Chapter 49- Secret relationship?

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*Grace's p.o.v*

I smiled at Jason and Jenna. Madison was still chasing Tyler and Danielle was making sure Madison didn't kill him. I notice Adam was looking at me, and he turned away. I blushed. When Jason asked me that, I hadn't  been sure what to say. I mean, I did answer honestly, but why did he have to ask! It wasn't that bad of a dare, I guess, but still, now I felt like Adam wouldn't talk to me. I sighed. I watched Jerome try and stop Madison from chasing Tyler. Tyler ran into his room and locked the door. Madison huffed and came to stand by Jenna. "You catch him?" Jenna asked. Madison shook her head. I looked over at Adam, but he wouldn't ever look at me. I sighed and left the room, walking down the hall. "Hey. wait up!" Ivy called after me. She walked beside me. "So, what's wrong?" I sighed, "Adam probably won't talk to me again." She frowned, "And why not?" "I said I would've let him do the dare if it had been about me and him." I said, staring ahead. Ivy looked confused, "Why would that make him not talk to you?" I looked around before stopping and turning to Ivy, "If I tell you something, will you not tell anyone else?" She nodded her head. I sighed, "The other night, Adam kissed me. I thought he liked me, but I guess he doesn't. I guess it meant nothing to him." Ivy looked at me, "He does like you." I half smiled, "Thanks for trying to make me feel better, but-" She cut me off, "It wasn't to make you feel better. I know he does, I can tell. It's not just my magic. You can see that he likes you. he acts different, more....relaxed when you're around." I looked over at her, "So, he doesn't hate me? You're sure?" She opened her mouth to answer, but shut it, looking behind us. "Who doesn't hate you?" Ty was walking up the hallway behind us. I cursed under my breath, "No one." I answered, looking up at him. Sparks flew out of Ivy's hands. They were bright green, and she looked alarmed. She quickly walked down the hall, leaving me with Ty. "Hey, who hates you?" He asked again. "I said no one. It's fine." I started walking down the hallway, not sure where I was going, but I wanted to be alone. "What's wrong Grace?" Ty grabbed my shoulder. "It's nothing Ty." I forced a smile on my face. He looked at me for a minute before nodding. "Oh I also have an explanation for you." Ty said. I groaned. "Ok well.. the other sister is....Jenna. Well she's my real sister." I was confused. He sighed and explained it all. "Oh ok?" I said. "Yeah." He said walking off. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, looking at my reflection in the TV. I noticed my golden eyes stuck out vividly. I frowned at them, and got up, walking into Adam's room, in the bathroom. I looked in the drawer, and found my back up contacts I had put in the drawer when I first came here. I put them in, my eyes were a dull, normal, brown. I smiled and walked out of his bathroom. "Oh, um, hey. What are you doing?" He asked, not looking at me. "Nothing, just using the restroom." I replied, staring at the wall. He glanced up and his expression hardened. "Grace." He said calmly. "What?" I asked innocently. He walked towards me, until he was only about a foot away from me, "Why are your eyes brown?" He was staring at me, and I looked past him. "I like them that way."I answered quietly. He grabbed my wrist, "I thought you said you wouldn't put contacts in anymore." His voice was soft. Scary soft. "Why do you care?" I frowned at my own words, but still, it wasn't like he acted like he cared. "What do you mean!?" He sounded angry. "Well, the other night you kissed me, didn't ever mentioning anything about it ever again, and didn't really talk to me, until now." I answered, staring back, calmly, at him. He looked at me, "Dammit Grace, how many times do I have to tel you!? You are perfect, stop wearing those contacts, that hide your beautiful eyes. The rest of the world might not like them, but I am in love with them. Ans as for not talking to you, I'm sorry, I juts didn't know what to say! Now would you stop wearing those contacts!" His grip tightened on my wrists, it had started to hurt. "Adam. You're hurting me." I said, my voice barely above a whisper. He didn't let go, but he sighed and loosened his grip. "Would you take out the contacts?" He asked, trying to sound calm. I ignored this and took a deep breath, "You know Adam, it isn't nice to play with a girl's feelings." He looked at me in surprise, "W-what?" I looked at the wall, "You know. You kiss her, act like it never happened. It may have meant nothing to you, but it meant a lot to me." I turned towards him and his lips slammed into mine. Again, just like last time, I felt like fireworks were going off when we kissed, no, not fireworks, bombs. He pulled back and looked at me, "Don't tell me it didn't mean anything to me. It meant a lot to me. Maybe a little too much. Grace, it's just, Ty is-" I cut him off, "Ty isn't in the way of anything." He sighed, "Grace, I really like you. I think I probably like you a little too much, but I don't think the others would be happy with me. Since you are Ty's sister, not saying he would, it's just the others might." I thought for a minute, 'What if we didn't tell anyone?" He looked at me, "You mean like a secret relationship? You think that would work? They wouldn't find out?" I smiled up at him, "I'm willing to take the risk and, by the way, you worry to much." I leaned up and kissed him. I finally pulled away, and looked up at him, "So, should we try this secret relationship?" He asked me, resting his forehead against mine. I slowly nodded. He frowned, "No, we can't." I looked up at him, I felt my heart breaking. "Until you take those contacts out." he finished. I frowned, "Fine. But remember this so for you." I took out my contacts and walked back out. "Much better!" He smiled. "Ok, so we probably shoudln't talk to each other that much when everyone else is around, so there isn't a way they could catch on." I said frowning. There was a knock at the door. "Hey Sky? Have you seen Grace? We are all going to the village." Jason's voice came through the door. "Why are we going to the village?" Sky asked, avoiding Jason's first question. ''Just to see what's going on down there. We haven't been there in a while." Jason replied. "So have you seen Grace?" Adam hesitated, "I saw her go towards the living room earlier. Jason lowered his voice, "Sky, I saw her go in there earlier." Sky opened the door and pulled Jason in, closing the door behind him. Jason smirked at me and Adam. "Ok, Jason look..." Adam explained to him why we wanted to keep it a secret. Jason nodded, "Ok guys, I won't tell." "Not even Jenna!" I added. He hesitated, "Fine, not even Jenna. Now let's go, before the others come, then I won't have a secret to keep." We all walked out, carefully, making sure no one saw. No one did and we split up. Adam going with Jason, and I went to find the girls.

