chapter 11- Dun dun dunnn!!

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*Jenna's POV*

I moved my hand toward my sword and walked closer to Sky. He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes and slightly nodded. In one quick movement I pulled him toward me and placed the tip of the sword at his neck. I realized that every assassin, even me, that has come here had tried to use hostage. I wondered if they both thought it was the best idea or they just didn't have many ideas. Anyways, everyone turned around and gasped. "Jenna..." Ian said and took a step closer. I look at the girl, she has her hood pulled up. I couldn't see her eyes but I could see her mouth. She was smirking. I walked toward her pulling Sky with me. I looked at her and try to return the smile. "We don't need this one." I say nodding toward Mitch. "This one." I said gesturing toward Sky. "This is the leader." The girl nods and pushes Mitch toward the others. Once Mitch has regained his balance, Ian and Tyler both grabbed one of her arms and grabbed her sword and dagger. I let go of Sky and ran over to Mitch. He pulls me into a hug. Ty, who had been trying to tie the girl's feet, suddenly yelled. "OW! She kicked me in the eye!" Which was actually kind of funny since he had moved his hair so he could see. Jerome and Tyler were trying to pull her into the castle but she kept pulling on them until Jerome said, "Forget this!" He turned around and picked her up. She struggled for a moment, then gave up.bWe all entered the first room we came too. Jerome placed her in a chair and then took a few steps back to advoid being kicked. No matter what questions they asked she wouldn't answer. "Come on, at least tell us your name!" said Jerome. She looked up. She hesitated. "Madison. My name is Madison."

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