Making Up

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Maddy's POV...

When Amy came in soaking wet I immediately rushed her to take a warm bath without even bothering to ask what happened. With her asthma she can't afford to get an attack, since it get's pretty bad. After her bath she began feeling weak with little energy. So I sent her to bed, like a little kid she obeyed and did just as I asked. After a while I decided to go pay our neighbors a quick visit. To ask about what happened. The look on Kyuhyun and Kangin's face when they brought her home made me realized something had happened, but since I can't ask Amy at the moment I'll find out through them. While walking to their house, I noticed Heechul stormed out, he seems angry. I watched him a bit in shock as he disappeared from my view while he walked down hill. Okay now I know for sure something happened, but maybe I'll just come back another time. I turned back and walked inside my house. After a few minutes I decided to check up on Amy. Walking in her room I noticed she looked cold so I took the blanket covering her bottom half and covered the rest of her body. That's when I felt warm heat coming from her. I touched her forehead and sure enough she has a fever. I sighed. "Okay now I really have to go and ask what happened." I gathered my courage and once again found myself on my way to the neighbors house. I knocked the door... a few seconds passed before Leeteuk came to answer. "Hi Maddy! Why uh? why you here?" He asked. "Can I talk to Kyuhyun for a moment? It's about Amy." I asked. Leeteuk slowly walked out, closing the door behind him. "Sorry... not a good time. Kyu is... uh... he's not feeling himself." He said as he looked the other direction. "What happened? Can you tell me?" I asked. "Ask Amy. It's not my place to say." He exclaimed. "I can't. She had an asthma attack and fell asleep after taking medicine." I said in a fast and firm tone. "What??? Attack?" He raised his concerned voice. I can tell he didn't understand what I said except for the word attack, due to his limited english and probably thought it was something worse. So I took my phone out to translate for him. "She got an asthma attack. The cold water triggered it. But she's fine. Don't worry. She fell asleep after taking some medicine." He looked relieved. "Ahh... ok... you scared me..." he sighed before continuing... "Amy... she means a lot to you... so I'll tell you...." he said with a cute accent. We ended up passing our phones back and forth translating our conversations. "This is a mess. I'm so sorry about all this. I'm sure she never imagined all this would happen. She really is a good person and means well. Please don't think badly of her because of this situation." I pleaded to him. "Yes... I can tell she's a good person with a good heart. I believe that's the reason why Kyuhyun and Yesung are like this. They must see it too. She seems so genuine and sincere. It's rare to find that now a days, but I can guraratee you... even if they just met. Kyuhyun and Yesung seem to genuinely care about her, but they sure are acting like a bunch of fools if you ask me." I giggled when I read that comment. "I agree. They really are a trio of fools." I wrote back making him laugh. "Well we will have to wait and see what happens, but thank you for telling me about it. I care about Amy like a sister. She means so much to me so I want to see her happy." I wrote back to him. "Kamsa... hamnida?!.." I thanked him unsure if I said it correctly. "Oh... that was pretty good. Good job!" He said while he pat my head like if I'm a little kid. I couldn't help but smile at his action. Looking at him reacting this way lets me see that he too is like a good older brother looking after his foolish younger siblings...

Yesung's POV...

