Chapter 41- Shadow

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*Madison's p.o.v*

I walked up to Ty's room and opened the door. When I walked in Ty jumped from his computer chair,"Madison, I don't like her as much as the next guy, but you can't kill her." I scowled and rolled my eyes, "Relax, Sky and Jerome took my knives." He looked at me for a minute, "Hand it over." He held his hand out. I scowled, "How do you people know these things!?" I reluctantly handed him the knife from my other boot. "Is that all?" He asked narrowing his eyes. I let out a sigh and reached into my back pocket and handed him a small dagger. 'There. That's all." I said still scowling. He half way smiled and left the room. The girl looked at me, wide eyed. "Why do you have so many weapons?" she asked cautiously. "Oh, you never know." I shrugged, and sat beside her. "Better to always be prepared." She looked at me, "If you are always prepared, then how did TeamCrafted capture you?" she asked snickering. I glared at her, "Look-" I stopped myself, "Sometimes things don't go as planned. Besides, I like it better here." I said coolly. She smirked, "Because of a guy?" I slowly nodded, "Yeah, that a problem?" "No, just makes my job easier." She replied smiling. I turned towards her, really wishing I had hidden my knives better. "What do you mean?" I hissed. She laughed, "It will make it easier to break TeamCrafted if three are heart broken." My eyes widen, "Don't go near them." I hissed. She laughed, "And that one....Jerome? He's next on my list." I couldn't take it anymore, she was not going near Jerome, I didn't care if Sky knew what was wrong with her or how to fix it. I looked around for something to use as a weapon, when Jerome walked in. His eyes immediately went to me, looking at my hands. I chuckled under my breath, he knows me too well. When he opened the door, I could see the rest of TeamCrafted had been listening through the door. "No.I'm not." Jerome said sounding irritated and turned towards me, "Madison, don't hurt her, Sky figured it out." He said, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me. I scowled, "I can't even hurt her a little?" "If we ever need someone to hurt her, you can be the one to do it." Sky said walking in. I smiled, "Good." The girl was looking at all of us, clearly frightened that they had heard her. "There's nothing wrong with me! Leave me alone!" She protested as they tried to get her to stand. Ty sighed, "Look, you can walk or we can carry you. Your choice." She just looked at him and frowned, "Fine." She stood up and followed Sky out the door. Ty followed behind her so she couldn't run. Jerome took me by the hand and led me out the door, following them. We went into, what I recognized as the infirmary. I sighed, smiling remembering when I had been hurt and Jerome had spent all night beside me. The girl went and sat on the bed, Ty standing on one side and Sky on the other. Seto walked in and sat in a chair in front of her. "Um what are you guys going to do?" she asked in a small voice. Seto slightly smiled, "We aren't going to hurt you...Or at least I think it won't." He mumbled the last part. "What?" she asked. "Nothing..." Seto replied,focusing. "What are you doing?" I finally asked, confused. Ian looked over, "Um well....." He turned towards the girl "Sky thinks, based on what Ivy says, that, all of the people, or at least the girls, are under some sort of spell. That makes them do what he wants them to do until it's broken....Did I get that right Sky?" He asked looking confused. Sky nodded, 'I think." "What!? There's nothing wrong with me!" The girl shot up from the bed but Ty and Sky grabbed her arms and pulled her back down. Seto shrugged, "If there isn't, this shoudln't do anything." He raised his hands and she tried to break away from their grip, but was unsuccessful. Seto put his hands down, "Sky let go of her arm." Sky muttered something under his breath. She suddenly pulled back her hand, pulling it close to her. Seto steppe back, looking shocked, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know it would do that..." Her hand looked like it had been burned. "I need Ivy..." Seto muttered and walked off to find her. Ty let her arm go and she held her hand. Ty sat beside he and gently took her hand. "It's not too bad.." He said, examining it. Ivy skipped in the room and stood where Seto had been standing, "Hi!" she said cheerfully, "I'm going to fix you! Without pain!" She smiled the whole time. "A-Are you ok?" The girl asked, looking at her, a little frightened. Seto came in, "She's fine.Just, overly cheerful..." Ivy smiled and took her hand. She flinched, and slightly jerked back. Ty took her other hand, and Ivy tried again. The girl's eyes glowed for only a split second, before the closed and she fell over, landing on Ty. I looked over at Jenna. Her eyes were filled with flames. "Um, was that suppose to happen?" Tyler asked, looking at the girl. Ivy nodded, "It wasn't a very strong spell...." "I guess he had a stronger one on you?" Seto suggested. "Guess so." she shrugged. Jenna walked over to the girl and Ty looked up at her cautiously, but didn't say anything. "So, is she going to act like that anymore?" Jenna said looking at the girl. "She shouldn't..." Seto looked over curiously. She moved beside Ty. She opened her eyes and sat up. She looked around the room, "Hi." she said sheepishly. "So...You remember what all has happened?" I asked, earing a look from Ty, evidently I wasn't suppose to ask her questions immediately....Oops..... She blinked at me, "Yes......Sorry." She half whispered the last part. "It's ok." Ty tod her, "What's your name?" He asked softly. I almost laughed at how Ty had easily forgiven her and also how Jenna was gonna explode. "Erm...I'm Shadow.." She said quietly. She looked up, glancing around at us. "That's a cool name." Ty said smiling. She smiled back. Before anyone else had the chance to say anything, the door opened up and a girl with golden (or budder, whicher seems to float your boat) colored hair walked in. She beamed at Ty, "Hey,brother!" I looked at Jenna who was looking at me in confusion. He frowned, sighing, "Grace, what are you doing here?" She smiled, "I heard there was going to be a fight sometime or something? I want to be apart of it." Ty sighed, "I would argue, but you will stay anyways, so what does it matter?" She grinned, "Yep. Hey Sky! And you other people whose names I forgotten at the moment!" Her blue eyes scanned the room until on me and they traveled to the other girls.

