Chapter 48- Jason's dare

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*Madison's p.o.v*

I woke up, and I was still laying by Jerome. Everyone was still sitting around, except Jason and Jenna, who were gone. No one was playing truth or dare anymore. Ugh, I still have an hour left to be a cat. I groaned and Jerome turned towards me, "That wasn't a very cat like noise." I frowned and hissed at him. He laughed, "That does." "Hey guys, what do you think Jason's dare was that he wouldn't let us see?" Tyler said leaning forward. Danielle laughed, "You can't stand not knowing can you?" He shook his head. "If I remember correctly, it has a reply butting, where we can see what it was." Jerome said smirking. Ty picked it up and started pressing buttons. The guys gathered around him. Ivy rolled her eyes, "Guys, he didn't want us to see it for a reason." "Yeah, have you guys heard of privacy? Or a secret." Shadow added. "No, both of those words are forgien to me." Tyler replied, not really paying attention. Madison scowled, "Guys! Stop! He doesn't want you to know!" I frowned, I wanted to know, but wasn't sure. I coudln't really say anything since I still had to act like a cat, but I glared at them anyways. "It won't hurt him!" Ian said dismissively. Grace frowned at all of them, "Ty, give me it. You guys are not looking at it." Ty move it closer to him, "It won't hurt anyone!" "It could hurt Jason." Grace claimed. She walked up and took it from Ty. "Hey!" He protested, glaring at her. "Oh also you own me that explanation!" She said as she walked away from them, holding the game in her hand. Sky tried to get it from her and she jumped away. She handed it to Shadow , who looked confused. Ty almost got it from Shadow, but Danielle grabbed it first. Tyler tried to get it from Danielle, and she ran form him. She tripped on the rug and quickly threw the phone to me. I picked it up and looked at all of them. No one tried to take it from me. I smirked. I felt someone grab my arms and I turned around, tripping the person. I realized it was Jerome and I had tripped him and made him fall I laughed, I was sitting on him and he half smiled, half frowned, "You know what? I don't want the game anymore." He laughed, I smiled and sat back on the floor. He started to get up and snatched the device out of my hands. I tried to get it back, but he held it above his head, smiling victoriously. I scowled him and sat just down. Then the device flew out of his hands and into Ivy's. She grinned, her eyes were glowing. That's not creepy at all. The device glowed purple, then dark green, before finally going to Seto. She frowned, "I thought you said I was stronger than you." He smiled, "When you're trained." She tried to get it to come back to her, but Seto won. Shadow tried to jump and grab it from Seto, but Ty pulled her back. I slowly crawled behind the couch. Seto was on the opposite side of the couch. I crawled around and mentally cursed Danielle for this dare. I decided that it had been close enough to an hour, although it had probably only been fifteen minutes. I stood up and was right behind Seto, when Jerome's arms wrapped around me, pinning my arms to my side. "Jerome! Let me go!" I said. "I have a hostage! I have a hostage!" Jerome yelled. "You know I'm killing you later?" I told him, scowling. "Yep." He smiled. Seto handed the game to Ty. He started pressing buttons, until he found it. "We have to make Jason do this dare!" He said, laughing. "I want to see!" Tyler shouted, walking over to him. He quickly read it, "Yeah! We have to make him do this!" He passed it to the other guys. "Can I see?" Jerome asked, still holding on to me. Tyler walked over to him, and held the game up. I started to read it, but Jerome placed his hand over my eyes. "Hey! What's that for!?" I demanded. "You all said we shouldn't read this! So you guys won't!" Jerome smirked. "Yes, we should!" He said reading it. He removed his hands from my eyes. "Can I be free now?" I laughed. "Nooooooo." Jerome answered. "Why not?" I asked. "Because you will read it." He replied. I turned my face up towards him. He looked down at me. Our eyes locked and I leaned up and kissed him. His grip relaxed and I spun away from him. "That was mean." He said half smiling at me. I smiled and turned away. I felt him turn me around and kiss me again. "Can I please ruin it, Danielle?" Tyler asked. "No Tyler!!!" She scolded. "BUT WE NEED TO GO MAKE JASON DO THAT DARE!" He yelled, trying to be as loud as possible. I pulled away from Jerome and turned to Tyler. "Tyler. You have five seconds to run." I glared at him. His eyes widened and he hid behind Danielle, which didn't really work, since he was taller than her. "I told you." Danielle said shrugging. "Come on, lets go make Jason do the dare!" Mitch interrupted. "Madison, you can kill Tyler later!" "No. We aren't going to let you, until you tell us what it was." Grace said, standing in front of the door. "How are you guys going to stop us?" Sky laughed. Ivy raised her hands, and a greenish outline was all over the room. Ty tried to walk through it and it looked lie he hit an invisible wall. "Seto, can't you just take it down?" Ty asked him. Seto was looking around, "No, I'm not even sure what she did yet...." He trailed off, studying the sides. Ty sighed, "Fine we will tell you guys. And yes it has something to do with Jenna. Here's what it said...."

