Chapter 17- Waking up early

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

I woke up to a bright light in my eyes. I out my hands up to my face and rolled over. "Hey. Jenna. Wake up." I heard Jason whisper. "Jason! It's to early! Go back to sleep!" I replied irritated. "Aw, it's not that early, it's almost 5! I can't sleep anyway. And besides, there is something I wanted to show you."He said, still whispering. "What is it?" I asked, sitting up. "Well, have you ever seen the sun rise?" He asked still blinding me with a flashlight. "No, I haven't. Because unlike some people, I actually sleep." I said burrying my face into the pilow. "Come on, lease?" He said, putting his gace beside mine on my pillow. "If I go will you let me sleep tomorrow?" I asked, turning to face him. He nods and pulls me up, "Come on!" He half said, half yelled. "Oops." He whispered, "That was loud." I laughed and followed him out the door. He led me outside the castle and heads the opposite way of the woods. Soon a large, flat valley, hill-like thing came into wiew. He takes my hand and takes us to the middle of it. "And here!" He said, very loudly. I looked all around. All the land was flat for many miles, and all types of flowers grew all around us. A small stream ran through the valley to the left, and an oak tree towered over us to the right. "Jason... It's so beautiful." I said. I turn towards Jason. "Yeah it really is." He said looking at me. He sat down and I joined him. We waited for a while and soon the sky tunrs an orange-pink color. The topof the sun is visible over the long stretch of land. The sky continued to change colors, all beautiful. I noticed Jason has been looking at me. "What?" I said smiling. He shook his head and smiled. "Nothing. It's just.... nothing." He smiles softly at me and turns toward the sun rise. The sun is now half way up and the sky is a rainbow of color. I sighed contentedly and lean back against Jason. He still had his helmet on. I stood upand took it off. His brown hair was now blowing in the wind. The sun made his eyes sparkle. "That's better." I said smiling. We locked eyes. I suddenly forgot the sun rise, and the flowers, and how pretty the colors are. All I can think about is him. The man in front of me. Our faces got closer and he kissed me. Nothing else seems except for his lips on mine.We both broke apart and gazed at each other for a moment before I realized it was almost 6 and the others might get up and be worried. Jason noticed too and said, "I would stay here forever with you, but we have to go back." I blushed at his words and nod. He took my hand, and we both walked back.

*Danielle's p.o.v*

I had been woken up around 6 by a noise, that had turned out to be a guard that knocke over a rack of weapons. It had apparently woken everyone up, except Jason and Jenna. Their room was the farthest away, but still... Now everyone was just kinda gathered around, standing there. They all looked jalf asleep, especially Mitch, who had kinda laid down on the floor and was now snoring. The only people who looked awake were, Jerome, Madison, and Tyler. Tyler has been awake for awhile before the weapons feel, editing something since he couldn't sleep. "How could this not have woken Jason and Jenna up!?" Jerome asked. I noticed Tyler had a mischievous grin on his face. Ty noticed too and smiled also I got confused and just looked at both of them. "Do you have the same idea as I do?" Ty asked Tyler. "If your idea is to go wake them up, then yes." Tyler answered. Before they could run off, Ian said, "Wait didn't we just do that the other day?" "Yeah, so?" Ty asked. Ian shrugged, "I don't know. I'm just saying." Jerome, Madison, Ty, Tyler, Ian, and I went upstairs to thierroom. We silently went up to the door and opened it. No one was there. We looked around the room and didn't see any clue to where the could have gone. We went back to the living room to the others. Mitch had fallen asleep on the first chair he had found since Sky was laying upside down on the couch with his eyes closed. Instead of asking about Jason and Jenna being missing we just sat down. It wasn't until then when I wondered if they were still here, or had gone somewhere, or if something happened. Then the living room door opened and Jason and Jenna entered hand in hand. Everyone greeted them but other then that said nothing. Tyler looked at Jason and started to say soemthing then shook his head. Finally Ty said, "Hey, in answer to our question earlier, yes. They are alive." Jason looked at him, confused. "Nevermind." Ty said, trying not to laugh. Jenna let go of Jason's hand and walked over to Mitch. She went behind the chair then jumped over it and landed on Mitch's back. We all laughed. "Jennnnnnaaa!" He yelled. "Shhh go to sleep Mitch!" She said laying on top of him. "NUGH! JASON GET YOUR SO CALLED GIRLFRIEND OFF ME!" He yelled. Jason laughed. "Nah. She seems cozy." He said pointing to her. She feel asleep ion him. Mitch sighed and rolled on to the floor causing Jenna to fall too. She didn't wake up. She just curled into a tiny ball and moved closer to Mitch. I looked at Jason thinking he would get jealous but he didn't. He smiled and sat next to Ty.

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