Another Dilemma

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Maddy's POV...

By the time I woke up it was sometime around 10 in the morning. I sat up in bed only to feel a massive head ache. How did I get home? I don't remember anything! "Oh so you're finally up?!" Ryan said in a stern voice as he walked in my room. I stared at him with a blank look. For some reason in that moment I began to get a really bad feeling about last night. "Is she up?" Amy asked while walking in. I could feel something building up in the pit of my stomach, I immediately ran to the bathroom. I began to throw up. Ryan and Amy both looked at me from the door way. "Why did you drink so much?!" Ryan demanded an answer. "Not sure. I can't remember." I responded. "I think you got caught up in the moment and didn't realize how many you had until it was too late." Amy quickly jumped in trying to help. I turned to her with so much gratitude "Thank you." I mouthed. "Still you have to be more careful! What if Amy wasn't there to take care of you?! Then what?" He continued scolding. "I know. I know. I'm sorry it won't happen again." I answered with annoyance. He glared some more. "Fine but make sure it doesn't happen again. Understood!!!" He said in a firm tone. "Yes Ok...!" I responded while still continuing to throw up. Finally Ryan walked out leaving Amy standing by the door. "He seemed pretty upset, but even so he let you off easy." She said as she too walked away. I know they are right. It was pretty reckless of me to drink so much. After finishing I washed my face, then went to get clothes and took a shower. By the time I went down stairs Amy was in the kitchen making chicken soup. I normally love that smell but right now everything makes me feel noxious. "Where's Ryan?" I asked. "He said he'd be down by the beach working out." She responded. "I see... How about you? Why are you making chicken soup?" I asked as I sat on the bar stool by the counter top. "I sent a text this morning to Yesung to see how he was feeling but Donghae responded instead. He told me Yesung's really sick with a fever." She responded. "Oh that sucks. Poor guy." I sighed. Just then some fragments of what seems to be memories from last night came to me, and now I can't help but feel nervous. "Amy?" I called her unsure if I truly want to know. "What... what happened last night?" I stuttered. She stayed silent while she continued stirring the pot. "Well? Did I do or say anything embarrassing?" I asked as more fragments came to mind. "Well... umm... you said a few things that..." she paused. "I said what?" I demanded. Now feeling more anxious than before. "You said you find Donghae attractive but you like Leeteuk's personality best." She responded. I could feel my face turning red to the point where it began to burn from sheer embarrassment. "Not sure if I want to know more but did they hear?" I asked. "Yes both Donghae and Leeteuk." I had a look like deer on head lights. "Oh my god!!!!!" I yelled on top of my lungs. The whole world could probably hear me screaming. "What the heck! Why are you yelling?" Ryan walked in covering his ears. "Brother!!! My life is over!!! I'm so ashamed!!!" I couldn't help but whine. "What happened?" He asked. "She let out a secret last night while drunk and now she's embarrassed." Amy responded to Ryan. He chuckled "That's all? Was it about Leeteuk?" He asked. "How did you know?" I stopped my whining for a split moment. "I can tell the way you look at him." He responded. "Actually she said she only likes his personality but she finds Donghae more attractive." Amy explained my dilemma. "Donghae? he's one of the dancers of the group right?" he turned to Amy. "Yes he is." she responded. "Ok but still I can tell there's something there for Leeteuk. You'll see baby sis. Call it a brothers intuition!" He laughed an evil laugh as he walked up stairs. "Ryan's so full of himself sometimes. He's crazy! I don't see Leeteuk that way." I sighed with annoyance...

Amy's POV...

"I'm going to take this to the guys. You want to come?" I asked Maddy. "HECK NO!!!" She yelled while covering her face. She's clearly still super embarrassed. "Okay then I'll go. Oh and I left enough for you and Ryan, you both should eat." I said to her as I picked up the food I packed. I walked towards their house. As I knocked the door I could feel the food feeling heavier in my hands. I sure did make a lot. It's getting really heavy. I feel like I might drop it if they don't answer soon! Just then I heard foot steps coming to answer the door "Oh hello. Are you the neighbor?" An older gentlemen came to the door. I'm guessing he's their manager. "Oh yes. Hello my name is Amy Cohen." I introduced myself. "Ohh Amy... Come in, come in." Heechul invited me in while giving me a little push inside. "Look who just dropped by." he said in Korean. All the guys turned to look at me. "Let me help you." Kangin took hold of the food. "Amy. What brings you here?" Kyuhyun asked while he walked down stairs. "Well Donghae said Yesung is sick, so I made him a soup and I figured since you all drank a lot last night you'd also want something light to eat." I told him. "Wow that's really kind of you." Leeteuk said while opening the container with food. "It looks really good." He exclaimed. Ryeowook opened the kitchen cabinets taking out bowls. He then began to serve everyone. "Did you eat already?" Donghae asked. "No but I'll eat in a little bit when I head home." I answered. "No. Stay and eat with us." Kyuhyun suggested while he sat by the table. "Here." He tapped the chair next to his. "Sit." He demanded. Ryeowook came with bowls on his hands. He placed them on the table. Everyone came to sit down except for Yesung who's laying in bed. "Actually would it be ok if I take a plate to Yesung before I sit down?" I asked. "Yeah that should be fine. I think it's time for him to take his medicine, so I'll go with you." Their manager suggested as he went to a cabinet, taking cold medicine out. He speaks perfect English. "Okay. Thank you." I said to him. I quickly served Yesung some of the soup. Ryeowook helped me grab a drink and utensils, placed it on a tray and gave it to me. I followed their manager to his room. As we got to the door he knocked "Jong Woon-ah. I'm coming in." He said and opened the door. He spoke to Yesung something in Korean but I'm guessing it was about the medicine. Yesung sat up on his bed. He still hasn't seen me standing by the door. He grabbed the medicine and took it. Just then his manager turned to look at me "Come in." He signaled me with his hand. I simply nodded and slowly walked in. Yesung turned to face the door to see who it was. "Amy..." he blurt out as he saw me. "Hello. How are you feeling?" I asked. He tried to get up from bed...

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