I slowly opened my eyes and that's when I felt a massive headache. I feel like I was ran over by a truck. I looked around the room, not remembering how I got to my bed when I noticed the time. "What??? Its 8am!!! What the heck!!! I slept most of yesterday away???" I blurt out with frustration. I sat up on the bed and as soon as I did I felt an urge to run towards the bathroom. I can feel something building up in the pit of my stomach, but somehow I managed to reach the toilet. The moment I did I threw up. It's the worse feeling!!! How did I stupidly get myself in this situation? It's not like a drank a lot either. I really have become such a bad drinker. After what seemed to be an eternity I finally had nothing left inside me to throw up and somehow managed to collect myself. I decided to shower. I reek of alcohol. I quickly showered and changed. As soon as I did I went to my room to find an aspirin. My head feels like it'll explode at any moment, it's killing me. I desperately need some relief, but the sunlight peaking from behind the curtains is not helping one bit. "You sure had a lot to drink didn't you?" Kyuhyun walked in the room with such a mocking grin on his face. "Don't pester me! I'm in no mood for a fight! My head is killing me!" I blurted out with annoyance while I quickly swallowed a couple pills. "I figured that much. Here!" He gave me a bowl of hangover soup. Usually I love this soup but at this moment I feel disgusted by it. Even so I took it since it is nice of him to bring. I stared at it for a moment "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for things to get out of hand." I said to him. "I know. We both acted foolishly like a pack of wild dogs trying to mark their territory." He joked. I thought about it for a moment and he's right, that's exactly what we cavemen were doing. I too began to laugh. "Guess our primal instincts kicked in and we lost all sense of the situation." I said to him. We really did act like idiots. "Kyu?" I called him as I took a bite of the soup. "Yeah?" He answered. "Let the best man win. It's still early but let's fight a fair fight and let her decide. In the end whatever the results we will accept it. Holding no grudges towards each other. Agreed?" I stated with a determined look. "Alright!" He responded. I noticed the same determination in his eyes. Just then we felt a sudden chill coming from Donghae's bed. "What em I? Chop liver???" Donghae glared at us from his corner. "I've been here the whole time you know." He exclaimed. "This doesn't involve you!" Kyuhyun and I blurt out in unison as we turned to face him. "I know! So can you go make up in another room? I'm still tired from all the drama you both created yesterday so please... there's the door." He pointed to it then slowly fell back into his bed. "Aish this kid!" I let out as we both walked out the room, closing the door behind us. Kyu and I went down stairs to the living room. "Did you both make up?" Siwon asked. "Yes!" We answered. "About time. You dummies had us worried." Eunhyuk said with a huge grin on his face. Then came to hug us. "Hey... stop! You know I don't do hugs!" Kyuhyun protested. I somehow managed to loosen Eunhyuk's grip and walked to the table to try to finish the rest of the soup, but I was only able to eat a couple more bites. I feel if I continue I will end throwing up again. Just then I remembered about Amy's phone. "The phone!" I blurt out in a loud voice as I ran to the counter where I left it inside a container with rice. "Let's see... please work... please... oh!!! wow.... it really does work! It works!!" I said in a happy tone. "Is that your phone?" Leeteuk asked. "It's Amy's... I forgot to give it back to her after it got wet yesterday. But I think I fixed it." I responded. Leeteuk turned to face me and in a calm voice spoke up. "Listen up you two!" he pointed at me and Kyuhyun. "Amy felt bad yesterday after she got wet. Don't panic at what I'm about to say since she's better now, but she had an asthma attack yesterday after she went home. So please be cautious how you approach her. You don't want to further aggravate her health." He exclaimed. "What??" We both asked. It took us a few seconds to react to the news. As soon as it sunk in we ran out the front door towards her house...

Maddy's POV...

I made Amy some chicken soup since she came down with a cold after her encounter with the ocean waters yesterday. Just then I heard the door bell. "It's probably them!" I let out a quick sigh already knowing who to expect. I went to open the door. Sure enough it's Yesung and Kyuhyun infront of our house. "You heard huh?" I asked them. "Can we see Amy?" Kyuhyun asked. "Sure. But let me warn you, she woke up with a cold this morning so just be careful you don't catch it." I informed them before letting them in. "Huh?" Yesung turned to Kyuhyun to translate. After doing so they both reassured me they'd be careful. I lead them upstairs. I stood infront of her room while I knocked. "Amy? " I waited for her response. "Come in." I heard her weak voice. "Look who's here to visit you!" I said while I walked over to her. She slowly opened her eyes. "Yesung? Kyuhyun?" She was surprised and quickly sat up. "What are you doing here?" She coughed. "To see you!" Yesung said. "Yeah. How are you feeling?" Kyuhyun asked. While they interrogated her I walked out and into the kitchen to serve her soup. Once ready I went up stairs. As I came to her door I silently stood by the doorway just looking at them. As stupid and dramatic as they acted before now they seem worse! They're constantly bickering infront of her. Fighting to do things for her. It's actually pretty comical. She too noticed how silly they are being. Just then she coughed and both guys reached over to grab the glass of water by her night stand. Pushing each other's hands out of the way. To their dismay Amy began laughing at them and in the end she reached over and grabbed the glass of water on her own. They both stopped what they were doing long enough to realize both failed to give it to her. "Hahaha....." I busted out laughing as I walked in. "Bet you both feel dumb!" I exclaimed. Amy and I couldn't stop laughing, and they too joined in looking embarrassed. After I gave her the soup she ate as much as she could. The guys stayed for a while before she got tired again. "Feel better. If you need anything let me know." Kyuhyun said as he walked out along with me but Yesung stayed behind while reaching into his pocket. "Here... it's fine now." I heard him say as he took her phone out. I saw him type something on it before giving it back. She smiled as she looked at it. "Thanks." She gratefully said. That's when Kyuhyun became impatient and rushed Yesung out...

To be continued...

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