Chapter 28- Camping gone wrong

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

I woke up to footsteps. I stood still but opened my eyes I looked around. I felt something cover my eyes. I screamed. "Shhh. Don't scream." The voice said. I didn't recognize it. I kicked the person. I must of kicked them hard because they let me go. I looked over and saw it was Jason. "Oh my god! Jason." I said running over to him. "You kick pretty hard." He said. He wasn't wearing his suit so it must of hurt. "Well don't do that." I said sighing. "Did Ty, Mitch, and Jerome send you?" I asked. "No? I came to get you because we are going camping." Camping? "What? Why do we have to?" Jason shrugged. "I guess Sky likes camping and wants us to come with him so I guess we are." I groaned. I poked him in the face. "Ow. What was that for?" He asked. "For scaring me." I said smiling. "So you poke me?" He asked, sounding amused. I looked at him seriously, "Well, if that didn't hurt I guess I could just give you the silent treatment...." "No, no. It hurt. See? Owwww pain." He said hurriedly. I smirked at him. "Why are you out here anyway?" He asked as he helped me up. "Reasons." I said not thinking of anything else to say. He nodded. We walked into his room and I got changed. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jason had his suit on again. "Aww. Why did you put it   back on?" I asked. "Because, I have a surprise for you and I need my suit for it." He said. I finished packing things for the trip and walked over to the door where Jason was. He hugged me. "What was that for?" I asked with a smile. He shrugged, "I don't know." I laughed and grabbed his hand. We both walked down stairs and into the entrance way by the double doors. Everyone else was already there except Jerome and Madison, who came down two minutes after we did. Jerome and Mitch both gave me a glare that was full of daggers. I rolled my eyes at them. Tyler and Jason started talking and laughing about something. I walked over to Madison. "Hey, what was that thing you were gonna tell me and Danielle before we were rudely interrupted?" She said. "Oh you had to bring that up." I said. She laughed. "Well I want to know." I sighed, "When we get to the camp ground I'll tell you." She groaned. "Fine. Making me wait that long." I laughed. Sky walked in and told us to follow him, which we did. We followed him for 15 minutes until we got to an empty spot. The guys started putting up the tents. "Um guys?" Danielle asked, "Couldn't Seto just use magic to put the tents up?" They all slowly turned to each other. Seto slowly put his hand to his face, "Yes......." Everyone laughed except Seto who was setting up the tents. "Ok." Sky said, "Seto, Quentin, and Ian in a tent. Me, Jason, and Ty on on. Madison, Danielle, and Jenna in another, and Jerome, Tyler, and Mitch in the last one. And yes people will know if you exchanged tents." He said looking at me, Danielle, Madison, Jerome, Tyler, and Jason. We all looked at the ground. Sky laughed and walked off. Everyone went off and did their own thing. Madison pulled me into the woods and sat me down. "Now tell me." She said. "Ugh you're pushy." I said as Danielle walked over and sat with us. Madison told her what I was doing. "Fine. Don't kill me. Ok so you know how me and Mitch use to come back together late to the meetings? Well we were kinda off kissing and the first time he kissed me was when I pulled that prank on him and went into his room and scared him." I said. The girls didn't say anything. "And remember when Jerome was sick and didn't want anyone to be in there, but me? Well we kind of kissed." I said. I looked at Madison. Her eyes were red. I started to back away. "What gives you the right to not only kiss Jerome and hurt me but to cheat on Jason!?" She yelled. "Madison shut up!" Danielle said. "No. I don't get why this little excuse of a girl has any right to do that!" She inched closer to me. "Ok! First off Mitch kissed me! And so did Jerome! I didn't tell you guys till now cause I knew this would happen. And I haven't told Jason cause I don't want to hurt him! I love him to much to do that and I get what I did was a mistake, but we all have made mistakes!" I said has Madison threw a fist at me. I dodged it and ran toward the camp. I ended up bumping into Jason. "Hey. Why are you running?" He asked. I shook my head and took off running when I heard Madison coming. I ran passed Jerome and Mitch who looked at each other then heard Madison and figured out what happened. I ran further into the woods. I came to a dead end. I turned around to run a different way and saw well pretty much everyone. Madison, Danielle, Jerome, Mitch, Jason, Ty, and Tyler. Jerome and Mitch were trying to hold back Madison while Danielle was trying to calm her down. Ian and Tyler were just confused as ever and Ty just stood next to me. "You sorry excuse of a friend! How could you do that? Why don't you just make out with the rest of the guys for gods sake!" Madison yelled. "Because I realized what mistakes I made!" I yelled back. "Jenna what is going on?" Jason asked. Madison got out of Mitch and Jerome's grip. "I'll tell you what's going on. This creature over there that you want to be your girlfriend is a whore." Madison answered Jason. "A whore? No she's not." Jason said, sounding a little annoyed at Madison. "Oh so you think. Then explain why she was all over Jerome and Mitch! Kissing them like they were just toys!" She said. Jason looked at me. "Is that true?" He said. "No, no its..." I stopped myself from making things worse. I sighed, "Fine. It's true. I kissed Mitch and Jerome. I made a mistake." I said. "More than once." Madison added. I glared at her. "But Jason those kisses didn't mean anything. The hugs didn't mean anything! Your hugs and kisses mean something too me though." I said stepping closer to him. "Jason I love you and you only." I reach out to grab his hand. He pulled away from me. "Then if they didn't mean anything why did you do it?" He said as he walked away. Soon everyone but Ty joined him. "Why are you still here?" I asked, trying not to cry. "I don't know. I just feel like I can't leave you here to cry and not return." I gave a weak smile. He returned it. "Come here." He said. I walked into his arms. "Oh Ty. I don't know why you're doing this. I always thought you were a dark and mean person." He laughed. "I may see like that, but I'm not." I giggled. "Come on. Lets go back to camp. And don't worry, if anyone tries to talk to you or hurt you, or even makes a rude comment to you I will hurt them." I smiled. "Thank you." I muttered.

