Chapter 29- Kiddnapping Seto

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*Ivy's p.o.v*

I walked through the woods, my sword at my hip. I cam across a small stream. I looked around there was a path leading down toward the start of the stream. I started down the path when I heard footsteps. I darted into the woods and behind a tree. I had the girl and boy I had brought with me, since I wouldn't need them yet. A guy in a dark purple cloak thing, walked out by the stream. He sat down and sighed. He put his hand out above the water and the water rose up to his hand. He shaped it into many things, a flower, a bear, etc. It was Seto. I hadn't been sure at first. I watched for a minuter before remembering my job. His back was to me, and I walked behind him and knelt by the water.

*Seto's p.o.v*

I was by the stream, practicing my water magic, since I wasn't really good at it. It was quiet until I heard a noise from behind me. I turned. There was a girl with long green hair that fell all around her face. I thought she was really pretty, but she was crying. I walked over to her, "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked quietly. She just shook her head and continued to cry. I put my hand on her shoulder, and she turned to me. She threw her arms around me in a hug. I was surprised, but hugged her back. She pulled back with he arms still around me. She smirked and I felt a prick on my neck. I stepped back from her. I felt my magic trying to heal me but nothing was happening. I felt confused, even if it has poison, or is suppose to knock me out, my magic prevents it. Everything got fuzzy and I fell to my knees. I looked up and saw the girl smirking at me, "Confused?" I tried to think but my vision started to become black at the edges. "Y-you. You're..." Then everything goes black.

*Ivy's p.o.v*

I caught him before he fell. I was afraid of what he had been going to say, he could've found out. Could he tell just by that? I shook my head, maybe he wouldn't remember it. I called for the boy I brought with me to come and he easily lifted Seto off the ground. I motioned him to follow me. Once we were a good distance from the stream, I told the boy to put him down and leave to find the girl. He left with a nod. I sat down beside Seto. I grabbed my bag I had concealed in a bush. From it I pulled out, rope and a necklace with a strange spiral shaped charm on it. I placed the necklace on Seto. It would keep him from using magic unless I allowed him too. Then I tied his hands from behind him. I sat there for awhile, the girl was on the other side of the woods watching his friends, if they noticed him missing she would alert me. Seto began to stir beside me and I grinned. He opened his eyes and sat up, "What the-" he looked around. "Hello." I said cheerfully. His eyes narrowed, "You. The witch." My eyes widened but I quickly smiled, "What do you mean?" "That drug, or whatever you did, you couldn't have used a normal one, it would have had to have a spell on it." He said still glaring at me. I laughed, "So? I know people." "Yeah, but you have that.... feeling around you. I can tell you are." He claimed. "I am not a witch." I declared looking him in the ye. "Then tell me, why are your eyes a shade of yellow sometimes and other times neon green? Why is your hair, that is unnatural green? Why does your hair grow faster than anyone's? Why does it seem you can convince anyone of anything and they will do what you say? Because you are a witch, but you are untrained, you don't know how to control it." He stared back at me. I blinked, everything he just said, I had always asked myself. "That's enough." I muttered hearing the boy and girl returning. I flicked my hand toward him and he immediantly was asleep. Huh? I hadn't known that would work.

*Seto's p.o.v*

I woke up in a dark room. My arms were behind me and, unlike before, they seemed to be tied to the wall. I appeared to be underground in some sort of cell. I heard footsteps and saw that girl walk in. She was a witch and I knew it, but she denies it. I don't get why she doesn't want to be one, but whatever. It's not like I care, I just want out of here. I look up at her when she walks toward me. She sits on the floor in front of me and looks at me but I look away. She put her hand under my chin and made me look at her, "Don't be like that! I had to." She said, slightly smiling. I yank my head away, she scowled. Then it got quiet for a while. "Why do you need me?" I finally asked, not able to take the silence anymore. She smiled, "We need a sorcerer and I though of you." She poke my nose and I frowned. "You are the same thing! It's just you're a girl so you are called a witch instead of a sorcerer." She didn't deny it this time, she just shook her head. "How do you know me?" I asked. She grinned, "Your name is Seto and you are in TeamCrafted. You and two others came here the other week for about 5 days, along with the two girls." She frowned when she said girls. She looked at me, "But, I didn't tell Boss, he would've probably just killed you, and I didn't want that." Oooh. Now I knew where I was. Honestly this girl seemed a little crazy. I hadn't tried to use my magic, but now I did, trying to get the ropes off. Instead of anything happening, purple sparks flew off my hands. I looked at her, confused. "Purple.Your magic color is purple. Of course! That is why you wear purple! It's your mark." She muttered. "Um, yeah." I said, "What color is your magic?" She stared at me then ignored my question, "Your magic isn't working because of that necklace by the way." I frowned at the necklace. "Since you avoided my question, I'm going to guess that your magic is green because of your hair. Or it could be black..." I said looking at her outfit. "Or yellow." I said looking at her eyes. She finally shook her head, "No it's white." "Really? No color?" I asked, no color wasn't good, that meant something was wrong. There should be color she is drawn too or has that is similar to her magic. But white. That wasn't good. She nodded, "Nope, no color. My name is Ivy by the way." She suddenly perked up and left the cell. "Um, bye?" I called after her. Something was off about her, her magic was white, she denies being a witch... Something weird is happening and I plane to find out what.

*Madion's p.o.v*

It was 2 am and no one had found a trace of Seto. I sat down by the stream and closed my eyes. I felt an arm around me and I opened my eyes ready to attack. I relaxed when it was just Jerome. I leaned my head on his shoulder and looked around. Suddenly I stood up and walked about six feet from where we were sitting. In the damp mud, there were two pairs of footprints. By one of the footprints, it looked like the person had fallen. "Guys come here!" I yelled. Everyone came running. "So Seto didn't get lost, he was capture." Ty said. "Guess so..." Sky trailed off, "But by who?" "Um the people we were spying on the other day?" Jenna asked impatiently. "Ooooohhhh no, no, no." Sky said, sounding very worried. "If they have him... We have to get him back, but we can't spy this time, they will know." Everyone nodded in agreement, but instead of discussing it further, everyone decided to talk about it in the morning.

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