*Jenna's p.o.v*

I had only been asleep for thirty minutes when someone woke me up. I rolled over and saw my brother. "What do you want Ty?" I said putting my hand on his face and pushing his away.He moved my hand from his hand, he was smirking, "We are going to to make Jason do his dare." "What?" Jason asked, he was standing up. I stood up too, and saw everyone had came in his room. "Come on you have to do that dare!" Tyler told him. "You mean the one I erased? How did you guys find it?" Jason asked, his eyes wide. "It has a replay button." Sky smirked. "In our defense, we tried to stop them." Grace said, looking at me and Jason. I shifted on foot to another. Did the dare have something to do with me? I glanced at Jason,who was still looking at them. "Ok, why do I have to do the dare, I did a different one already." Jason looked confused. "Because this dare is awesome." Jerome replied. Madison looked at him funny, and he put his hands up in defense, "I'm just saying." "No, I'm not doing that." Jason said crossing his arms. "Why not? It's not horrible or anything." Now Jerome looked confused. Jason glanced at me and lowered his voice, "Because, the dare didn't allow her to have a say in this. That's not fair." Jason stared at the others. "It's not that bad Jason!" Danielle said. Everyone turned to look at her. She shrugged, "What? I didn't say that I didn't want him to do the dare. I just said we shoudln't found the dare without his permission." "Jason, the rules of the game say that if you don't do your dare, the original dare, you get half your hair cut off." Madison said smiling. Ian turned to her, "You guys are manipulative than we are!" He said staring at them. "Madison, aren't you suppose to be a cat for an hour! Because if so I need your knife..." Jason scowled. She frowned, "Erm...Meow." She dropped to all fours and glared at Jason. "Come on, even the girls say you should!" Tyler said. "Fine, but only if Grace will answer this question and be honest." Jason said looking at Grace. She nodded. "If Sky got this dare, and it was you, would you have a problem with it?" He asked, trying not to smile. She hesitated, "Like they said, it's not a horrible dare I don't get what the problem is. So yeah I woudln't care." She looked at the floor and Sky took a sudden interest in his shoe. "Ok, but someone tell her the dare first. Jason answered, not really looking at me. Danielle walked over to me holding the device. She showed it to me, and I blushed but it wasn't that bad of a dare...Did Jason not like me anymore!? It must have shown on my face, because Jason looked at me and said, "No, it's nothing against you or anything, I just-" He stopped not knowing how to finish it. I thought of the dare, reading it in my mind. It has said, push the person to your left against a wall and kiss them. I don't see how that's horrible. I guess it was because of the second part, They aren't suppose to fight against it, this will count as their dare too. I turned to face Jason, but he was right beside me. "You sure you don't care?" He asked smiling softly. I looked at him like he was crazy, "Why would I?" I leaned up and kissed him. "Hey! They aren't doing the dare right!" Tyler said smiling. Danielle smiled, "Tyler you can't ruin this because its a dare." He frowned, "Hmm. Fine." Jason pushed my back against the wall and I tried not to smiled, "This is kind of a silly dare." I whispered. "I know." he whispered back. He leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He moved hid hands to the hem of my shirt, barely touching my stomach. "Hey, umm guys. I-I think the dare can be over now." Ty said awkwardly. I started laughing and so did Jason. Jason walked back towards them, and I followed. "What time is it anyways?" I asked. "Um, Almost six in the morning." Sky said. "Yes! My dare is over! I can kill Tyler!" Madison said getting off the floor. "W-What?" Tyler asked turning towards her. "I woudln't mind killing him either." I said smiling. "I'm going to, um, go, uh, over here." Tyler said running from the room. Madison chased him out of the room.

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