Chapter 42- Truth (Part 2)

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*Grace's p.o.v*

I woke up that morning and noticed Adam wasn't awake. I had noticed no one else called him Adam, but I liked the name. I rubbed my eyes and noticed my contacts were still in....I have contacts that are bright blue and everyone, including Ty, thought they were blue. They were actually even a deeper gold than my hair. I had always used color contacts, since it was so unnatural and I knew no one would like it and most people would avoid me if they knew. I carefully stood up, slowly moving Adam's arm, trying not to wake him up. I hurried to his bathroom and closed the door. I searched for contact solution. I took out my contacts and placed them by the sink. I bent down to the bottom cabinet and found some contact solution. When I stood up, Adam was behind me. I froze. "What are you doing?" He asked. He hadn't noticed my eyes yet. Good. "I-I" I began. "Why do you need contact solution?" He asked, sounding confused. I looked down, He grabbed my hands and spun me around. He saw my eyes and gasped. "Y-your eyes..." He started. "I know. They aren't normal." I frowned and looked down. "No!" He said trying to get me to look at him, "They're beautiful." He whispered. "Really?" I was surprised. "Really. Why would you hide something so gorgeous?" He looked at me, bewildered. I blushed and turned away from him, "Everyone will think I am weird. No one likes them." "How do you know!? If you wear contacts no one can see them. I love them." He protested. I reached out to pick up my contacts and he grabbed my hand. "No Grace. No contacts." I sighed, "Adam-" "No" He cut me off, "At least not today. Ok?" He was still looking at my eyes. "Ok...." I frowned, "But no one will like them. "Stop saying that! Yes, they will Grace." He said. Ty opened the door, his face was red, "Dude, what are you yelling about?" "I'm not yelling." Adam sighed, "Did you know your sister wore contacts?" Ty's eyes widened, "No" He looked at me, "Whoa....They are the color of gold." "Butter." Adam corrected him. "Butter?" I asked. Ty sighed, "It's what Sky calls gold." "And it's the correct name for it." Adam declared. "Anyways can I put my contacts back in now?" I asked tired of discussing this. "No." Adam and Ty said at the same time. Ty reached over and picked up my contacts from the sink. "Hey!" I protested. "Mine!" Ty said and ran from the room. I groaned and sat on the bed, "I'm not leaving this room, Adam." He sighed and walked out the door. A few minutes passed and he came back, followed by Ivy. Ivy came and sat beside me. Adam walked out of the room again. "I heard about your eyes." She said. She actually sounded calm, usually she was hyper. I nodded, "It's weird right?" She snorted, "Who wants to be normal? Wait, no, who is normal? I mean look at my eyes! They are a bright yellow!" She laughed. I looked over at her. I hadn't noticed before, but they were a bright yellow. "No one laughs at me! They actually think it kinda cool." She said slightly smiling. She smirked, "And Sky seems to like them. By the way why do you call him Adam?" I shrugged, "It's his name, and it's what I've always called him." She nodded, "Come on, let's go." She stood up and walked out the door. I followed her. We went to the living room, where everyone was sitting. Madison, Shadow, and Danielle all gasped. "Ohhhh, that's so pretty!" Danielle said, jumping up and down. I laughed and sat by Adam. "See? I told you no one would say it was weird. I don't even think any of the other guys noticed." He laughed a little. I looked over at Jenna. She looked upset about something. She saw me looking at her and she glared at me. I turned back to Adam and smiled, "I guess so." He smirked, "Good, because I think Ty ruined your contacts." "Ty!" I yelled. He had been sitting by Shadow and he jumped up, and ran from the room. "I should chase him, but I'm curious how long it will be before he relaizes I'm not chasing him..." I said smiling. We all watched the door for about 6 or 7 minutes before he poked his head in. "I won the bet!" Tyler yelled in Danielle's ear. "Tyler! You don't have to yell! I'm right here." She yelled back. "Ok, ok, just saying." He said raising his hands.

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