*Ty's p.o.v*

We walk back to the base. I'm guessing everyone told the rest what happened. Some people were giving Jenna a rude look or talking about her. I glared at them and continued to walk with her. "Ty. I need to talk to you." Sky said. I nodded and told Jenna to wait here so I could watch her. "What's up?" I said. He sighed. "Could you and Jenna maybe sleep in a separate tent?" He said. I nodded. "Yeah that's fine, plus I have to tell her something anyway." I said looking towards her. She was just standing there. She reminded me of a 4th grade girl. The girl had glasses and pig tails. She wore a plaid dress and carried 3 books. She had her pink and purple back pack. She stood in the middle of the hallway. Scared of everyone. Boys pushed her and knocked her books to the floor. Girls made fun of the way she looked. Everyone was mean to her but one person. Her brother. I sighed. I walked over to Jenna. "Come on. Sky gave us our own tent to stay in." She smiled weakly and walked to the tent. I closed the tent so I could tell her. "Hey Jenna. I have to tell you something." I said rubbing my head. She looked up at me, about to say something, but stopped. "Don't worry. I'm not going to be like I love you or anything weird like that." She laughed a little. "Do you ever remember asking your mom or dad if you could have a brother or sister?" I said. She nodded. "My mom always said I had a brother, but h was gone." She said. I nodded. "Yeah. My mom always said I had another family, but they didn't want me." I said looking down. "You're adopted?" She asked. I nodded. "Your mom said you had a brother right?" I said. "Yeah, why?" She asked looking scared and confused. "Well Jen-" I was interrupted by Ian screaming. "Guys. Guys meet at the camp fire!" Me and Jenna looked at each other and ran out of the tent. Everyone met at the camp fire. "What is it Ian?" I asked. Ian looked at everyone and said, "Seto is gone."

Oh no what happened to Seto!?

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