Chapter 40- Plan

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

We all sat around talking for a while, Sky asked Ty to take the girl to another room, so everyone could talk. I was going to protest. I don't want that evil thing around my brother. Ty could see that I wanted to say something, but he just shook his head at me. He mumbled something under his breath before pulling her up and halfway dragging her out the door. "Hey! I can walk, ya know.!" She protested. He looked at her, surprised that she had spoken. She hasn't said hardly anything. She was so different than everyone else that had gotten here. Sure, when Madison was caught, she did try to attack people, but she had talk and was at least a little friendly. Danielle didn't talk much, but she did seem a little scared about it. And me.... I had just sort of adapted to it pretty fast, everything had been so confusing. Now, sitting here watching the girl struggle with Ty, I realized we had all given up on escaping for the same reason. We had found someone. I watched my brother fight argue with her for a minute, before Ty threw his hand sup in defense, "Fine! I give up! Just walk then! But I swear if you run..." He walked out the door, the girl smiled and followed him. I growled at her smile. I guess she didn't run since there wasn't any more shouting."Ok," Sky said turning towards everyone, "We need to get her to talk, I got nothing from her, at all. She just sat there smiling the whole time....She is a little strange... But not really weird like Ivy.." Ivy beamed...I guess she liked the fact that she was thought of as weird. Sky just sort of blinked at her for a minute before shaking his head. Ivy suddenly got up and skipped out of the room. "Um, sorry?" Said Sky, sounding confused. Seto sighed, "No, she is going to 'find the spirit of this house'. I have no idea, she has been acting weird lately, I think it has something to do with that her po-" he stopped himself. "What?" Mitch asked, turning towards Seto. Seto shook his head, "Not my story to tell." Was all he said, ignoring any more questions about it. "Seto We have to know, it could be something else since that girl is acting strange too." Sky protested. Seto gave an exasperated sigh, "Fine. Ivy could possibly be a very rare form of a witch, that has really powerful magic.That can be good or bad. And whenever you get your magic, you act strange when you are receiving all of it, since when you are younger, it comes slowly, but when you are about 19 or so, it comes really fast. That causes the magic to make you act strange for a while since she could become three times more powerful than me, it seems to have a big effect on her." He explained. Everyone just kind of stared at him. "You only got about half of that didn't you?" He said, sounding tired. "So, what you're saying is, that other girl is a witch?" Jerome asked slowly. Seto facepalmed, "No, Jerome. I don't mean that. I mean that is what's wrong with Ivy, not that girl. I would know if that girl was a witch, trust me." "Oh."Jerome answered. "Well, then I guess that's not that other girl's problem..." Mitch said. "Ok, back to what we were talking about." Sky interrupted, "We have to get information from her and me talking to her, obviously ins't working and I have the feeling she won't talk to any of guys." They all turned towards me, Madison, and Danielle, who hadn't been really paying attention. "I'd be glad to talk to her!" Madison said jumping up, smiling. "Really?" Jerome asked, "I thought you-oh..No. You aren't talking to her." He said realizing why she was happy about it. She frowned and sat back down. "Ugh, you know me too well." She complained suppressing a smile. (i don't know if I used that word right...) "I was thinking maybe Danielle?" Sky said. "What? Why me?" She asked confused. "Well we can most likely trust you not to attack her and you are a little nicer than them..." He said looking at me and Madison. (okay THAT IS A LIE XD SHE IS SO VIOLENT IRL also if you didn't know I'm using Madison and Danielle because they are my best friends irl sooo yeah) "You think I don't want too? She kissed Tyler! I want to murder her! In her sleep!" Danielle yelled. Tyler avoided looking at anyone. "I won't be able to." She said. Sky sighed, "Ok then, Madison definitely ins't going, so I guess Jenna will have to go" I shrugged trying not to grin. I won't kill her....Most likely... "Why not?" I said and walked out to go find her. I walked down the hall way until I came to Ty's room and opened the door. She was sitting on the bed