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Katie's POV...

"Amy... Amy... wake up!" I gently shook her, but she simply swatted my hand away while turning to the other side of the bed. "Fine! This will wake you!" I opened the curtains letting in all the bright sunlight, but instead of waking up she frowned and covered her face. I sighed with frustration. She must have stayed up late since I can't seem to wake her with my usual tactics. Time for drastic measures! I took my phone out and dialed Amy's number. Thankfully she had placed her phone on the nightstand. A few seconds went by before it started ringing. "Oh... Yesung is calling!" I blurt out while I hung up my phone and placed it back into my pocket. I then pretended to pick up hers. "Hi...Oppa!" I said in a loud voice. Amy immediately sat up and turned to me, signaling me to give her the phone. I smirked while taking a few steps back away from her. "No... She's still asleep... I know, so lazy right!" I pretended to be speaking to Yesung. Just then her phone rang for reals, it scared me! I wasn't expecting a call. Amy glared while signaling me to hand her the phone. The look she gave me, I know she means business this time. I cautiously handed her phone back, she quickly snatched it away from me. I slowly began to leave her room making it seem like I left but instead I stood by her door trying to listen in...

Amy's POV...

Without looking at the caller ID I answered. "Hello!" I let out with annoyance in my voice. "Wow someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Yesung chuckle. "Sorry! Katie was just pranking me and well you know how it is with younger siblings." I responded. He laughed. "Yes I understand." He replied. "Did you have free time right now to call?" I turned to look at the time. It's pretty early. "Yes I just got my hair and makeup done by my stylist, and now I'm on my way to an appointment, but I thought I'd give you a call on the way. Since I'm not sure if I'll be able to call later today." He said to me with a sad tone in his voice. "It's ok. I understand if you can't. Don't stress about it. I'm just glad you called now at least." I responded. I can tell he feels bad about it. I heard him sigh. For a moment he stayed in silence. "Amy I'm so sorry. I have to go. That was all the time I have. I'll try to find another moment again, even to say hi at least... okay?" He let out. "Okay...I..." He hung up. He didn't even let me finish. Well it's definitely not the best way to start my day...

Maddy's POV...

I noticed Katie standing by Amy's door while trying to listen in on her. Since I have a book on hand I quickly smacked her on the head with it. "Ouch!" She grabbed her head and massaged it. "What are you doing?" I scolded her. "I was trying to hear about the tickets." She blurt out. "That's right! Has she said anything about them?" I can't believe I forgot about it. "That's what I was trying to figure out but here you are smacking my head. Pabo!" Katie scoffed at me. I remember hearing Heechul use that word before but I don't know what it means. "What does that mean?" I asked Katie. She gave me a frantic look. "It's uh... it means... silly!" She quickly answered. I don't buy that for a second! I'm sure she's lying to me right now, but I'll let it go for the time being. I have more important matters to attend too. "If you want something done right you have to do it yourself." I said to her while walking in Amy's room. "Watch and learn Katie." I smirked at her. Once there I sat on Amy's bed as she hung up the phone. Immediately I took notice of her face expression, which conveys sadness. "What is it? Is everything ok?" I asked. She nodded but still kept her sad look. "Tell me." I continued asking. "Nothing it's dumb. No! more like I'm dumb." she paused for a moment to gather her thoughts. "I want to talk with Yesung and spend more time with him, but sometimes it's hard trying to even say goodbye to him. He's always so busy and hardly has anytime for me." She confessed. I feel bad for her, since I understand what it's like. I too like someone whom I constantly wait for, but unlike Amy this person has no idea I like them. "I'm sorry. I know it can be hard but just think, if it's hard for you how much harder must it be for him?" She turned to face me. "I know. That's why I try to act like it doesn't bother me but it does. I'm becoming greedy Maddy! I want more time with him! I need more time!" She revealed. I stayed quiet for a moment. "I know what you mean but you can't let him see you down. Remember you are his girlfriend. You are supposed to be his comfort, his happiness! Don't add more stress to what he already has. I'm sure it must not be easy on him, having to juggle so many things and on top of that having to try to have a semi normal relationship with you. Besides, try to think positive. When you do see him it's that much more meaningful since you've both missed each other. You know that makes him want to see you more." Amy smiled at me feeling some comfort from my words. "You're right. I can't let this greedy side of me continue like this. I do want to continue bringing happiness to him and not stress. I won't be complaining to him. I want to simply be his source of comfort and happiness. Thank you for listening and cheering me up. Also for reminding me of what really matters." Amy seems in better spirits. We talked for a little longer and seeing how she's feeling better I finally asked. "So what did Yesung say about the tickets?" I know Katie is still listening by the door...

Katie's POV...