*Jenna's p.o.v*

Grace's, I think that's her name, scanned over Madiosn, Danielle, Shadow, and Ivy. They immidiatnely stopped on me. "Hey um Ty?" Grace said. "What?" Ty said. "Is that..." She didn't finish her sentence. "Well I have never seen you 4 girls before, but you," she said pointing at me, "I think I know, but I'm not sure." She slowly said. Sky sighed, "I'll explain." They walke dout of the room as they talked. Ty's eyes narrowed at Sky for a minute, then he just shrugged. I stood in front of him, tapping my foot. "What?" He said sounding annoyed. "You know what.. I'll talk to you later about it... If you need me I'll be in your room Ty." I said before walking away. I walked past Sky and gave him a look to keep his mouth shut out me and her being sisters cause I don't think I want to be sisters with that girl.

*Madison's p.o.v*

Jenna walked out of the room and went to Ty's room. "So a second sister huh?" I siad. He nodded slowly, "Yep, and nothing I do, will make her leave. Ever. I've tried."He laughed lightly, "And Sky isn't any help getting her to leave. "Why does she never remember our names!? We remember her's!" Mitch protested. Ty shrugged, "There are a lot of us." I looked at Shadow, "Um, I think Shadow fell asleep." She had her head on Ty's shoulder. Just then Grace and Sky walked back in. "Ok," Grace said, "I understand this better now, it's very.... interesting." She smiled at us all. She looked over at Shadow, asleep on Ty's shoulder. "Awww. Ty found a friend." She said smirking. He frowned at her, "Grace, shut up." She stuck her tounge at him and smiled.

A/N: TBH I have no idea what the heck I wrote. I feel like I'm going to hate Shadow XD I don't why I would hate a character I made.. maybe because she's all over Ty... I don't know but ya Updating spree because I wanna try and finish before I go to school. So ya more updating spree later. Bai!!!!!!

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