Chapter 25- Revenge

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*Danielle's p.o.v*

I woke up and looked at the clock. 8:30. I tried to groan but it turned into a sigh. I guess it has something to do with not being able to speak above a whisper. Only 30 minutes left until I could talk normally. I got up and got dressed. "Hi." I heard Tyler whisper. He was looking over at me, and I had just taken off my shirt, leaving me in my bra. I blushed, "Tyler!" I scolded, talking as loudly as possible. In my mind I promised to kill Seto. I held my shirt over me. He blushed and turned away, saying something, I coudln't hear. Again, Seto. You're dead. I got dressed in the bathroom, since Tyler was awake. I walked back out and Tyler was asleep again. I smiled softly and ran my fingers through his hair. He smiled in his sleep and sighed. I walked out the door and slowly opened Jason's door and poked my head in to see if Jenna was asleep. She was, Jason had his arm around her and they were both smiling in their sleep. I smiled, they were cute together, but if Jason hurts her, me and Madison would kill him in his sleep, But I have a feeling Jenna and Mitch would take care of that before us. And I'm not sure about the whole Jerome and Madison thing but if Jerome hurt Madison, me and Jenna would gladly murder him too. I put my head in Jerome's room and saw Madison was halfway laying on him. Her head was on his chest and her arms were across his stomach. He had his arms around her, as if in a hug. I smiled, "Finally Madison!" I thought in my head. I closed the door and turned around to see Jenna. "I thought you were sleeping." I said, still whispering. "I was until I heard a door close." She whispered looking at me suspiciously. Jerome's door opened behind us. Madison walked out, "Hey, what are you guys doing? By the way, why Seto! This is so annoying." She said trying to talk above a whisper. "I laughed, "I don't know. I just woke up, then Jenna, and now you." Jenna spoke up, "Hey, it's almost nine, lets go to the living room so we don't wake them." We agreed and went downstairs into the living room. "Ok, so I get to ask a question first!" I gasped a little when I heard my voice. I wasn't whispering anymore. "Ok," Madison and Jenna agreed. "Ok, Madison, what's up with you and Jerome? I know Tyler knows but he never said anything." She turned a  little pink, "He kissed me. That's all honestly." I smiled. "So, he finally knows you like him!" She nodded, "I guess so!" "Ok Jenna's turn!" Madison said. "Hmmm. Ok. Danielle. What do you like best in Tyler?" I blushed. There were a lot of things I liked about him. The way he laughs, his hair, his smile, the way his eyes twinkled when he laughed or looked at me. I sighed, "Everything I guess." Madison and Jenna made oooo noises. I stuck my tongue out at them. "Ok Jenna," Madison said, "What's up with you and Mitch?" Jenna gulped. "Um nothing is up with us." She said looking worried. "Hmm you seem to be lying." I said. Jenna sighed, "I guess I can tell you guys." She said looking down. "Please don't hate me Madison" "Why would I be mad?" Madison asked, confused. "You'll see. OK. I have been keeping this in for so long and I hate talking about it. I che-" Madison cut her off. She told us to be quiet. I listen and heard something move on the other side of the door. We slowly moved closer to the door.

*Jenna's p.o.v*

I was glad I didn't have to tell them about Mitch and Jerome. Cause if I did not only would Jason find out, Madison would also kill me. Something fell on the other side of the door, "Great job Tyler." I sounded like Jason. "Yes, they won't find us if you fall, five thousand times." Came Jerome's voice. Oh crap! Good thing I didn't say my confession.  I frowned. They were spying on us. I motioned for Madison and Danielle to follow me back to the other side of the room. "I have an idea." I whispered my idea to them. They nodded. Madison did the first part, "Guys you know what? I don't think I like Jerome. I mean he has an axe he calls Betty. He is so strange!" She winked at us, trying not to laugh. "Yeah," Danielle  continued, "I mean Tyler is so weird! He talks like an old lady sometimes, is that weird or what?" Now it was my turn, "I think we should forget boys. Jason is just to weird too. He wears a space suit and calls a pig Jeffery." That was it. All three of the guys ran in. "WHAT!?" Jason yelled. "I THOUGHT YOU LIKED BETTY!" Jerome yelled. "I THOUGHT YOU SAID MY JANET VOICE WAS FUNNY!" Tyler said. We fell over laughing. I couldn't talk or breath. I was laughing too hard. Jason put his hand to his face, "Guys, they are messing with us. They knew we were outside."  "REVENGE!" Madison yelled and laughed. Jerome looked down at her and sighed, "So you don't think those things?" While laughing she shook her head no. He picked her up and kissed her on the head, "Well then I'm sorry for spying." She smiled up at him in between laughs. Jerome looked at me with a look that made me scared. Tyler took Danielle by the hand, "Do you actually think that?" She shook her head still laughing, "Of course not! I love Janet." He smiled and hugged her. I turned, trying to stop laughing and Jason was there. He placed his forehead on mine. "Do you really think I'm weird for wearing a space suit and naming a pig Jeffery?" He asked softly, sounding hurt. "People may think you're weird for it, but to me I think its cute." He kissed me on the lips. "Sorry." He muttered. "It's ok." I say smiling at him. "Hey," he asked his head still resting on mine, "do you want to be um my girlfriend?" I bit my lip. "Do you want me to be?" He looked at me surprised, "Of course." I smiled. I thought for a moment though. I don't know if I should. I mean I still like Mitch, but he is mad at me. And Jerome had Madison. I sighed. "Can I think about it for a while?" He frowned a little, but nodded. "Take as long as you need." He said as he kissed me. Everyone was watching us. Tyler was smirking and Madison and Danielle were smiling. Jerome was frowning. Ugh why is he mad at me? "Ok then." Tyler said, "Let's just all stare at them and say nothing! Great plan guys!" Danielle turned to him and stood on er tiptoes and kissed his cheek. He looked surprised, "What was that for?" She shrugged, "I don't know, everyone else kissed." He laughed and pulled her closer, kissing her. I looked at Madison who had the same smile I had. "WE R IN PUBLIC PEOPLE!" We yelled as they jumped apart blushing. "Huh," Madison said, "I would have rather given him a black eye, but this will do as revenge for now." Tyler glared at her and she laughed, hiding her face in Jerome's chest. Jerome walked over to me after everyone left the room. I gulped. "Yes Jerome?" I said. "You keep your mouth shut about what happen that night. I swear if you hurt Madison. I'll kill you before she does." He said before he walked out. What happened to my best friend. I sighed and walked out of the living room. I walked outside and found a good spot to relax at. Well so I thought.

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