My Conclusion

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Yesung's POV...

I stayed on that rock for a while contemplating on my predicament. Until eventually I came to the conclusion to continue to pursue Amy. I figured why stress when I didn't know what would happen. I wanted to get to know her. I don't think I've ever felt that way about someone I had just met, but somehow that intrigued me. I realized Kyuhyun too had developed feelings for her, but we had just met her so we didn't know who she would choose, or even if she was interested in either one of us. So why not give it a chance? I didn't know if this was my shot at love, but by the way I felt it could very well be. The more I thought about it, the more anxious I felt about needing to see her. I wanted her to know I was interested, I truly did want her to know. That's when I began to feel a strong urge to go to her. I wasn't sure what excuse I would use to see her that late at night, but I figured I'd think of something on the way! I jumped off the rock and with so much adrenaline I felt the need to run. So I ran all the way from the beach to her house. I hadn't realized I had walked quite a long distance but it didn't matter because I just wanted... needed to see her! I finally was about to get to her house when I took my phone out getting ready to type something! Anything! But what??? Just then I remembered we passed an ice cream shop on the way from LA, and it was near by. Only a few minutes walking distance so it would be a perfect excuse. I was hoping it was still open if not I would have to find something else to invite her too. When I finally reached her house I began to feel nervous. Right before ringing the bell I stopped, took a deep breath then rang it. A moment went by and then she came to answer the door. Still completely out of breath I somehow managed to speak. I was tired since it was a long distance I had ran, but that wouldn't stop me! My heart was already pumping who knows how many times per minute, but once I took a look at her face I literally felt it thumping hard against my chest. I leaned down holding on to my knees for support while trying to catch my breath. I quickly typed her a message. I knew she wasn't expecting to see me and she might even consider me crazy for inviting her to get ice cream at this hour, but I knew I would only be here for two weeks, so time is of the essence. Thankfully she agreed. The moment she did I became so happy. We were walking in silence for a while until I started some small talk. I wanted to get to know her. All the way to the ice cream shop we conversed. My English like always was bad so I could only communicate with language so much, but where there's a will there's a way. And so, with signs and our trusty phones we were able to understand each other. When we finally arrived at the shop there was hardly anyone around and inside was empty. It wasn't surprising considering the hour, and it worked out for the best, with more privacy. As we chose the flavor of the ice cream she offered to pay but as a man with pride I simply could not allow that. Besides, I was the one who invited her to come so no way will she pay. But it was considerate of her to try, it shows she's thoughtful. I couldn't help but think how adorable she looked eating her ice cream. To be honest, the ice cream itself looked really sweet but since she was so happy with it I just had to ask to try some. I wanted her to share a piece of her happiness with me. After tasting it, sure enough I was right. It was super sweet but I felt thankful. With some more talk I was able to learn several things about her. Like her pistachio allergy. She's the first person I know who is allergic to those. I also learned that I do have the power to make her blush. Which means she might feel attraction towards me, which in turn means she might be starting to like me? That's when I remembered my dilemma with Kyuhyun, and also about the previous night. How Kyuhyun didn't get to kiss her. If that would have been me I would have made sure that stick didn't break and gone the whole way. With that thought in mind I couldn't help but glance at her lips. She has beautiful plumpy red lips. So inviting! In the end, I only made myself blush so I turned away. Just then we noticed they were closing the shop. We had lost track of time. We stood up ready to leave but before walking out I looked at her wanting to ask if she wanted to do something else. I simply didn't want the night to end. I was truly enjoying spending time with her but I decided to let her rest. It was late so I decided to not push it further, besides there's always tomorrow I reminded myself. We talked and laughed some more as we walked home. As we stepped foot in front of her house I really wanted to give her a goodnight hug, but since we barely just went out I didn't want her to think I was too forward. I decided I'd be best to give her space. After she went in and closed the door I just stood there, grabbing my chest. I could feel my heart pumping so fast, it felt like it was about to jump right out of my chest. I was happy! I hadn't felt that way in a long time!!! I couldn't believe how I was feeling, and for someone who I barely knew. I want to know more of her. She really made me feel different but in a good way. I definitely liked what I was beginning to feel. While walking home I felt like I was walking on clouds. "This is crazy! How can she make me feel this way? She is essentially a stranger and yet, she doesn't feel like that! Whatever the case, I'm happy! I'm truly happy!" I kept telling myself. The moment I stepped foot inside our place I noticed Leeteuk was still up "Oh hyung why aren't you in bed?" I asked. "I was waiting for you. You seemed out of it earlier. I was worried." He said as he turned to look at me. I smiled at him. "Don't worry about me hyung. I'm fine. Actually... I'm better than fine. That walk did me good." I responded with a huge grin. "Yes I can see that." He said as he approached me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Just be careful. Don't want you to get hurt. If you need to talk I'm here." He turned to walk upstairs. I took his words to heart. "Don't worry hyung." I reassured him. Since no one else was downstairs I went around turning off the lights then went straight to bed. It took me a good few hours to calm my excitement. All I could do was think of her while I drifted into a comfortable deep sleep. The next morning I woke up early. Ryeowook's was the only other person awake. He was busy looking through the fridge. Wondering what to make for breakfast. "Oh hyung! You scared me!" He uttered a yelp. "Sorry but I can't help that I'm stealthy like a ninja!" I said to him in such a playful manner. "Isn't it too early for your nonsense hyung?" He rolled his eyes at me. "Haha... sorry. I just have a lot of energy today." I told him. He glanced at me with a smirk. "Yeah I have a good idea why." He responded. I acted innocently "What do you mean?" I asked. "When you left for your walk Kangin followed behind. He was worried and wanted to make sure you weren't going to get yourself in trouble. So... he saw where you went after your." he cleared his throat. "After your little run..." he chuckled then continued. "When he came home he told me about it. But don't worry aside from Kangin, Leeteuk and myself no else knows." He winked at me. This isn't the first time Kangin follows me around. Every time he's worried about me he makes sure to follow along. He even followed me once in the rain. He really is a good friend. "Well... my dear Ryeowook. What can I help you with?" I offered while rolling my sleeves up. "What??? You want to help with cooking?" He looked like I gave him the most shocking news. "Yes! Can't a hyung help his dongsaes?" I turned towards the sink to wash my hands. "Tell me what to do!"

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