Chapter 16- Please be ok? (Part 1)

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

I knocked on the door. "Jerome please open the door!" I said. He has been in there for 2 hours. Mitch and the rest of the team tried coming into the room, but I said to leave that Madison wasn't in a good mood even though she left the room 2 hours ago. I wiggled the door knob once again. No luck. "Jerome bud please open the door. I want to make sure you are ok." I said trying not to loose my patience. "No. I can't come out. I can't face what Iv'e done to my best friend." He said. I sighed and slid down the door to the floor. "It would help if you got it off your chest you know." I said. "No it won't. If I tell you what happen I will replay the memory again and feel bad." I hit my head on the door. "Jerome you can you just let me come in so I can see if you are ok? You don't have to tell me what happen." No response. I heard the door open and I feel into the bathroom. Jerome closed the door quickly. He was a mess. "Jerome.." I said before hugging him. I'm not a hugging person to be honest, but Jerome, my best friend, my brother was crying in front of me. And I'm the one who put him in this place."I'm so so sooo sorry Jerome. I wish I could take back what happen to you and Mitch." I said. "No don't be it was my fault I reminded myself of the past." He said. He didn't say anything about a kiss. "But I did kiss him." He said. I smiled a bit. "I forgot the fake lips though." He said. I busted out laughing. Just imagining him and Mitch kissing. I started to snort. Jerome started laughing too. "Aww Jerome that is actually cute. You and Mitch have a special relationship." I said. "Yeah I guess we do." He said. He crawled over to the toilet fast and threw up. I walked next to him and rubbed his back. He was really pale and he had a fever. "Hey why don't you get a bath and I will bring some food up for you then we can get you to bed or play games or a movie up to you." I say. He nodded."I would like that." I smiled and walked out of the bathroom as I heard the bathtub fill with water. I walk into the dinning room. Everyone looks at me. "So Jenna how is Madison?" Ty says. "Still upset." I said. "Oh that's funny considering she is with us in this very room." Mitch said. I looked over and saw Madison standing next to him. She tried to bite his hand but Ian stopped her."What are you hiding Jenna? Who is in that room?" I gulped and sighed. "Jerome. It's Jerome. And no you can't see him he is way to sick and very upset and doesn't want to be seen like this at the moment." I said. Mitch looked relief. Madison stomped on Mitch's foot and ran to me."Sick!? What do you mean sick!?" She said worried. "Maddie calm down. He must have the flu. I'm sure he will be fine with in a day or two." I said grabbing a plate of food and walking out of the dinning room back to Jerome's room. I walked in and closed the door. I turned around and dropped the plate. "Jerome!" I said. I saw blood on the floor. What in the hell did he do!? I ran to the bathroom. Locked again. Angry and fear ran through me. I ran and hit the door hard which made it fly open. Jerome had Betty in his hands. "Jerome! Stop it!" I yelled. I grabbed the axe from his hands and set it to the side. He was trying to kill himself. "Jenna.." He said. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around him. He dried himself off and I helped him get into clean clothes. I helped him sit onto the bed. "Jenna I want to be with them." He said. "With who Jerome?" He looked up at me. He was so pale. No longer a dark brown instead a extreme light brown. His eyes were reddish brown. "My family. My mom and dad. My sister and brother." He said as I was wrapping his cuts. "My mom and dad died of old age. I was happy they got to live a full life unlike my sister and brother." He said "My sister had lung cancer. She was only 16. I was in the room with her. My mom said she was going to get us lunch. It was silent. Her heart monitor was just beeping away. "Hey little bro." She said. "You know I love you Right?" I nodded. "I love you too sissy." I said to her. She just looked at me. I remember her before this. She was so much joy. Full of adventure and fun. I loved her. I looked at her. Into her beautiful green eyes. She started talking jibberish. I didn't understand her. Then the monitor started going really fast and my sister started moving around the bed and sweating badly. She was scaring me. I held her hand as she was doing this weird thing. After 2 minutes she stopped. The heart monitor slowed down, but a little bit to slow. Her eyes closed. Slowly breathing. Then silence. Her last breath she used to say "Never give up even at the worst moments." and then the monitor made a annoying noise. The line on the monitor was straight. The doctor and nurse came in. Then my mom. My mom was screaming trying to run to my sister. The nurses gave up and let her go to her. They did'n't noticed me till I said "Sissy is gone mama. She's in a better place. No need to cry. She doesn't want you to cry. She wants you to be happy." Everyone turned to me. My mom dragge me out of the room. And before my sister was my brother. I was 6 and he was 14. One day he went out and din't come back. Me and mom went looking for him and didn't find him. My sister and dad were in Germany for 5 months so they couldn't help. After 3 months my mom tod me  the truth. The police handed me a news paper. It said 'Jordan Moran,14, found dead.' He was murder to death. He was the first familoy member I lost. Now all my family is gone and I have no one, but Mitch, and the guys, Madison, Danielle, allnd You." He said. I was speechless. "Jerome I had no idea." I said. "Does anyone else know?" He shok his head. "Everyone knows that my sister died ofcancer but not the full story. No one knew I had a brother until now." He said looking up at me. I know he is like my brother, but at this very moment I just wanted to hug him and kiss him. To make everything ok. We sat in silence for awhile. (Also Mitch and Jenna are over now they are just best friends.)  "Hey um Jenna?" He said. "Yeah what's up?" He must be having a hard time trying to tell me. "Um..This is kinda weird and I know your like my best friend, my sister, but can I do one think?" He said. I nodded. "Anything you want." I said. He gave me a soft smile and kissed me. I thought I would freak out like I did with Mitch, but I didn't. I actually enjoyed it. He pulled away. "I'm sorry. I just have been wanting to do that for so long. I know I have Madison, but still. Ugh why did I d-" I stopped him. I kissed him again. "It's ok Jerome. I've been wanting to kiss you too even though I have Jason." I said smiling. "You should go back to Jason." He said. "Nah I told Jason I'm staying with you till you get better." He smiled. "I'm going to go grab a movie or something. I will be back." I said getting up and walking out of the room. I close the door and jump up and down and scream in joy. "Jenna shut up!" Ty yelled. "Sorry Ty!" I said running to grab a game and a movie.

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