First Encounter

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Amy's POV...

"Finally I'm here! This should be such a relaxing vacation, which I really need!" I felt glad to have arrived at my destination. Immediately I parked in the driveway and quickly stepped foot out from the car, desperately needing to stretch. I hate the feeling of being confined to a small space for a long period of time. I took a moment to enjoy the warm and breezy air, closing my eyes I could feel it gently touching my face. I was thoroughly enjoying the perfect weather on this beautiful night, but sadly my moment was interrupted when I felt my phone vibrating on the inside of my pocket. I took a quick glance on the caller ID before picking up. My best friend was the one calling. "Hey Maddy." I answered. "Amy are you there yet?" She asked. I began taking my luggage out from the trunk of the car while trying to hold the phone with my other hand. "Yes but where are you? You were supposed to be here before me remember?" I answered a bit annoyed. "Well you see I got held up at work later than I intended. A patient came in needing my attention urgently, I barely just got out. Since it's late I will have to leave tomorrow morning. So... you will have to be there by yourself tonight, sorry but I'll make it up to you! Anyway, I have to go. The key should be inside the mail box like usual, just grab it and go in. Make yourself at home." She rushed to say before hanging up. I turned my focus to the dark and empty beach house, feeling a bit scared to be by myself but unfortunately it couldn't be helped. I quickly grabbed the key from the mailbox and walked towards the front door. Thankfully, the house keeper remembered to leave the porch light on. Right away after walking inside the house I rushed to turned the lights on. Looking around it was just as I remembered, large and cozy with minimal furniture. The colors are very soothing to the eye, perfect for relaxing from the stresses of everyday life. I walked up stairs to go place my belongings in the room I'd be staying in. Once there I noticed the nice big bed, so inviting! All I could think about was how tired I felt. It was almost as if the bed was calling my name, so I caved and jumped in it. It felt so warm and cozy, so before I realized it I fell asleep...

Maddy's POV...

Knowing Amy she was most likely scared to be by herself all night. I wonder how she lived on her own before moving in with me. I felt really bad for not getting to the beach house when I should have, but sometimes things happen and it's out of our control and sadly for her that's what happened last night. While parking in the driveway I took notice of the time. "Wow my best record yet. It's only 8am! Not bad!" Then again I only live about an hour away so I guess considering that it's not so impressive. As I stepped out of the car, I noticed the beach house next to ours had a large black van in front of it. I found it odd since that place usually is empty, but I guess the owners maybe decided to rent it out? I decided to not be so nosy and focus on what I was doing instead. I popped open the trunk of the car and grabbed my luggage, but before closing it I noticed how an older gentlemen rushed out from the neighbors house, he ran to the van and drove off in a hurry. He was an asian man who looked to be in his late 30's maybe early 40"s. After seeing him I knew for sure the owners had rent that place, since they're an older Italian couple with no children of their own. Again I caught myself being to nosy so I decided to leave those thoughts aside, and instead walk to my house. I took a deep breath and rang the door bell, hoping that Amy would be awake by now or else she usually tends to turn into a "beast" when I wake her. At least that's what I like to describe her as since she tends to get very grouchy. After anxiously ringing a few times there was silence, then foot steps then finally my worst fears came true as the door cracked open. I thought I saw beaming red eyes starring at me from the other side of the door. That sent shivers down my spine. "" I could barely speak her name. I heard nothing after that except the sound of foot steps heading back up stairs. "Feewww~ safe! The beast has gone back to slumber." I chucked to myself feeling so much relief. Thankfully I didn't have to deal with cranky Amy this time. That's when I began to realize how hungry I felt, so I went into the kitchen to see what I could make for breakfast. I felt extremely glad I asked our house keeper to go grocery shopping for us before we arrived, she truly makes our lives so much easier. I went to the fridge to see what she bought and of course I knew I could count on her to get everything on the list. After grabbing a few ingredients I knew exactly what to cook for breakfast...

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