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Amy's POV...

After Ryan left we all began heading back to our houses. That's when I noticed Kyuhyun look my way as if he was saying for me to not feel uncomfortable with Yesung around him. I took a deep breath and decided to take his advice. Immediately I stopped Yesung. I handed him my phone. "Do you want to go with me to get a snack?" I asked. He smiled as he read my message. "Ok... let's go." He responded. "What kind of snack?" He asked me in Japanese. "Coffee." I responded. He smirked. "Okay... someday I'd like to show you my cafe. If you ever go to Korea that is..." he turned to me. I smiled and nodded. We walked to a near by cafe. Talking along the way. "Hi. I can help you whenever you're ready..." the cashier behind the counter said to us. I stared at the menu not knowing what to get. "I'll have an americano." Yesung gave his order. "Okay and you miss?" She asked. "Hmm... let's see... what's sweet and not too bitter?" I asked. "Well we have our house special the almond joy latte. Its sweet, it has a hint of almond flavor mixed with the coffee. It's really good and not bitter at all." She recommended. "Ok then I'll get that." I placed my order. I extended my hand trying to give her my debit card. "No!" Yesung placed my hand down. "I'll pay." He offered. "No. I invited you here so let me treat you." I said. "Arigato but no. I'll pay." He insisted handing the girl his card. "Your boyfriend is such a gentlemen. How sweet." The cashier exclaimed. "Oh he's not..." I tried to clarify the misunderstanding. "Thank you." Yesung smirked while placed his arm around my shoulder. That surprised me! I immediately glanced at him, but he only smiled and signaled for us to go sit down. I couldn't bring myself to say a word after that or to even protest. Not that I really cared to do so. I walked to a table along with him. I couldn't help but feel very flustered. Why didn't he let me clarify things? My heart literally feels like it's pounding so fast for me to be able to keep up. I feel so many flutters that it became almost impossible for me to speak. But somehow I managed to continue to talk with him for a while, until it began getting dark. "Amy." Yesung called me. "Yes. What is it?" I answered. "Can you give me an art lessons tomorrow?" He asked in Japanese. I couldn't help but laugh at his request. "What? Why?" I asked. "I want to be your student. You can be my teacher and You can teach me how to draw people. I'd like to try to draw you." He blurt out. I continued to laugh. "Why???" I said in disbelief. "Don't laugh. I'm serious. You drew me before, so I'd like to try to draw you." He insisted giving me a cute pouty face. After seeing his face I couldn't say no. "Ok. Fine I'll be your teacher. Just know I don't go easy on my students." I warned him on a translated message. "Arigato!!!" He said in a loud tone. He seems really happy I agreed. Again just like the last time we went out we stayed in that cafe until closing time. That's when it hit me, we didn't remember about eating. "I just realized we skipped dinner. Are you hungry?" I wrote to him on my phone. He read it. "Not really. I think the coffee filled me up." He responded. "But if you want to keep hanging out with me all you have to do is ask. You don't have to use the dinner excuse." he wrote. I turned to look at him as I read the last part. He gave me a side smirk with a wink. All I could do was smile and shy away. In the end, we both agreed we weren't hungry and since mostly everything is closed we decided to head back home. The weather is beginning to get cold, and he still has a slight left over cough. "Let's hurry and get back, I don't want you getting worse." I told him. At that moment my hands started to feel like popsicles due to the cold wind. So I began rubbing them together trying to warm them up. That's when Yesung stopped walking and turned to face me...

Yesung's POV...

I noticed Amy seems very cold and keeps rubbing her hands together, and the reality is that it's super cold. I too began to feel it. I stopped walking and turned to face her. "You're cold?" I asked. "Yeah a little." She responded. I took hold of her hands. I can tell she's flustered by my action. "Wow... your hands.. they're like ice." I told her in Japanese while I tried to warm them with mine. She gave me a sweet smile and allowed for me to continue. Just then a chilly breeze came in. I noticed the way she shrugged her shoulders as the breeze pass through us. I decided to let go of her hands and took a step closer to her. Without hesitation I wrapped my arms around her. I surprised her but she didn't pull away. Instead, she too embraced me. Can anyone be any happier than me at this moment? My heart is pounding so fast and it's making it hard to breath properly but I'm simply too happy to stop. I held her tighter in between my arms. Feeling her warm embrace, I closed my eyes. I want to remember this moment, this feeling, this night, her scent. It's all too perfect. We stayed in that position for a while. Neither one of us wanting to move. I want to freeze this moment in time but decided to slightly pull away, just enough to be able to look her in the eye. It's almost like she read my mind since she too turned to face me. For a moment without saying a word we stayed still, staring at each other's eyes. Suddenly, out of nowhere it felt like the weather dropped 10 degrees, and the cold chilly wind began to pick up. I could feel her body getting colder even with my arms around her. "Come on let's head back quickly. It's getting more cold." I said and slowly let go of her. She nodded and we both continued our walk home. "I'll race you!" She blurt out while tapping my arm, getting a head start. "Hey!" I let out and ran after her. In no time I passed her up. She's not the fastest runner. Getting close to her house I began to slow down to allow her to get ahead of me. With out hesitation she ran passed me. I pretended to feel tired. "Yeah I won!" She celebrated as she got to her door. I chuckled at her cute celebration. "Yes you did. Good job." I praising her. "Now go inside. It's cold." I let out. She opened the door and turned to me "Goodnight. Thank you for your time." She smiled at me, waving once more before going inside. I can sense it! She feels the same! I began to laugh like a mad man. I know she feels the same, I can tell. I can feel it!!! I feel completely energized with so much adrenaline. I'm not sure if I should smile, laugh or yell like a fool! I'm the happiest I've been in a long time...

Amy's POV...

The moment I closed the door all I could do was smile like a dummy. He likes me! I know he does! I placed my hand on my chest. I can feel my heart pounding against it. "So you're finally back." Maddy stood by the door. "I saw you leave with Yesung. Where did you go?" She asked. "Maddy!!! I'm so happy! I feel so happy!!!" I yelled out loud. "Why? What happened?" She smiled. I told her everything, down to the last detail. "Wow! I'm happy for you Amy. See I told you and this proves it. The fact that he didn't allow you to clarify things with the cashier and the hug. Yup! He likes you alright." She said in a firm tone. I continued to smile with so much excitement...

Kyuhyun's POV...

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