Chapter 19- Inside

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

I woke up early the next morning, along with Madison, Jason, Jerome, and Seto. Everyone else had gotten up, to help us get ready. Madison and I were posing as sisters from another kingdom not far from here, that didn't get along with Sky's kingdom. We both dyed our hair reddish blonde and wore green and black clothing. Jerome, Jason, and Seto, were just wearing torn and dirty clothing, and were going to pose as a group of travelers. We were going to arrive at separate times, so no one suspected anything. The group of assassins had never seen any of TeamCrafted before and hopefully no one would recognize me or Madison. We were staying only for a week, then we would leave as soon as possible. We had each chosen a different name, so we wouldn't be recognized. Madison was Saria, I was Franny, Jerome was Cody, Jason was Jack, and for some reason Seto incited on being Bob. This was our plan. First, Me and Madison would go up to their camp once we found it. Then, about three or four hours later the boys will come to the camp. It wasn't the best, but it would have to do. After saying goodbye to everyone, we all headed towards the woods to search for the camp. Jason took my hand as we walked. Before we went into the woods Seto reminded everyone, "Remember, we don't know each other when we find the camp. We have never met before in our lives." We all nodded and he stepped into the woods, everyone else following behind him. We walked for what seemed like hours, until I heard voices. It was coming from a hill, not to far away. We crept over toward it and looked. There was the camp. From what I could tell, it hadn't changed much since I left. "Ok Madison, and Jenna. This is where you guys go. See you in a little while." Said Seto, going to find a place to hide for the next couple hours. Jason turned toward me. "Be careful." He whispered and kissed me on the forehead, before following Seto. Jerome took Madison's hand, started to say something, but then just hugged her. Jerome walked over to Seto before turning around and nodding at me. I nodded back. Me and Madison walked down the hill. We arrived at the base of the camp, where 2 men, both dressed in dark purple, stood guard. "Hello," Madison said walking up to them, "I'm Saria and this is my sister Franny. We would like to join you." The first one laughed. "Do you even know what this is?" Madison struggled with words so I stepped in. "Well, if I'm not mistaken, I believe that these people are assassins and want to take over this kingdom. Am I correct?" I said with a smile. The first one nodded slowly, "I suppose you can go. Go talk to him." He said motioning towards a tall man wearing all black. In my whole time here I had never seen this man. Since he wore black, I knew that meant he has high authority. "Is he... The boss?" I whispered to Madison. "I don't know I think so." She whispered back. We both walked up to him. "Hi." I say. "I'm Franny and this is my sister Saira. We would like to join your camp. The man over there said to come talk to you." He walked around both of us, studying us. "Hmm. Yes. We could use both of you. Girls' tents are over there. Ask Rebecca which one you need to go to. She is the one in the purple robe." He said before hurrying away. "Ok then." Madison said, then we turned toward the girl in purple. I walked up to her, "Hello, we are-" "I know, I know. Last tent to the right. Bye." Rebecca said, before turning on her heels and walking the other way. Madison raised an eyebrow before walking towards the tent.. We went in and sat on the ground. "So now what do we do?" I asked. "I guess we go meet people and try to learn things." Madison shrugged. I nodded, "We can meet back here around noon." She nodded, then headed off  towards the middle of the camp. I walked towards a group of girls talking outside a tent. They stopped talking when they saw me. "Um, hi," I say, "I'm Franny." A girl with short blond hair turned towards me. "Hey! I'm Claire! This is Lola." She said gesturing  to a girl with brown curly hair. "And this is Emily." She added pointing to the other girl with black hair. They both waved. "So you're new here?" Lola asked. "Yep." I said. "You probably won't get a mission for a while then." Claire said. I nodded, trying to look sad about it. "But before you know it, you will have a lot!" Said Emily. I smiled at them, "What is the main mission right now anyway?" They all looked at each other before answering, "Well he really wants to get rid of TeamCrafted." I nod. That wasn't very helpful, I knew that. After talking to them for awhile, I talked to some other girls and most either didn't want to talk to me, wouldn't say anything about it, r told me what I already knew. By the time it was almost noon, so I went back to the tent. I found Madison sitting there, "Any luck?" She asked. "Nope." I replied. Just them a noise was heard from the middle of camp. "What is that?" Madison asked. "Time to get food." I answered. We both headed to the middle. There were several groups spread out on stumps and logs, eating or just sitting there. Since the food didn't really look like, food, Me and Madison decided to just sit down. A guy walked by, winking at me and Madison. I scowled at him and Madison just rolled her eyes. "People here are so... Weird." Madison said. I looked at her, "We both came from here." "Yeah I know but...." She trailed off. "Do you think the guys will be here soon?" I half whispered. "Should be." She answered. About five minutes later, Madison nudged me. "Look they're here." Towards the edge of the camp, Jason, Jerome, and Seto stood looking around. They looked over and saw us. They nodded briefly before turning away. We spent the rest of the day looking for someone to tell us what the mission was, but nothing.

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