Chapter 43- Protective

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*Ty's p.o.v*

I smiled and came back in the room, sitting down next to Shadow. She had made friends with Danielle and was talking to her. As she talked, she tossed her long black hair over her shoulder. I thought about how Grace had been hiding her eyes this whole time, I'm not sure how I never found out though. Come to think of it, why had she been in Sky's bathroom? She was sitting beside him, laughing at something he said. If he liked her, I guess it doesn't matter. I mean, I'm not really protective over her, since I know she can take care of herself, but still. It made me feel a little uneasy. But when Jenna was with Jason I was ok with it. Guess I really did forget about her huh. I made up my mind that I would ask Sky, later, why she had been in his bathroom. I didn't want to ask him in front of her, she would probably get mad at me for being over protective....I'm not am I? I shook my head. Jerome walked over to me, "Hey, what's up?" I shrugged, "Nothing. Why?" He shrugged too, "I don't know, juts bored. Hey, have you noticed Grace seems interested in Sky?" I raised an eyebrow, "I-I don't know, how can you tell? I asked. He laughed, "For one thing, she calls him Adam and will talk to him. He found out about her eyes and she actually let her convince her not to wear contacts. You aren't going to get all protective, are you?" He asked me, smirking. I shook my head, "Nah, she can do what she wants. It doesn't matter. Plus I was fine with J...Jenna being with Jason.." I said. He noticed something was going on between me and Jenna but didn't ask. "Ok, whatever." He laughed. 'I'm not!" I claimed, a little loudly. Everyone turned to look at me for a minute before turning away. Tyler walked up to us,"Your not what?" Jerome told him before I could,"That he won't get protective over his sister liking Sky when we know he will." Tyler laughed. 'What's so funny about that?" I demanded. "Ok, so you mean if Grace and Sky kissed, right now, that you wouldn't feel protective at all?" Tyler asked. I scowled, "No. I wouldn't." Jerome shrugged and walked off, "Whatever." He called over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes. "So, have you talked tot Shadow?" Tyler asked, changing the subject. Grateful for a new subject. I sighed, "Not really, she seems kind of shy." Tyler nodded, "Yeah I waved hi to her and she looked scared, like I was going to attack her. It's hard to believe she's the same girl as before...." He trailed off, frowning. I sighed, "Well, she did say that she remembers what she did, and even though we've forgive her, I don't think she's forgiven herself. Especially you and Danielle." I looked towards Danielle who was talking to Shadow. Shadow looked uneasy, but happy. Tyler looked at them too, "I guess it would be kind of hard." We spent the rest of the day just talking about random things and watching TV. At about 10:30 pm people started heading to bed. Shadow had fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder and . of course, they made jokes about it, but I didn't move her. She started to wake up and opened her eyes. She noticed that her head had been on my shoulder and she blushed, "S-sorry." she stuttered. I laughed softly, "It's ok." She nodded uncertainly. "Really, it's fine." I reassured her. She half smiled and nodded, laying down on the couch. Sky came and sat by me. Grace had fallen asleep on the other couch and everyone else had left. "Hey." Sky greeted me. "Hey." I replied, looking at Shadow, she had fallen back asleep. "By the way, I wondering why Grace had been in your room this morning." I said, trying to sound relaxed about it. "Oh," he said, I noticed he turned a little red. "It was storming last night, and she got scared, She said she had been looking for you, but couldn't find you. So I let her stay in my room. That's all." He was very red by the time he finished. I nodded, my sister is sure a good liar. "Why?" Sky asked, "Are you afraid that I like her?" He had a strange look on his face. I shrugged, "Not really. She can do what she wants, she never has really needed me." He gave me a questioning look, "Ty, I wouldn't date your sister if it wasn't ok with you, and if I did, I would never hurt her." I nodded, "I know. Just for the record it would be ok... You like her eyes don't you? Because of the color?" He slowly nodded his head. I smirked, "Good luck then." I stood up carefully and picked up Shadow, not waking her. Sky smiled, "You too" I rolled my eyes at him and walked out the door, carrying Shadow. Half way to my room, she woke up, "Sorry, I fell asleep. You should have just woke me up." She said looking away form me. I chuckled, "It's fine." She nodded and still wouldn't look at me. I placed her on the bed and she slowly laid down, keeping her distance from me. I sighed, she was so shy, I don't think she will ever relax around any of us. The only person she seemed relaxed around was Ivy. I didn't bother to put my arm around her, since she would probably freak out more. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*Shadow's p.o.v*

I was sitting in their living room and the man in black appeared. I looked at him frightened. He smirked and sat beside me. I tried to move away, but I couldn't move at all. "They won't ever forgive you. You can say sorry all you want, but you will never be one of them. Here you could say sorry and there would be punishment, but you would be forgiven. But them? They won't forgive you." He laughed and dissolved into thin air. A knife flew by my head and I screamed. Then I woke up. Ty was shaking me awake, "Shadow! Shadow! Wake up, it's ok." He said pulling me into a hug. "It's ok." He whispered. For once I didn't move away from him, I just relaxed. "What was it?" He asked, sounding concerned. I sighed and told him. "Sorry, for waking you up." I muttered under my breath, no longer shaken from the dream. He snapped his head up, "Shadow. Stop. Just stop apologizing. Danielle has forgiven you, she wants to be your friend. Tyler too, and Madison no longer wants to kil you. No one is mad at you, we understand that wasn't you." He said softly. That was a lie. Only one person still hated me. I looked away, "But I-" "No." He turned to me to look at him. "We all forgive you. We want to be your friends but we can't if you just apologize all the time, for everything, even if you did nothing wrong." I tried to look away, but he rested his forehead on mine. I moved my eyes away. "Hey." He whispered, "Look at me." I looked up at his eyes and he smiled, "No one here is going to hurt you. No one is mad or anything. Ok?" I smiled, "Ok." I whispered back finally. He smiled softly, "Good, now go to sleep, he can't get you here." I looked at him doubtfully but laid down beside him, closer this time. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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