Chapter 10- Getting ready

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*Sky's POV*

I paced back and forth from my window. I had just warned everyone and had sent out a patrol in the woods. We decided each day one TeamCrafted member would walk around outside watching. Of course guards would be very close by but hidden. I didn't want to put anyone out there but it was the only way to keep the assassin from surprising us. They had refused to let me go even though I tried to convince them to let me be the only one that walked around. We all gathered in the living room to debate who would go first. We were just going to draw names to see who would guard first but Tyler volunteered. We looked at him surprised. "You don't have to, I mean you aren't  really in TeamCrafted." I pointed out. "Well I live here, thats good enough reason. Besides they most likely don't even know what we look like." He replied. Danielle looked at him, her eyes full of concern. "What about Danielle?" I asked, glancing at her out of the corner of my eye. "She can stay with one of you." He said determinedly. At that Danielle's eyes widened and lowered her gaze to the floor, halfway looking at us. "Um, Tyler? I don't think she wants to." Said Ty looking at Danielle. Tyler looked at Danielle and sighed. "Fine, I won't." Instead, we decided to draw names. The name that we drew was Jason. Jason didn't look to worried but Jenna on the other hand. "Its ok Jenna you can stay with Jerome and Mitch." She nodded. Jason sat down. We all looked at him. "Oh, now?" he asked. "Yes now!" Ty said rolling his eyes. Jason got up and walked out.

*Jason's POV*

Outside the castle gaurds roamed pacing around the premises. I wandered toward the woods. I saw something move and I froze and took a step forward. I saw a flash of purple go by. "S-Seto?" I called. There was no answer. It wasn't Seto. I kept looking and finally a girl with long hair and a deep purple robe that reached her feet, stepped out from behind the tree. She looked surprised I was still there. "Oh hello." she said casually. "I'm afraid I'm lost, could you come here and show me how to get to my village?" She said looking at me. I just stared at her for a minute. I could see the dagger in her boot and a sword on her side. I answered saying "Umm.. no....." I pulled out my sword. Her eyes narrowed and she backed away and ran off toward the village. I turned and headed back inside to tell the others.

*Jenna's POV*

I sat on the couch as Mitch and Jerome were talking about the assassins. God I hope Jason is ok. Jerome got up and left which left me and Mitch. He kept glaring at me. "Jenna look I'm sorry." He said. I ignored him. "It was stupid to do that. Your seeing Jason. I guess I just like you a lot and well we were in the heat of the moment so I ki-" I interrupted him. "Mitch look that was in the past. I get it we were in the moment but its not all your fault. I also leaned it. But can we just forget about it please?" He nodded. We sat there for a little longer. I got up and started walking around the room. "Hey Jenna?" Mitch said. "Yes?" I said looking at him. He got up and walked over to me. "Its ok. Jason is ok." He said. I couldn't take it. I hugged him and cried. He hugged me back. "I hope your right." I said. He laughed. He lifted my chin up. I looked into his Carmel eyes. He smiled. Who am I kidding. I leaned in and kissed him. He was just as surprised as I was. We stayed like that for a minute before we heard someone clear their throat. "Jenna!" Then person yelled. I looked over. It was Jerome. "Fluffy its not what it looks like." I say. "Or is it!?" He said grinning. I ran over and tackled him. Jason walked in. "What is going on!?" he said. Jerome started to say something but me and Mitch covered his mouth. "Oh nothing." I said running up to him and hugging him. "Did you find anything?" I asked. "Actually I did. I found a girl she was clearly the assassin." "Did you catch ??" Sky said. "Well, no she ran off." "What did she look like?" Sky asked. "She had long hair, deep purple robe, a darker purple than Seto's, and a dagger in her boot and sword at her side." Sky sighed and rubbed his head. "At least we know what she looks like."

*Next day*

The next day Mitch's name was drew. As he was walking out I ran up beside him."What are you doing Jenna?" He said. I walked in front of him and stopped him. "Look Mitch I..... Before you go out there I wanted to say something." I looked up and his eyes were full of confusion. "I.... I like you.... a lot..." I finally managed to say. He looked at me with his eyes widened. "Y-you do?" He said. I nodded. He smiles and hugs me. He started to walk off again but I ran after him. "I'm coming with you." I say. Mitch laughed. "No your not Jenna. Its not safe for you." I stopped him again. "Why not!? Mitch I couldn't bare to see you get hurt by them." He didn't looked at me. He pushede aside and kept walking. "Jenna how bad could one of them hurt me. Besides there are a bunch of guards out there." I ran up next to him. "They are full of surprises Mitchell. Trust me I know I was one of them." He stopped dead in his tracks. "Aren't you still one?" He said. I looked at him. "What no. Not anymore." He nodded. I just let him walk on. Sky ran over to me. "Sky can I please go?" He shook his head. "No Jenna we don't need you to get hurt." "Sky please! Mitch is my best friend I can't let him get hurt!" I say begging. "Then how come you didn't bug Jason to go with him yesterday huh?" I studdered to find words. Sky sighed. "Fine go." I ran out the door to find Mitch. I walked behind him slowly so he wouldn't see me. Suddenly he froze and turned around. "Jenna! I told you not to come!" He said looking more worried then Angry. "Sky said I could come." I say. He sighed. "Fine." I walked along in front of him, He insisted on being able to see me so hr would know if something happened. "Hey its getting dark Mitch should we go in? Mitch?" There wasn't an answer. I turned around and saw a girl in a dark purple robe was standing there. Her sword at Mitch's throat. I resisted the urge to panic and quickly clicked the button to call for help. I just stood there staring at Mitch, and the girl smirked. She started to say something but the rest of TeamCrafted ran out. She smiled even more. I quickly found Seto and whispered, "Could you set up, like a mind link, between everyone but her? He nodded and said something under his breath. " Hey guys, I have a plan. Its not a great one, but it'll work." I say through the mind link. I tell them the plan and they agree.

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