft laugh, "I was afraid you would say no." I looked at him shocked, "Why would I say no?" "I sort of ignored you, but it's just because I like you and I know that makes no sense, but-" I cut him off, by kissing him. "It makes perfect sense." I whispered

*Jenna's p.o.v*

Me, Madison, Danielle, and Ivy had all gathered in one room, to get ready. A lot of people had already arrived and we were finished getting ready. "Aaand done!" Madison said finishing Ivy's makeup. She was the only one wearing a lot of makeup, since I wanted her to impress Seto. Everyone else's makeup was like hers, it matched their dresses. I looked around at everyone, including myself. All of us walked down the stairs and into the ballroom. We walked over to where the guys were standing and Jason's eyes got big. Tyler and Jerome saw Madison and Danielle and immediately stared at them. Seto hadn't been looking and when Ivy walked up to him, he turned around and blushed, "Y-you look pretty." He stuttered. I laughed at them. I watch everyone walk off to dance, it was a slow song. Before I could turn to find Ty, I felt a hand on my waist. I turned my head up and smiled at Jason, "Hi." I said softly. "Hey." he answered smiling down at me. "Would you do the favor of dancing with me?" He asked, smirking. "I guess I can dance with you." I said laughing, putting my hand in his. I rested my head against his chest, and smiled.

*Madison's p.o.v*

Jerome wrapped his arms around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We swayed with the music. I rested my head on his shoulder and he whispered in my ear, "We could convince people to play 7 minutes in heaven." I playfully hit him, "No Jerome." He smiled and I rested my head against his shoulder again and closed my eyes, smiling.

*Danielle's p.o.v*

Tyler spun me around, we were getting weird looks from people, but I didn't care. We weren't really slow dancing like we were suppose to be, but Tyler would randomly spin me around in circles. It had started off as a joke, I had told him that I bet that he couldn't do the tango and now he felt the need to prove me wrong. He spun me in close to him and kissed mt head and spun me out again. "Ok, Tyler," I laughed, "You've proven your point!" He smiled and stopped. We started doing random dances, at one point I asked, "What the heck dance is that?" "I have no idea." Tyler admitted shaking his head.

*Ivy's p.o.v*

Seto was still turning red, it was actually funny. He finally gave in and admitted that he didn't know how to slow dance. I grabbed his arms and wrapped them around my waist, and I put my arms around his neck. "There." I said smiling. He turned bright red. He is so cute when he blushes. I smirked and put my head under his chin.

*Jenna's p.o.v*

After a few songs I found my brother. "Well isn't my sister looking beautiful." He said picking me up and spinning me. I laughed. "Isn't my brother looking handsome in a suit." He rolled his eyes. We danced for a while until he asked, "What is up with you and Jason and Mitch if you wanna add him?" I turned red. "To be honest I don't know. Mitch is just my best friend now. Jason though? I still like him. I just don't know if I want to get back with him. I like it better when I can just be free and stuff." Ty laughed. "Good enough." "Hey Jen listen." Ty said. I know this song! "A Drop In The Ocean" I laughed as I looked at Ty. "May I have this dance m'lady?" I tried to not laugh, "You may indeed my good sir." I said bowing like a princess. We both giggled and danced to the song. It's good to just hang with my brothe instead of the other guys.

A/N: Sooooo I don't really know what the last p.o.vs were about....But I felt like I should do everyone of the girls p.o.v's. Also Jenna's p.o.v with Ty was kind of a Frozen moment XD I felt like that Jenna should just be happy with Ty and  not with Jason. I don't might change tbh. But yaa that's all the updating for tonite so bai! Also I don't know how to upload a picture from my pics to the story soo Imma figure it out soon and if not ill post the links but ya bai

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