Chapter 32- Kidnapped again

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*Madion's p.o.v*

We picked our way through the woods, until we came to a barbed wire fence. I gulped, that hadn't been there before. There was a gate. but it could only be opened from the inside. I searched around and there was a small hole. Danielle walked over to me, "I can probably fit through that, after all I am about a year younger than you guys." We agreed and she easily slipped under the fence with out the barbed wire catching her clothes. She snunk to the gate and opened it. Me and Jenna walked in. "Where is everyone?" I whispered. "They are probably out in the woods practicing archery. I think it was today that used to be archery day..." Jenna sad her voice trailing off. We snuck around but there was no one. I saw a slash of purple behind a tent. We walked over towards the tent beside it and saw that they had found Seto, and some other girl. I let out a sigh of relieve. We waited about 20 minutes before following them. Danielle stumbled and fell behind us, but I didn't have time to stop so I kept walking and so did Jenna. Then something made me freeze. I slowly turned around and saw a man with light brown hair, bright blue eyes, with his dagger to Danielle's neck. She didn't move. He moved his other hand to her neck, next to the sword. I saw that he had a small needle. He pricked her neck with it and she closed her eyes and went limp. Jenna gasped. The man turned toward us, "Don't move, or she will die, and that, would be a shame." He looked down at her. He yelled something to two other men and they came over and grabbed me and Jenna. Instead of just guiding us to where ever they were taking us they just lifted their hands to our neck and used the same needle they did on Danielle. This can't be happening, I thought as darkness enclosed me.

*Ty's p.o.v*

We walked up the path back to the castle. Jenna was gong to kill me. I didn't know who this girl was that Seto brought back, but her eyes were a light yellow... Is that not weird to anyone else? When we walked in we went straight to the living room where everyone said they would wait. Seto went in and was greeted by everyone, although the girl got weird looks. "Who is that?" Sky finally asked. "Oh, um, this is Ivy, she is on our side." He started. I had the feeling he was leaving something else out but didn't say anything. "Well I'm going to go see Jenna. She is most likely going to kill me." I smiled. "Yeah, I'm going to see Madison." Jerome said. "And I'm going to get Danielle," Tyler said, "She has been up there with them all day, she said they were pretty upset." I ran upstairs with Jerome and Tyler behind me. I opened the door, but she wasn't there. My stomach dropped. "No, no, no, no!" I said loudly. Tyler and Jerome ran into my room and they were panicking too. "No....." Tyler said and sat down on a chair. Jerome just stood there, "They followed us... Didn't they!" He sounded angry but upset and that's how I felt too. "Something happened to them we have to go back!" Jerome yelled. By then the rest of TeamCrafted had came up the stairs. I stood up, "We should have just let them come and this wouldn't be happened!" I pounded my fist on the wall. Tyler looked in shock, but when the girl that Seto brought came in, he jumped up, "You had something to do with this! Didn't you?" The girl hid behind Seto, and shook her head, "I didn't know." I put my head in my hands. "Guys, we can't go back right now, that's what they are expecting and they will catch us too. Then no one can help them." Sky said sounding upset as well. I took a shaky breath." I would rather be in there with them than here not knowing if they are ok." I said. Suddenly the girl perked her head up, "The three girls, Danielle, is alive but asleep. The rest are the same as her." Everyone looked ta her surprised, she even looked suprised. "W-what? What was that Seto? Why did I know that!?" She sounded scared. "Shhhh. It's ok, I don't know, but it's ok." He told her soothingly. He turned towards us, I know this isn't what you want to hear right now, but if we don't get them back soon, that guy we saw in black? Yeah, he is a sorcerer and can and will take control of them. We can stop him though it takes a while for the spell to work. Ivy, is a witch, so she could fight it. But them?" He didn't finish.

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