Do They Like Me?!

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Amy's POV...

Yesung made arrangements for me to visit Korea in a few days in the beginning of January. Sadly because of his schedule I haven't been able to see him. Still I'm looking forward to going to Korean since for a couple nights I'll be staying with his family. I will finally be able to meet them. I feel really nervous about it. What if they don't like me? What if they don't like that I'm a foreigner? Or what if they think I'm not good enough to date their son? I'm extremely anxious to say the least. Finally the day came. While boarding the plane I felt knots in my stomach, in a couple hours I'll be arriving. It's my first time traveling to Korea and on top of that I'll be meeting his parents, I am so nervous! I tried to relax on the way but I found it to be impossible. After arriving I walked towards the luggage pick up when I received a text from Jongjin. "I'm here. Where are you?" It read. I quickly responded. "I just picked up my luggage, I'm about to walk to the main exit." I sent it. A few minutes went by when I spotted him waving at me as he approached me. "Hello Amy! Long time no see." He gave me a quick hug. It's been months since the last time I saw him. "Here let me help you." He took my luggage from my hand and placed it in the trunk of his car. "Thank you so much!" I bowed to him. "Haha... Why so formal of all sudden?" He chuckled. "Oh sorry! I guess maybe it's because I'm extremely nervous!" I responded. He turned to me. "Don't worry you'll be fine, my parents are very easy going you'll see. Now come on let's go." He let out as he opened the car door. "And you say I'm being formal but look at you? Being such a well mannered gentlemen." I chuckled. He smirked a little without answering then walked over to his side and got in the car. The way he smirked reminded me so much of Yesung. Their resemblance is too much sometimes. "Are we going straight to your house?" I asked. "No. We are going to our cafe. My parents are there, my brother will meet us there too. We decided to close early today for privacy reasons." He responded. My hands feel cold and not because it's freezing cold outside but because of my nerves. Knowing that sometimes when I become too anxious I end up getting an asthma attack, I quickly checked my bag to make sure I have my inhaler on hand, just in case I might need it. Jongjin turned to look at me with a confused look on his face as he noticed my inhaler. "This is for treating my asthma." I explained. "Oh you feel an attack coming?" He looked concerned. "Well no, but just in case. I want to have it on hand. I don't want anything ruining this day you know." I responded feeling a little embarrassed. I can tell he wanted to laugh. "Haha. Yeah I know how dorky of me but I really can't afford getting an attack the day I meet your parents." I tried to make a joke of my embarrassing moment. I think he caught on and changed the topic. Finally we arrived, I took a few deep breaths right before walking inside Mouse Rabbit. The employees were finishing attending to the last clients still remaining inside. The building is very modern and chic, the decor is simple but with good taste. It's really nice, definitely Yesung's style. So far I can only see the employees working behind the counter. "Sorry Miss but we are closed." They said as they turned to me. "She's with me." Jongjin explained. "Oh sorry! Is she your girlfriend?" An employee asked. "Haha... No! I guess you can say she's more like my younger sister." He winked at me. I turned a slightly red color, since I know what he means by that comment. "Okay do you want to order something?" The girl behind the counter asked. "Sure... The strongest coffee you have." I responded. I looked around and noticed all the clients had left. "Okay that'll be 5688 won!" The cashier said. "Yes, Here you go." I handed her my card. "Don't charge it. It's on the house." I turned towards the voice, It's Yesung's! Right away he gave me a tight embrace. All of his employees seemed surprised. "Jongwoon-ah is she your girlfriend?" They asked. He turned to them while taking hold of my hand. "Yes! She's my girlfriend Amy Cohen. So anything she wants is on me." He responded. I bashfully bowed. They walked towards us. "You weren't kidding, she really is pretty. Prettier than how you described." One of the girls blurt out. I'm surprised to hear that. I guess he talks about me to them?! I couldn't help but feel a little flustered. "Here's your drink." Another girl said as she handed the cup to me. Before I could take a sip Yesung took it from my hand taking a sip himself. "That's weird. Why did you order this one? It's bitter! Usually you tend to order the sweeter drinks." He looked at me while continuing to drink my coffee. "Well I'm nervous and also a little tired. I figured the stronger the caffeine the better." I responded. He laughed. "It's ok don't be nervous. They'll love you!" He tried to calm me. "Why don't we do this. I'll take this drink since it's more my taste and you order another one. A sweeter one this time. One that you'll like, trust me you'll be fine. You don't need so much caffeine when I know you'll be fine." He gave me a little push towards the counter. This time I glanced at the menu. One drink stood out with salted caramel. I'll have that one, I reordered. Finally when the drink was ready Yesung handed it to me. "Here you go. Try it... let me know if it's sweet enough for you." He smiled at me. I took a sip. "Wow! This is good. Perfect caramel flavor. I really like it!" I responded while drinking more. He nodded then grabbed my hand and lead me to a table. We both sat down. "So where are your parents?" I asked. "They're in the back. They are finishing with some accounting business. As soon as they finish they'll come right out." He responded. Thankfully with some cheesy jokes from Yesung he had me more at ease, I didn't feel as nervous anymore. When his employees finished cleaning up they too began to leave. Only a few stayed behind to chat for a bit. "So you're the famous Amy he talks about all the time!" One of the girls teased Yesung. He tried to laugh it off. "Yeah. We feel like we already know you by everything he says about you. It's pretty cute actually." Another said. "Ok... okay you don't have to tell her everything I say. It's embarrassing!!!" He turned slightly red looking completely flustered. "My parents should be finishing up any minute now." Jongjin said while walking towards us, sitting down on our table. We continued to chat for a while when the girls decided to head out, leaving the three of us alone...

Yesung's POV...

While we continued talking Amy seemed more at ease. She even finished all of her latte. Which is a very good sign that she's in a more calm mood. I'm glad since I don't want for her anxiousness to trigger an asthma attack. Just then my parents came out. Right away we both stood up from our seats. Immediately she bowed to them as they approached us. "Hello!" She greeted them.

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