Chapter 21- Escaping

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

 It had been almost four days since we had arrived here, and nothing, I haven't found anything that I didn't already know. Everyone had told me the same thing. To kill TeamCrafted. We knew that, we needed to know why. I mean we have had ideas why, but we want to know exactly why, but it looks like we won't know. We are only staying for five days, tomorrow we leave. "This whole trip was pointless!" Madison groaned. "We still have tomorrow." I say, trying to sound hopeful. She gave me a half laugh, "And tomorrow will be any different?" "Probably not." I admitted. It was probably twelve in the morning. "I'm going to sleep." I announced and laid down towards the wall. *Next day* I woke up probably about 6 in the morning. I stood up and stretched. Madison was already up. "Hey, I think I have a way we can get information easier. Instead of asking people who most likely don't have a clue or won't tell us, lets just go sneak around that man in black's tent. Someone said he was having a visitor today." "Why didn't we do this earlier!" I asked. "Well if we got caught today, it really doesn't matter as long as they throw us out." She explained. "Um, and if they don't decide to throw us out?" I asked, although I knew the answer. Madison did a cutting motion across her throat."Yep that's what I thought." I said exiting the tent. Already a lot of people were up, walking around. It wouldn't be hard to sneak around with everyone blocking us, and everyone was doing their own thing, not paying any attention. Me and Madison crouched down outside his tent, strangely, no one would get even remotely close to the tent. It was easy to hear through the tent and before lone I heard voices. "I mean, I'm sorry sir, I just don't understand. How can ruling one kingdom help you with this?" There was an annoyed sigh from another voice, "Let me explain this again. If I get this kingdom under my rule, I can use its armies to conquer more of them, and then I can use those, and so on and so forth." "I-I see." said the first voice. "Now will you help me or not?" Asked the second voice, which sounded colder and less friendly than the first voice. "Yes, I will." said the first voice. I turned toward Madison and mouthed, "Leave or stay loner?" She mouthed back "Stay."

*Jason's p.o.v*

We decided to spend the day walking around since we figured we wouldn't find any information we didn't already know. We were going to try and meet up with Madison and Jenna to see what time we would meet to leave, but we couldn't find them. We walked down the the tents and looked around but didn't find them. Finally the last place was the bigger tents. I looked at Jerome and Seto and they just shrugged. We walked to the big tent, they were all black. We looked around for a while before giving up. We started to go back to our tent when we heard shouts from two tents over. We walked over and Madison and Jenna were trying to run from two guards. The guards were faster though and they soon caught them, holding their arms behind them. They were trying to kick the guards, but the guards ddn't care. I froze and I felt Jerome tense beside me. Soon a crowd had gathered around and we tried to mix in with it. We made our way to the front of the crowd. A guy in all black stepped out front the tent. He was the guy we had to talk to on our first day. I assumed he was the leader, but now I'm sure of it.

*Jenna's p.o.v*

I stood there, not moving. I had given up on kicking the guard, since he didn't seem to feel it and if he did le me go, where would I go? People had gathered all around in a circle. I saw Jason, Jerome, and Seto off to my right. Madison hadn't given up on kicking the man that was holding her, but soon she noticed them too. She finally gave up on attacking the man. The man in all black came out, a long black cape thing behind him. He had a tsk sound in his throat. "Well, what do we have here? Spies? Well, who were you spying for?" He asked going up to Madison and putting his hand under her chin, making her look at him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jerome glaring at the man and Jason put a hand on his shoulder. She tried to bite him and he removed his hand. He frowned and walked over to me asking the same thing. I turned my head. "Fine. You won't talk? Well in the time you will. For now I can just.....keep you." He said with a smirk, He looked at me and Madison. We both glared at him, and I was pretty sure that Jerome and Jason were also glaring at him. "Put them in my tent for now. I have other things to do right now. Alright, everyone back to work!" He commanded and walked off. Everyone broke off in groups and wandered off. The two men pulled us both to the tent and tied our hands and feet. After they left Madison said, "Not this again!" It took me a minute to realize what she was talking about. "Yeah, except I have a feeling this is worse." I commented. Madison nodded in agreement. After what seemed like hours there was a movement from the front of the tent. We both groaned assuming it was the man in black. Then Jason and Jerome half fall half walk into the tent. They ran over to us and tried to untie both of us. "What type of rope is this?" Demanded Jason, "It won't even loosen!" Jerome looked around until his eyes stopped on a dagger not far away. He cut Madison free with it then gave it to Jason and he cut me free. "Where is Seto?" Madison asked. Jason and Jerome looked at each other, "He is distracting the guards." "What do you mean?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Um he is kinda running around with a letter opener and a stapler and screaming that he will take over the wolrd and staple everyone together. The guards can't even catch him." Explained Jerome. I laughed. We all walked out of the tent. We saw Seto run by and Jerome motioned him to come on. We all ran up the hill. Arrows went by us as we ran. We made it to the top of the hill. We were about to run down the hill when I felt a sharp pain in my thigh. I looked down and saw an arrow had hit me. I turned toward Jason, who had came up the hill and hasn't seen the arrow had hit me. He turned toward me just as another arrow hit me in the side of the stomach. I gasped and feel to the ground. Jason's face turned White and carefully picked me up and carried me over the hill until the shouting was gone and no one was chasing us. He placed me on the ground. I saw Jerome place Madison on the ground next to me. Her eyes were closed. "Wh-what happen?" I asked, it hurt to talk. "She got hit in her arm and lower back. She should be fine." Jerome said, sounding shaken up. I looked up at Jason and Jerome who were standing. Jerome had an arrow in his side and another in his foot. Jason had one in his arm and his waist. I gasped. "Your hurt." "We'll be fine." Jason said, brushing my hair our of my eyes. "Do you want to try to go back to the castle?" He asked. I tried to nod but everything went black.

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