Naksan Park

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Jongjin's POV...

While I drove to the destination my brother would meet us, Amy and I were conversating. For some reason I can't help but feel a connection towards her. Even though she's younger than me, I still feel like I can talk to her in a comfortable manner. She's so easy going. I really feel happy to see that my hyung found himself a good girl. One who hopefully he'll marry, I would love to call her my sister. Growing up I always did want more siblings but it was always just Jongwoon and I. Then again I feel that's the reason why we are so close, because we had to rely on each other to keep one another company. Most of the time both our parents worked for most the day, leaving us two alone. Jongwoon had the role of not only an older brother but sometimes even of a parent. He tried his best to be there for me. He's always been so dependable. Growing up he and our father didn't have the best relationship but even then he still continued to try his best to stay in contact with us during his trainee days. Coming home every opportunity he had. He's always believed that family is everything. You can say he's kind of old school in his way of thinking and even now. To bridge the gap between my father and him, he decided to buy my parents a home, here in Seoul. He wanted to have us be a family who lives together. He ended up moving out of his dorm and moved in with us. Not only that but he also opened his eyewear store for dad to manage and the cafe for me to run. Sometimes our mother helps out, but Jongwoon doesn't like her overworking herself, he wants her to take it easy. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better hyung. That's why I feel like it's finally his turn to receive happiness instead of giving. I'm glad Amy is that for him, she is his happiness, his reward for all his hard work, and for that I'm thankful. I think that's the reason my parents were so easily swayed by her, because they see the effect she has on my brother. How his outlook on life has changed since he met her. "Jongjin... the light is green." I was startled when Amy's comment brought me out of my own thoughts. "Oh yeah sorry." I responded while I continued to drive. "Amy. Can I ask you a personal question?" I turned to glance her way. "Sure go ahead." She responded. "Why do you like my brother? Or I guess I should ask, how did it start?" I asked. She stayed quiet while contemplating on her response. "Well I'm not sure... The moment I met him I felt drawn to him. Not necessarily because of his looks, of course he's very handsome but I think it was more because of his eyes. They seemed uninterested with life. They seemed like he had a lot of sorrow in his life. With out knowing it I found myself curious about him. The more I thought of him the more I wanted to know him. I felt he needed someone to help him see life in a different way. I guess in some ways he reminded me of my father. Just like he needed my mother to see that life is good, I felt Yesung needed that and I found myself wanting to be that for him. Even if just as friends, but eventually feelings and emotions became involved and now here we are!" She responded. I smiled at her while staying quiet, allowing her words to sink in. She really has no idea how much power her perception on life has on my brother. Heck even I feel impressed on how she caught on quick to my brothers outlook and emotions. For the rest of the ride we both stayed in silence. Once arriving to our destination I noticed my brother was already there. 


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