I feel really bad for Yesung and my sister. It must be tough being in a long distance relationship where you can hardly see each other or even speak for that matter. "So what did Yesung say about the tickets?" I heard Maddy ask. Finally what I had been waiting for. "Well... he said no! Sorry!" Amy let out. "Really??? I'm shocked!!! I thought for sure he would say yes!" Maddy exclaimed. I too am in shock! "No!!! My dear Oppa couldn't have said that! Right???" I quickly showed my face to Amy. "So you were eavesdropping!" Amy turned to me. Maddy began to laugh and Amy too joined her. "Payback for earlier!" She blurt out. "Wait... wait... so let me get this straight. It was just a joke right! So then that means oppa said Yes!!!" I yelled with excitement. "Yes he said yes!" Amy responded. I jumped with excitement. "But wait, there's more!" Amy blurt out. "What is it? Tell me!!" I anxiously begged for her to say. "On one condition!" She told me with an evil looking smirk. "Anything, name it and consider it done!" I quickly responded. "No more pranks!" She demanded in a serious tone. "Fine, no more I'm done!" I responded and even pinky promised her. "Okay I'm trusting you then!" She exclaimed. "Yes you can trust me! Don't worry!" I reassured her. "Well... he said he will give us backstage passes too!" She let out. As those words reached my ears it was like a sweet sweet melody. "I'm going to meet my number one bias..." I mumbled in disbelief. "What's his name? Chanyeol!" Amy teased. "Chanyeol!!!" That name keeps ringing in my ears. "But wait, there's more!" Amy said in a mischievous tone. "Can he really do better than that?" I asked Amy feeling even more in lala land. "Yesung said he has a surprise for you. So look forward to it." Amy said with such excitement in her voice. I can feel a warm tear falling from my eyes. "Yesung oppa! You're the best! I will forever be your fan! Oppa saranghae!!!" I yelled on top of my lungs. Maddy and Amy both laughed at my fangirling. Now I really can't wait for Saturday to come. "Okay girls seriously we have to go shopping. Get our nails done... facials... etc!" I quickly turned to face them. "Yes I second that." Maddy agreed. "Alright then, it's settled! Let's do that today." Amy got up from her bed...

Amy's POV...

For that whole day the three of us spent it in Tokyo having girl time. We all couldn't wait for the concert. Katie really wants to meet Chanyeol as well as seeing Yesung perform. Of course I want to see my boyfriend and Maddy? Well she seems a little too excited. She hasn't said anything to me yet, but by the way she's been lately I am starting to believe that she has fallen for Leeteuk. They've been having quite a bit of communication with each other lately. Even more so than before, but since she hasn't opened up about yet, then she must be struggling to admit it to herself. For the time being I'll let her be. I want her to see it herself. We ended up staying out late and unfortunately my phone and Katie's died. With all the excitement from this morning we both forgot to charge them, while Maddy's still has some battery left but it's too low. To conserve the battery she turned it off. "In case of an emergency, better safe than sorry." She said. I know Yesung most likely won't be calling me since he himself said he probably wouldn't be able to talk. So I won't worry about missing any calls from him. In the end we got home around 11 or so. I placed my phone to charge while I jumped in the tub. I took a nice long hot bath. I want to relax my aching muscles since we did quite a bit of walking. By the time I got out I went to my room. I was towel drying my hair when I noticed a light on my phone. I opened the screen. Turns out I have several missed calls from Yesung. I checked the times and notice he had been trying to reach me for most of the day. I feel really bad. I guess he really meant it when he said he'd look for any opportunity to call. I glanced at the time, it's passed midnight. It's late but I want to try anyway. I dialed and after a couple rings he answered. "Hello?" He sounds worried. "Hi sorry... my..." He cut me off. "Are you ok? I tried calling you but since I couldn't reach you I got worried. I called Katie and then Maddy but no one was answering. I thought something bad happened." He blurt out. Now I feel that much worse for not charging my phone. "Sorry our phones were dead, and we were in Tokyo so we couldn't charge them. Sorry for worrying you." I apologized feeling so much guilt. He sighed. "I'm just glad you're ok. I really was worried." He exclaimed in a more calm voice, but still he doesn't sound like his usual self. "Are you ok?" I asked suspecting there's more. "Yes I'm okay." He responded. Still his voice is saying other wise. "Seriously are you ok? You don't sound like yourself. If there is more you can tell me... it's ok." I softly asked again. For a moment he was hesitant to speak but finally did. "I'm just really stressed out. That's all. I'm sorry I want to be more cheerful but right now I feel too much pressure from the audition of the drama, and other upcoming events." He said in a low tone. I quietly listened. I heard him sigh again. "I don't know, life just sometimes gets to you. You know?" He let out. 

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