Chapter 46- Triple Dog Dare

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*Shadow's p.o.v*

After Sky left with Grace, Ty turned to me, his face full of concern, "We woke up up? Are you ok?" I resisted the urge to laugh, "I'm fine, same as I said the other five times you asked." He smiled and looked at the floor, "Sorry." I started to answer when the door opened, "Pssst. Guys." Madison poked her head in, "We're bored." "Ok. And?" Ty asked, turning towards the door. "We want to play a game!" Jenna said coming into the room. Oddly she didn't seem upset. "Ok, why are you telling me this?" Ty asked, still confused. "You two are laying with us." Tyler said, standing in the doorway. Ty's eyes narrowed, "What type of game?" He asked suspiciously. "We don't know yet." Jason replied, coming up behind Tyler. I smiled, "I want to play! You know, what ever it is." I shrugged. I walked over to Danielle. Ty still looked confused. "Come one Ty come play a game with your sister and friends." Jenna said with an evil smile. "Fine, I'l play. If I didn't you people would do something to me in my sleep anyways." He laughed. "That's mostly true." Jason said laughing. "Where's Jerome?" Madison asked? "Waking up Sky and Grace. Everyone else is up."Tyler answered. We all walked out to the living room and sat around on the couches. The girls sat on one side and the guys on the other. Jerome came in after we sat down. "Are they coming?" Seto asked him. "Yep." Jerome nodded and sat down. Sky and Grace came in, not looking at each other, or anyone. "What are we playing?" Jenna asked. "Why are we awake?" Sky asked, he looked half asleep. Jerome ignored him, "We aren't sure. Let's pick some games and vote on them!" Everyone agreed and started thinking. "Truth or dare?" Jerome asked, looking at everyone. Everyone shrugged and nodded since there wasn't really any other ideas. "Jerome you first! Truth or dare?" Seto asked him. "Wait." Madison interrupted. We all turned to face her. "What?" Seto asked. "Let's not play truth or dare....Let's play Triple Dog Dare." She said smirking. All of the other girls nodded and the guys stared at us. "What's that?" Jason asked. "You're kidding me!" Jenna said. The guys slowly shook their heads. Ivy sighed, "Triple Dog Dare is like truth or dare but without the truth part. But if you don't do the dare......" She looked around, "Hmmm." "I know!" Madison said, grinning, "You will get half your head shaved." She said smiling at everyone, holding he knife. She sat back down and nodded at Seto, "Ok. Continue." Seto blinked at her, "Ok, Jerome, I dare you to...Go a week without Betty." "What! No!" Jerome protested. Madison held up her knife, "Fine." "Ok, Danielle." Madison said turning towards her, "I dare you to..." She whispered in Danielle's ear. Danielle's eyes widened, "W-what!? Why?" She frowned. Madison laughed, "Come one, it's either this or half you hair being cut off." Danielle frowned and left the room.. "What was her dare?" Tyler asked. Madison was trying to contain her laughter, "You'll see." I looked up at the door to see it slowly creak open. Madison laughed and walked over to the door and pushed Danielle forward. Danielle was redder than a cherry. She looked at the floor. She was wearing one of the guys boxers and a low cut tank top. "A-are those my boxers?" Tyler asked, turning as red as Danielle. Danielle walked up to him, "Yes, and remind me to kill Madison later." She muttered leaning towards him. Before he could answer, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and started kissing him. I laughed, they were cute. I was still angry at myself that I had kissed Tyler. That wasn't you. I reminded myself. She kissed him for three minutes before pulling back, even redder than before. "There Madison. I did the dare. Can I change now?" She mumbled, avoiding looking at everyone. Madison nodded and smiled. Danielle hurried out of the room. Jerome looked over at Tyler and started laughing. Tyler was still looking around like, what just happened? We were still laughing when Danielle came back. She was still not looking at us and halfway ran to her spot. "Shadow, you choose someone." Madison told me. I looked around, until I found Mitch. "Um. Mitch. I dare you to sing Gangam Style and dance on the table." I said laughing. "What! I can't sing that, I don't even know what he is saying!" he protested but stood up and climbed up the table. He sang the song as best as he could, and ended up swinging his shirt over his head. I was on the floor laughing. "I get to pick someone next!" Mitch said. "Ian I dare you to..." he whispered something to Ian. Ian looked at me, then Mitch. He whispered something back to Mitch. Mitch looked at him confused. They talked it out for a few more minutes, before Ian sighed and walked over to Ty and asked him something. Ty answered him and Ian looked over at Mitch, "Told you!" He said across the room. We were all just staring at them, not sure what was going on. Mitch stood up, "Fine. I change who I dare. Ty, instead of Ian." He walked over to Ty and told him something. Ty looked at hims for a minute before standing up. "Hey, um Shadow? Come here for a minute?" He asked, walking out the door. "Um, ok." I answered. They had been planning a prank, I knew it. I felt all eyes on me as I followed him out. I walked out the door and looked around, but didn't see him, "Ty?" I called. No answer. I started to walk past the door, when something pulled me back and pressed me against the wall. I gasped but realized it was just Ty. He had his hands on both sides of me trapping me. I smiled slightly, "You scared me/" He smiled and kissed my check. I looked at him for a minute. "And this is the dare?" I asked, sighing. He nodded, not looking at me. He kissed up my neck, before kissing me on the lips and pulling away. 'Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with them." He muttered looking at the ground. I stood where I had been, still against the wall. Just looking at him, "I-it's fine." I stammered and walked back inside. I glared at Mitch and he laughed, along with everyone else, he must have told them the dare. "I'm guessing I don't get to shave anyone's head, since neither Shadow or Ty will look at us." Madison said smiling.

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