glaring at hims and he was sitting in a desk chair glaring at her. "Well glad to see my brother and a stranger getting along great." I said sarcastically. "She tried to take my headphones." He said flatly. "I'm so sorry Ty. But you can go away now." I said. He didn't even question it, he just walked out. The girl looked weirdly at me, "Why'd you do that?" I shrugged, "You guys don't like each other, so I figured I'd make him leave, and I would stay." She looked at me for a minute but then her expression hardened, "But you're one of them too, so what difference does it make? I don't like anyone this is a part of them." I looked surprised, "Actually, no, I'm not really. I came here the same way you did." Her eyes narrowed, "So you know how annoying this is? And how did those other girls get here? Same way?" I nodded, "Yep... Not really sure why he keeps sending girls since this keeps happening, but yeah." She laughs, "I know." I looked up, "What?" She sneered, "You think I'd tell you?" I shrugged, "Fine, HEY MADISON COME HERE!" I yelled. She looked alarmed, "No, no,no! Don't call her! She has a knife and I'm pretty sure she will attack me with it." I suddenly realized something. I told Ty to go back with the girl and went to find Sky. He and the others were where I had left them. Before I could tell him, he interrupted, "Hey, I was just about to ask, what made you guys not want to escape? Like the whole story?" Sky asked. "Uh....Um..." I stuttered looking down, avoiding Jason and Mitch. Danielle looked at the ceiling, and Madison studied her knife, until Jerome took it from her, since she wasn't suppose to have it.... Ivy had returned and she looked at her feet. Ian laughed, "Guys they aren't going to answer with you in here." "But..." Jason started to protest. "Why?...." Jerome asked. "Why not?" Mitch and Tyler asked at the same time. Seto facepalmed again, "You guys are so smart. Come on." Ivy started to followed. "Stay Ivy." Sky said. She looked surprised, "Why?" Sky looked at her weird, 'Ok, so you mean that if they had come to rescue Seto and Seto wasn't going to go with them, you would've willingly gone with them?" She blushed and looked at the ground. "No, I would've stayed." Seto turned red too, and walked out the  door. Mitch, Jason, Jerome, and Tyler followed. "Ok," Ian said smiling, "Storied! Yaay!" Madison blinked at him, "Something's wrong with you....." He rolled his eyes, "Whatever. So why did you guys stay?" "What type of question is that?" Danielle demanded. "You guys obviously know." "Well, just describe why." Sky said calmly. "Um, ok?" I ask, puzzled. "Well, when I came here I obviously tried to kill Ian..." I said smiling at Ina, I used to afraid to talk to him about it, now I used it to annoy him. He glared at me, "Really? Had to bring that up, every chance you get, don't you?" I beamed, "Yep. Anyways, I'll be honest, I had no clue what was happening and I was cared, Scared of people finishing me, knowing I failed. Scared of what you guys might do, but there was also this feeling I hid. I wanted so badly to hurt all of you. When I was first caught I really really wanted to hurt you all. Then around sometime, I guess that day when me and Jason played video games, it started to fade... A-and then," I blushed a little at this part," After Jason kissed me, it was completely gone." I left out the parts about kissing Mitch. "And I guess Mitch just became so close with me I couldn't leave him like that so I stayed. And if I didn't I wouldn't have met my brother." I said smiling at Ty. He returned it. I sighed and looked at everyone else expecting them to just be looking at me like that was no help at all but Sky looked like he had found an answer. He asked Madison and Danielle and they had a similar answer. Ivy said nothing. "Ivy? What about you?" Danielle asked. She turned to Danielle, "I was different. There was white light all around me, because it all happened at once. S-Seto had told me that, the man would kill him if he didn't join and he wasn't going to join anytime soon....Then there was white light and suddenly I saw everything wrong with the man's plan. All I cared about was getting out of there with Seto." Sky looked at her, "Looks like we found our answer..." He mumbled. He looked at Madison, "I can't believe I'm saying this. Madison, I want you to go talk to her. Just talk. Don't harm her, and hand me the knife in your boot." She looked at him, "How did you...? Never mind..." She handed him the knife and left the room.

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