Chapter 9- Randomness

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*Jenna's pov*

I walked down the hall toward the living room. Jason had to go talk to Sky or something so I was going by myself. I half expected someone to come out and yell at me for walking by myself. No one did though and I made it to the living room. Tyler and Danielle were sitting on the couch. Tyler was recording a Janet video and Danielle was watching and laughing. "Hey guys." I say walking up to them. Tyler looked up at me and waves then goes back to his video. Danielle didn't really see me the night before and now she stared at me. "I didn't realize there were other girls here." She said. "Yeah I was by the guy in the blue shirt and messy brown hair. The one that voted Tyler to watch you." "Ohh. Him." She said nodding. I smiled. "Hang on." I say. "Tyler I'm going to steal Danielle from you so she doesn't interrupt your video." I whispered. He nods not looking away from his screen. I walke dover to one of the other couches. I motion for Danielle to come sit by me. "So are you part of their group?" I luaghed. "No I got here the same way you did." "Really? Wait are you Jenna?" "Yeah.. Why?" "You were suppose to be  one of the best! Everyone figures you are dead! Why haven't you escaped?" I laughed at her. "To be honest I don't want to leave." "Really? Why?" A smile creeped on her face. "Is it because of Jasonnn?" She said with a smirk. I flushed red. "Maybe." I smile. "So tell me, why hasn't your great escape plan happened yet? Maybe it's beacuse of him?" I said gesturing towards Tyler. She blushed and looked away without answering. Suddenly I had a thought. "Hey is there supposed to be anymore assassins coming?" She thinks for a minute. "Well there is this one girl was going to come with me, but they decided not to ler her come unless I failed. They knew I would fail. This was my first mission. But in answer to your question, I guess there will be another one.(cough cough hint hint cx)" I nodded. Tyler got done with his video and walked over to us. "So where is Jason?" He asked. "I thought you two were inseparable." "He had to go talk to Sky and Mitch abou something." I shuddered as I said Mitch's name. I looked up and saw Jason walking into the room. I jumped up and hid behind the couch. He walked in and looked around the room. "Hey Tyler. Have you seen Jenna?" "Nope." He said."Do you think she left?" He said. He sounded ery hurt. At that I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back. He screamed and I fell off laughing. "Why did you do that!?" He asked trying not to smile. "Well the other morning I woke up and almost died of fear because there was another face in mine." He laughed and picked me up bridal style, putting his face close to mine. "Like this?" He asked. "Yep." I say smiling at him. H eplaces me bac on the floor and I see Tyler making kissy faces at us. Danielle was laughing at him. I throw a pillow at them both and it hits Tyler and knocks his glasses off his face. Jason grabbed his glasses and we both ran out of the room. First I wenr to Tyler's room and put his glasses on his table and then I ran back to Jason's rom to make it look like I was there the whole time. It wasn't long before Tyler, followed by Danielle came in. "Alright!" He yelled trying to keep his voice like Janet. "Janet needs her glasses so she can see so she can put on her makeup and she needs makeup to look gorgeous so she can make Tyler faint." "Um yeah," Jason said. "I don't think that happnes Tyler." "GIVE JANET THE GLASSES!" He yelled trying not to smile. Then Jason looked over at him "Oh by the way...We don't have your glasses anymore." "Why do I even talk to you people!" He muttered walking out of the room. He started yelling when he realized they were in his room the whole time. Me and Jason laughed. "Oh Jason, I need to talk to Sky." He looked at me suprised but walked with me. "I'll tell the others now and make sure gaurds are all over the ground. Also we can see if Seto can do any spells to help..." He trailed off thinking about diffrenet security to use. It was getting late and I waved bye to Sky and let Jason carry me to his room.

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