Chapter 4- Missing everyone?

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I followed Ian up the stairs. I didn't know why Jason had to go without me. I had never been alone with anyone else but him, what if some of the others didn't like me and treated me harshly? What is Ian was still mad at me for putting my sword at his neck? That was a kind of thing most people would be mad about. As I walked I looked around. He led me pass two big doors, that I could only guess led out of the castle. I passed over a huge butter floor with diamond and quartz. The ceiling had to be about 50 feet high. Guards passed by me on their way out. Ian led me to the other side of the castle, I hadn't been over here before. "Where are we going?" I asked. Ian looks back at me, "We at going to the living room. We always meet there this time on Thursdays. By the Jason and Sky will join us later." He said smiling. After a while of walking in silence I said "Um, I'm sorry about... uh putting a ... sword to your throat." I looked at him sheepishly. He stopped walking and turned around. I got worried that maybe he was mad that I mentioned it. I took a step back from him. Then I realized he was smiling. "Hey, no hard feelings. After I put the same sword to your throat too." He siad laughing then he turned around and continued walking. Oh yeah. I had forgotten that. The whole day had just been a blur really. I wondered what I would do if, when I were free. Suddenly I felt a pang of sadness in my stomach. When I imagine leaving Jason, I just felt like life wasn't worth living. I would even miss Ian and Jerome and even though Seto scared me, I would miss him too. Heck I would even miss Tyler/ Auntie Janet. I would miss them a to be honest. Before I can think about it anymore, Ian says "Here we are!" I look at the room, it has two seated couches, one couch, and two armchairs. There is a TV and some laptops on the floor. No one else is here yet, so I get to sit where ever. I decided to sit on one of the two seated couches. Ian sits in the armchair close by. I sighed "I don't think I can do it." I muttered to myself. "Do what?" Ian asked. I looked at him surprises but then realized he heard me. "Nothing." I said. "Come on Jenna you can tell me. I won't tell anyone." He said looking at me earnestly. "Fine. I don't think I can. I just feel so sad thinking about leaving Jason and you and we'll everyone else. Even the frog guy" I looked at him worried. He laughs softly, "I'm sure Jason feels the same way. Everyone here has been happier with you here. Especially Jason." He said smirking. "By the way the frog guy. That's Kermit. I mean everyone knows that Jason-" He was cut off by Tyler running in and Jerome chasing him yelling "Give me back meh Betty!" Tyler was holding an Axe and jumping over chairs. This continued for awhile until Seto walked in and saw what they were doing. Suddenly the Axe flew out of Tyler's hands into the air. Seto made the Axe disappear in the air. "Seto!" Jerome and Tyler complained. "I'm sorry but it was extremely annoying." Replied Seto, " but it will reappear in your room Jerome." Jerome nodded and sat in the other armchair. Tyler sat next to Ian and Seto sat on the floor. I looked at Seto questioningly. He noticed and said " The leather on the couches make my magic feel trapped. So I sit here." "Oh, ok." Soon the fish and Ty came in. The fish just stood behind a couch and Ty sat on the couch. Everyone sat and talked. I didn't really know them too well so I just listened to their conversations. On convocation caught my attention. It was Ian and Tyler. I heard them say something about Jason and looked over at them. The were looking at me and they laughed. I could figure out what they were talking about. I blushed. Ian was telling Tyler about when he went to find me and Jason.

*Ian's POV*

Me and Tyler were talking about Jason and Jenna being together. It wasn't a surprise to anyone that he liked her. As soon as he saw her he couldn't keep his eyes off her. Suddenly there was shouting heard from down the hall. Jason and Adam stood walked in, Jason looked very angry. Before they went into the room, Adam said something quietly to Jason. "NO ADAM! I won't! I won't do it! Just drop it already!" Everyone looked at them with surprise. Jenna looked worried. Jason stormed past him and sat by Jenna. Adam sighed and walked over to the edge of the couch. "Jason it isn't that big of a deal if you would just-" "No." Jason  cut him short. Adam raised his hand in defeat. "okok." Jason sat straight and stared straight ahead at the wall. Jenna put her hand on his arm to get his attention. "Are you ok?" She asked him. He relaxed a bit. "Yeah. I'm fine." He said smiling softly at her. He put his hand over hers and looked at us. He noticed we had all been looking at them. He turned bright red. "So want movie?" He asked. They all votes and I'm not really sure what we picked. It and an odd name.

*Jason's POV*

After 30 minutes into the movie Jenna was asleep. Her head was resting on my shoulder. She was so adorable. I just sat there looking at her until Ty said, "So we all can see Jason is enjoying the movie." He said with a smirk. Not wanting to wake her up I just glared at him and he started laughing. Soon the movie was over and I picked Jenna up bridal style so I wouldn't wake her. Sky looked over and started  making 'Here comes the bride' music, "Dun dun dun duuuuun, dun dun dun duuuun!" "Shut up Sky! You'll wake her!" I yelled quietly. He laughed and went to his room.

*Jenna's pov*

I felt someone carrying me and I started to panic thinking the others had found out I had failed my mission. "Hey, hey calm down its just me." I hear a voice say. I looked up and saw it was only Jason. I snuggled up closer to his chest and doze off. I feel him place me on the bed and lay down beside me. I feel his lips brush my cheek and he softly says "Good night."

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