A Promise Almost Broken

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Amy's POV...

"Miss Cohen wait, those look heavy! Need a hand?" Professor Jin Davis asked. He is also a foreign teacher working for the same school. He is one of the few colleagues that is close in age to me along with one other teacher, her name is Mina Nishioka. Both of these teachers have helped me a lot in learning new techniques of teaching here in Japan. The three of us have gotten really close. So I feel very grateful to have them. "No, I think I...I'll be ok!" I stumble a bit because of the weight of the books and papers. He himself is carrying some of his own, so I don't want to be a burden to him. "Here, we live in the same apartment complex and I too am heading home. I'll join you since it's late and you seem to desperately need the help. Even if you won't admit it!" He suggested while taking what I was holding. There is so much grading I need to do, so I'll be very busy for a few days. "Thanks, I didn't realize how heavy those were until the weight was off!" I sighed. "Don't worry about it. So anyway, I'll be hosting a gathering tomorrow night at my place. I'm inviting a few of our colleagues. Do you want to join us?" He asked me. "I'm not so sure. Like I said I have so much grading I'll be doing so I'm not sure if I'll be able to attend!" I responded. "I understand, but if you need a break the offer is there, just come and join us if you can." He smiled at me. We continued walking until we finally arrived in front of my apartment. I quickly pressed my code and opened the door, but before going in I turned to face Jin. "So here I am. Thanks for everything! I feel really bad you carried all these books by yourself!" I said to him while taking hold of the books and placing them on the entry table beside the door. "No problem. My mother always taught me that a true gentleman will always help a lady in distress." He responded. He and I both began to laugh at his response. "Welcome home! How was...?" A familiar voice came from behind me.

?" A familiar voice came from behind me

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I immediately turned towards it. "Oh my gosh!" I wasn't expecting to see anyone home, especially not him. He startled me! "Do you know this man?" Jin asked while stepping in front of me, in a protective manner. "Yes of course. He is my..." I was about to answer when Yesung walked up to me taking hold of my wrist and pulling me towards him. "What do you think you're doing?!" Jin grabbed Yesung by the collar. Yesung immediately turned to face him with a cold glare as he made a fist with his hand. "Can both of you stop!!!" I raised my voice. They both turned to face me. "Jin this is Kim Jongwoon, my boyfriend! Jongwoon this is Jin Davis, my colleague from work! So can you both please behave yourselves!" I let out. Immediately they both turned to face each other and let go. "I'm sorry! I just assumed you were a burglar, but now I see I was so wrong!" Jin responded with embarrassment. "Really? A burglar with an apron?" Yesung scoffed with sarcasm in his voice. "Anyway! Thanks again Jin for helping with the books! I'll take it from here!" I opened the front door even wider. "Huh? Oh yes, sorry! I'll leave you two alone! Nice to meet you and see you tomorrow Amy!" Jin waved while closing the door behind him. "What was that?" Yesung asked in a serious tone. "What do you mean? You heard everything, he is my colleague and he helped me carry all those books!" I pointed to the pile on top of the entry table. "He walked you home?" He asked somewhat annoyed. "Yes, kind of. He lives three doors down the hallway! We are neighbors!" I responded while walking closer to Yesung. "But enough about that! Why are you here? You didn't mention you'd be stopping by." I said to him while taking hold of his hand. He removed his hand away from me. "Why? Does it bother you? Would you prefer someone else's company instead?" Yesung asked in such a childish tone. I chuckled. "Don't be ridiculous. Of course not! It's just that you surprised me, that's all! When did you get in?" I asked him. "In the morning but you had left to work already so I made myself at home! I have the next few days off and so I came here to spend them with you. I wanted to surprise you with dinner but I turned out to be the one surprised when I saw you with that guy!" He let out. I couldn't help but giggle to myself. "Why are you laughing? I find nothing funny with that!" He pouted. "Because you are acting so silly! I missed this silly boyfriend of mine!" I embraced him. He then turned to face me with his still serious face. "Why is it that no matter what you do, you always can change my mood!" He said while leaning down to meet my lips, I gladly accepted! That's when the smoke detector went off! "Is something burning?" I rushed to ask. Without answering Yesung ran to the kitchen, I too followed close behind. "I burned it!!!" He sighed with frustration. "What were you making?" I asked while stepping in the kitchen. "Your favorite tempura dish, but I ruined it!" He let out. "Are you sure? It looks savable!" I suggested. "No it's not good enough!" He said while walking towards me and turning me to walk out. "Why don't you try to relax and leave the cooking to me for tonight. I'll redo it, I hope you're not too hungry because it'll be a while." He blurt out. "Alright. I do have a lot of grading to do so don't worry about me. I'll be fine waiting. I'm just glad you're here spending time with me!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek before turning to leave.

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