Chapter 35- Party? More like ball!

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*Danielle's p.o.v*

"Aw, come on guys please!" iI asked looking at Tyler. "No! You guys will make it all pink and frilly!" Mitch protested. "No we won't!" Madison scoffed. "Come on pleaaaasssseee?" Jenna asked. Jerome sighed, "Guys you aren't planning the party, now we are trying to play a video game, if you would move."  "No." Ivy said firmly, moving to block their view of the TV. Me, Madison, and Jenna did too. "Fine!" Seto half yelled, as he died on the game. "You can, if you will move!" Jerome yelled trying not to die along with Seto. "Yeah!" I yelled jumping into the air and we ran out of the room. "That wasn't very smart of them, now instead of a party, it's more of a...Ball..." I smiled. They smiled too, except for Jenna, who frowned, "Great. I have to wear a dress. Yippee." Madison laughed, "It will be fun Jenna! You'll see." "So are we inventing other people, or just the people in this castle?" Jenna asked. "Let's invite other people!!!!" I said, still jumping up and down. "Calm down, Danielle." Ivy said, putting her hand on my shoulder. "I can't!! This is exciting!" I said, still jumping. They laughed at me but I continued to jump. We sent out messages to random people, basically to about anyone. "Let's gp tell the guys what we changed their party into." Jenna said smirking. "Too late to change it now." Ivy laughed. We ran into the living room where everyone was. When we told them they all groaned except for Sky, who just shrugged.  "Wait, does that mean you guys will be wearing dresses?" Jerome asked looking at Madison. She turned pink and looked at her feet, "Yeah..." "Can't be all bad then," Seto said, looking at Ivy. She lowered her gaze too, turning red. I noticed Tyler looking at me too, "Hmmm." He said still looking at me. I turned a violet shade of red and punched him in the arm. "Ow." he muttered. Jenna looked a little upset Jason or Mitch didn't say anything to her, but didn't say anything. Ty must of saw her and said "I bet my lovely sister will look amazing in a dress." Jenna smiled at his comment. "So, we kinda need to go to the town and get dresses." Jenna said. Jason looked at her, alarmed, "Not alone!" She frowned at him, "That wasn't our fault! We are just as capable of protecting our self as you are!" We all glared at the guys. Tyler looked at Jason, "Good job Jason, now they are mad at us." He frowned, "I didn't mean that. I know you guys are very capable of protecting yourselves. I mean, we know that. I just meant, I would feel better if someone went with you." "I would too." Jerome added. Madison frowned, "Fine, Ian will go with us." "Whaat? aw noooo!" Ian complained. "Why not us?" Tyler asked. "Because," I answered, "You guys can't know what dresses we pick." Jerome groaned, "Ugh, girl logic. Why does it matter?" "Because. It does." Ivy said firmly. "Why me?" Ian groaned and stood up. "You are the chosen one." Sky snickered. "Hey you know what? I think Sky should go too!" I said smirking. "I hate all of you." He muttered and followed Ian out of the door. "Whelp. Bye!" I said and ran out the door.

A/N: Hey guy! Anyways um I don't know if I can post a link in the story and you can click on it or whatever so I am just gonna make a collage of the girls dresses. But yeah I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Anway I have to go make the collage so baiii!

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