Chapter 34- Saving the girls

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*Jerome's p.o.v*

I sat on the couch and stared into nothingness. I let out a sigh. I hadn't done anything since last night. I couldn't sleep the night before and had spent most of the night looking at the empty space on the bed. They wouldn't ever be turned against us, would they? They would, if he turned them. I couldn't let that happen, Seto said we had to get them in time and he could save them, but Sky is still convinced that it was a trap. Tyler hasn't even tried to make a joke, or laugh about anything. Jason doesn't have the glint of happiness in his eyes, like he usually did. He didn't even notice anyone or anything. I guess he was like I am right now. But Ty? He is still the same old Ty. He dosen't show sadness like me, Jason, and Tyler. You would think he would because his sister is gone. Sky walked into the living room and started to say something. Jason stood up, "No Sky! No! I'm not waiting any more! And I think I speak for Jerome, Tyler, and Ty when I say, I'm going to find her-them wither you say I can or not!" Sky stared at Jason for a minute, "I was actually going to tell you to go, but take Seto with you. Take Ivy with you too, we can't have anymore of this happening." Sky said. "Sorry, Sky. I'm just worried and afraid and..." Jason said putting his head in his hands. "It's alright." Sky said, "Tyler, will you go get Seto and Ivy?" Tyler nodded and stood up.

*Ivy's p.o.v*

I was in Seto's room and had to sleep in his room the night before. I had blushed when he out his arm around me, but didn't object. Now he was teaching me how to control my magic. "Ok, so we need to find out what color magic you have, so we know what you specialize in. Mine is purple so I can do a little bit of everything, So lets just do a test. Try to just shoot out a spark at...This...Brush." He said picking up a brush and putting it in front of me. "Just think about what you want it to do." He said watching me. I did what he said and suddenly sparks flew out and hit the brush. He gasped and backed away from me. He actually looked scared. I felt a jolt of sadness go through me. What did I do? I wasn't sure, "S-Seto? What's wrong?" I said afraid I might cry, I had actually made a friend, and a crush, but now my friend who defended me, was walking away from me. He looked at me, eyes wide, "D- dark green.It hasn't been seen in years. It either means that you are destined to horribly evil things or wonderful things. Y-you specialize in everything but, once trained well, you could kill a person with a flick of your hand. But you could also heal a person, even if they were on the verge of death." He explained. He slowly regained his calm state. "Oh, so, you hate me now?" I said tears coming to my eyes. He looked horrified, "No, no, no! I don't! I promise I don't!" He said pulling me into an embrace. "It just scared me, that you could do that. I know you wouldn't kill anyone though." He said softly. I started to cry, "But I have Seto! I have! Just like those other girls that were here and are missing now. I've killed people, innocents." I cried into his shoulder. He stroked my hair, "Hey, it's ok Ivy. We forgave them, we can forgive you. After it's just what you are trained to do. No one here will judge you because of that." He said, brushing my hair behind my ear. I blinked up at him, "Really?" "Really." He let out a small smile. "Heck, I couldn't stop liking you if I tried." He said the last part more to himself. I looked at him, "What? You like me?" He sighed, "So much, you wouldn't believe it." Then he out his face next to mine so our noses were touching. "I like you too." I breathed. His hand cupped my face and he kissed me. We pulled back and looked at each other. Then there was a knock at the door, "Hey, I'm not going to come in, because I learned from Jason, Jenna, Jerome, and Madison, that I don't want to, but Sky says we need you two to find the girls." "Ok, Tyler." Seto answered. He kissed me one more time, before taking my hand and leading me out the door. When we went downstairs Jason was practically jumping up and down, Jerome was trying to get Seto to hurry, Tyler looked stressed, and Ty just stood there waiting. Seto and I made it down the stairs, no one commented on us holding hands, although Jason gave us a funny look and Tyler barley smirked. Jerome opened the door and everyone folowed him out.

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