*Danielle's p.o.v*

I looked in the mirror in Tyler's room and threw my messy blond hair in a ponytail. Tyler sat on the bed behind me, "Why does it take girls so long to get ready?" He complained. I smiled, "Because they have to stop and talk to you, every time you ask that." He smirked, "Ha, ha. Very funny." I smirked, "You know, you're just making me take longer, right?" "That will be ok." He whispered, his nose almost touching mine. "Tyler, I need to get ready." I said, not moving. "I thought you already did." He said, not moving either. I sighed, "I still have to change clothes." He smirked, "I can help you. I laughed, "No Tyler. Out." He faked a pout and kissed me on the head, "I was just kidding." He smiled. I smiled back, "I know you were." He left the room and I got changed, into a t-shirt and jeans, which was pretty much all we had to wear, since they didn't have a lot of girl's clothing. We were going to buy some today, but for now, this was all I had.

----------Time Skipped-------------

When we arrived at the village, the guy gave us money to buy clothes, and they went one way and we went another. We were just about to go into a store, when we heard a scream. Madison immediately had her knife in her hand, and I pulled out my sword that I had gotten before we left, since the guys insisted we needed some form of defense. For once they were right. (A/N: Ok, what is about to happen won't happen again. I got bored so I put it heard so ya...) We turned and saw 3 people. No, people wasn't the right word for them. I gasped when I saw them. One wore all green and had red eyes. The other was really, really white, and had a carved smile. The last on had a mask on and was looking at everyone. They all had weapons and were standing over a dead person. They were laughing. Everyone had run away except for us. We just stood there. They turned and saw us, weapons raised. I'm not sure what happened, but Ivy panicked and the green one fell down. He stood back up, and looked very unhappy. The one with the mask started to swing out at me, when Madison jumped in front of me, blocking it with her knife. The masked one stepped back in surprise, "Silent...Venom?" He asked slowly. "I thought you weren't every going to kill, you said you wanted to stay." He kissed Madison on the forehead, "Oh well, you're here now." She stepped back and looked at him funny. "I-I don't know you. I'm not who you think, I'm Madison." He studied her for a minute, "You look just like her..." He shrugged and followed the other two, away from the village. "Masky, hurry up!" One called to him. "W-what just happened?" I asked looking at everyone. "I have no idea." Madison said, watching them walk off and disappear. "They won't come back. They can't. Them coming here was an accident, something messed up." Ivy spoke aloud. No one asked how she knew, we had learned not to ask. We finished shopping, and we agreed not to tell the guys, especially not Jerome. When we met up with them later, Seto looked confused, "Where's Ivy?" "She was right behind m!" Jenna said, looking around. Seto frowned, "It's ok, I can find her." "Want me to come?" I offered. "No." He answered walking off towards the woods. I nodded and shrugged.

*Seto's p.o.v*

I knew what was wrong. She now had all her powers, but they were confusing her, and she was getting frustrated. I found her sitting by a tree, she looked up when I came over. "Get away, I might hurt you." She said shakily." I gently took her hand, "No, you won't. I'll be fine. What happened?" She shakily took in a breath, "I don't know. I knocked someone down, I was afraid I killed them. When we were walking past that shop, I felt really happy, just because, and the window shattered." She said looking at me, her eyes wide with fear, "What's happening Seto?" I sighed, "You just need to be trained, that's all. You'll be fine." I pulled her into a hug, holding her tight. "Ok Seto. Thank you." She whispered. I kissed her cheek,"You'll be ok." She blushed and two roses bllomed beside her. I laughed, "See? It does good things too. Just depends what mood." I stood up and offered my hand. She tool it and stood beside me. We walked hand in hand back to the others. She still looked worried, but nothing happened so she relaxed a little.

A/N: Again, I was bored and added that little part XD. Those were creepypastas of you didn't know. I ran out of ideas and boom that happened XD well anyway bai!

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