Chapter 45- Sky has a crush cx

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*Sky's p.o.v*

I watch with a smile on my face, as Jason ran up to Jenna. I had never seen someone look so happy before. From what I heard that man, Blake, supposedly had to kill him. I can't even imagine how much Jenna hates him. He had tried to kill Jason and he hurt Shadow and Grace. I looked over at Grace. She still looked shaken and I put my arm around her. She looked up at me, and wrapped her arms around me, "I thought he was going to kill me Adam, I thought he did kill Jason, because of me. And I'm pretty sure Jenna hates me even more." She said shakily. I stroked her air, "No, Ty wouldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let that happen, and he didn't try to kill Jason because of you. He did it to hurt Jenna, so she can't hate you." I didn't mention how Ty had hit Blake and that was why he tried to kill Jason. She looked up at me, with her beautiful eyes and smiled. I smiled back at her. I heard Jerome whisper to Ian, "See? Told you they would like each other eventually." I looked over at them and they were looking at me and Grace. Grace blushed and looked at the floor and I turned red. "N-no. She is upset" I stammered. Ian laughed and shrugged, "Whatever you say." I turned back to Grace, 'Are you better now?" I asked, ignoring Jerome and Ian. She nodded. Everyone started to go back to bed, even though most probably wouldn't be able to sleep. I turned into my room and closed the door, laying down on the bed. It couldn't have been more than three minutes, when I heard a knock at the door. I groaned and stood up. I opened the door and Grace stood there, looking at the ground. "Hey Adam? I, um, well I don't want to really sleep alone, know....." She trailed of looking up at me. I nodded, "Um, sure." She looked at me with her big butter/golden eyes. Even in the dark, light reflected off of her hair, which is the same shade as her eyes, making her hair shine beautifully. I thought about what Jerome said. Me liking her. I don't do I? Maybe a little...But wouldn't Ty be mad? He said he didn't care though.....I hadn't realized I had been string off until Grace spoke up, "Adam? You ok?" She was standing in front of me. I smiled and nodded. I laid down and she laid down beside me. I noticed she was still wearing what she had been wearing the first day she arrived. "Do you not have any different clothes?" I asked, not trying to sound rude, I was just confused. She hesitated, "Um, no they are with my stuff." "Oh ok." I replied, "We can get your stuff tomorrow." She hesitated again, "That won't be necessary." I looked at her, puzzled, "Why not?" She looked down, "I don't exactly own my stuff anymore...I had to sell it." "What?" I asked shocked, "I thought you were traveling the world." She nodded, "That was originally the plan, but then I didn't have as much money as I thought and things went down hill." She shrugged. "Why didn't you go to Ty!" I demanded. "I-I don't know, Adam, it's not that big of a deal." She protested. "Yes it is!" I exclaimed pulling her up by her arm. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Ty." I muttered.

*Grace's p.o.v*

Why do we have to go to Ty about this!? I didn't want anyone to know, but Adam had found out and he wouldn't let go of my arm. "Adam, your hurting my arm." I mumbled. His expression softened and he loosened his grip. He opened Ty's door, "Ty! Did you know about this?" He demanded. Ty sat up groggily, "About what?" "Your sister being homeless! How could you not know!?" He demanded, waking up Shadow. Ty looked at me, "Grace! Why didn't you tell me!? I coudld've helped you!" I looked away, "I didn't want to be a bother. I wanted to think I didn't need you,that I could always take care of myself. But I can't, Ty, I can't. Truth is I need my brother." I smiled slightly. He walked over and hugged me, "I'm sorry Grace. I shoudl've been there for you. I will be from now on." I laughed a little. "This doesn't mean you will become overprotective, does it?" He smiled, "No promises." I rolled my eyes at him. "At least one sister isn't snotty to me." Ty whispered to himself. "One sister?" I said confused. "Oops meant to say that to myself." Ty said. "Good job Ty." Adam said. "You can explain in the morning. Can we go now Adam?" I asked. He laughed and nodded. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the door, "I'm still not sleeping alone." I said, mostly to see Ty's reaction. He raised an eyebrow but laid back down. Adam allowed me to pull him out the door and back into his room. I laid down and felt Adam lay down next to me. Suddenly he spoke up, "Let me see you arm." He said sitting up. I looked at him strangely but held up my arm. He looked at it and pulled the sleeve up. I had a scar by my shoulder and I winced when he saw it. "What happened?" He asked quietly. "Some guys. They didn't believe I didn't have any money." I answered, not looking at him. He looked alarmed, "Th-they didn't do anyhting else, did they?" "What do you-Oh, no. They just cut my arm and my stomach." I turned red, realizing what he was implying. He lifted up the hem of my shirt and looked at my scar that went from the bottom right side of my rib cage to the left side of my hip, making a slash. I turned red and avoided looking at him. I noticed there was a bruise on my left side of my stomach from where Blake punched me. Adam noticed and grimaced. "That should heal." He said quietly and let go. "The scar and the bruise...It happened recently, didn't it?" I nodded slowly, "It's why I got contacts. They did it because of my eyes, they said I was too weird, that I was a freak." He grabbed my hands, "Grace, listen to me. Your eyes, are the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I wouldn't ever want to change them. Your hair either. You are beautiful and those guys must have been mental not to see it." He brushed a piece of hair away from my face. "Promise me not to wear contacts any more?" He asked quietly. I sighed, "Promise." He stared at me for a moment before kissing my cheek. "Thank you." He said softly. I blushed and looked at him. I smile and he smiled back. I smirked, "Your welcome." I replied, brushing my lips across his. He looked at me, "Well that's a little mean." He said pretending to sound hurt. "Sorry." I said laughing. Suddenly his lips slammed into mine. I tensed, surprised, but relaxed into the kiss. His lips fit perfectly on mine. Suddenly he pulled back, "And now Ty is going to kill me." He half laughed. I frowned, "No he won't." It felt awkward now so I just laid down and rolled over. "Goodnight." I said my voice barely above a whisper. "Night." He replied, sighing.

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