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Leeteuk's POV...

"Ok guys our manager is on his way. Hurry and finish getting ready. We need to leave at least an hour early so we can arrive at Staples Center around noon for rehearsals!!!" I reminded them. Without answering they all rushed to gather what they needed. After a few minutes most of them were ready and waiting by the living room when Yesung and Kyuhyun walked in. "Hurry gather your things our manager will be here any minute now." I demanded. "Don't worry we left everything ready before going to Amy's." Yesung answered. "Is she doing better?" I asked. "Kind off. She came down with a cold but she seems to be holding up ok." Kyuhyun answered. "Oh I see." I responded. Maybe when I get back I'll see if I can help Maddy with something. After a couple minutes the door opened and as expected it was our manager, right on time. Always managing to keep his punctuality. "Hey you guys ready?" He yelled as he signaled us to walk out. We all quickly rushed out and into the van...

Kyuhyun's POV...

While finding a seat near the back, I turned to face our neighbors house. I hope Amy will be feeling better when I get back. Maybe I should bring her something as a present to cheer her up... wait?! Yeah that's a good idea! I can feel a huge smile growing on my face. "Eeeww! You look creepy! Why the look?" Eunhyuk chuckled while looking at me. "Nothing... nothing." I responded. I'm a genius. I know how I will impress Amy! I'll get her Kcon tickets so she can go tomorrow. It'll be a gamble with her sickness, but since it seems to be a simple cold she'll hopefully be feeling good enough, and if she does then I can show her how cool I am! I chuckled at my own thoughts. I then glanced at Yesung and as usual he's with his head set on and in his own world. That hyung! What does Amy see in him? I'm better looking, taller and I have more charm than he does. Still she seems more into him than me. I have to step up my game tomorrow for sure. After about an hour and a half of just road we finally arrived at Staples Center. "Man... traffic was bad!" Kangin complaint while stretching his arms up in the air. As I stepped out my body felt sore from sitting too long. I too need a good stretching. Having long legs and being cramped in a car is not good for me, especially when I'm going to be dancing...

Heechul's POV...

"What other artist were scheduled to perform along with us?" I asked while turning to Leeteuk, hoping there will be girl groups coming aswell. "If I remember correctly I believe it was Monsta X, Roy Kim, Got7 and Sistar." Leeteuk responded. "Really??? Alright then let's go in! Come on guys!!!" I said to them feeling extremely excited. While walking backstage I noticed some of the members of Got7. "Omo... you kids look like you've been working hard. Ready for tomorrow?" I asked. "Oh hello sunbae-nim... Yes we are more than ready!" Bambam was quick to respond. "No, we still have one more song to rehearse and then we'll be ready." JB corrected him. "True, but man do I feel nervous for tomorrow." Bambam turned to me. I keep forgetting they are still so new to this industry. "Aigoo... Don't worry. You'll do fine! I've seen you guys preform and you do good, but with a little more practice you can be more like your sunbae!" I pointed to myself while posing like a model. "It takes a little getting use to, that's all! In the mean time embrace the love and screams from your adoring fans. Here's a quick tip from me. The more confidence the better you'll look even if you mess up a little." I said trying to cheer them on. They all nodded and seemed to be taking mental notes on my tips. I feel proud of myself for giving my dongsaes some useful advice. Just then I noticed one of Sistar's members which caught my attention right away. "Oh... Bora-ssi!!!" I called out to her...

 Bora-ssi!!!" I called out to her

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