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Amy's POV...

We continued playing card games for a while, but my grandfather kept beating everyone. Finally we decided to play one more round of poker. Right away most of us lost. The only ones left are papa and Yesung. For some reason my grandfather seems determined to win, with such a twinkle in his eye. I haven't seen him like this since the last time he played my father years ago. All of us quietly watched. I noticed Katie tying to take peeks at papa's and Yesung's cards. Yesung looks confident with the hand he has but so does my grandfather. We can feel the tension, I want Yesung to win since my grandfather never losses but I also want my papa to win. I feel torn. All we can do is to quietly watch. Both of them have poker faces. I can't tell if they really do have good cards or if they're simply bluffing. "Are you sure you don't want to fold?" My grandfather asked. "I'm sure." Yesung responded with such confidence in his voice. My grandpa simply smirked at him. "Okay don't say I didn't warn you." He responded. Still that had no effect on Yesung. Finally he made his move and placed his cards down. "A straight flush!!!" We cheered. "Wow no way can my grandpa can beat you now." I praised Yesung. That's when I noticed my grandfather didn't flinch. He still has his poised look. The moment he laid his cards down our mouths dropped. "Royal flush!!!" He let out. "Awww I thought for sure Yesung won!" Katie complaint. We all sighed. "Sorry Yesung maybe next time." I told him. He looks a bit disappointed but still smiled at me. "It's ok. I'll make sure to practice so that I can beat him next time." He turned to face my grandpa. "What? Is no one on my side?" My grandfather asked. "Sorry papa but it's between you and Yesung. I'm on his side." Katie responded. "Don't worry honey I'm on your side." My nana exclaimed while congratulating him. "Thank you, nice to see someone is happy for me." He gave her a hug. "Awww how cute!" Maddy and I let out as we watched them. "I wish I can be just like them when I'm their age." I mumbled while continuing to watch...

Yesung's POV...

Amy's grandparents are really cute and funny how they are towards each other. You can tell they are still very much in love with one another. Just then I heard the comment Amy said. I turned to her. "I want that too." I thought to myself as I watched her. Even though I lost the game I feel glad I'm sharing this moment with her family. Somehow this feels right, this is how it should have been all along. I don't want to stay friends, I want more! I know I shouldn't allow myself to get greedy, but the more time I spend with her the greedier I become. Once again her grandfather caught me starring at her, but this time I decided not to look away. I figure he already suspects I'm interested in his granddaughter, so might as well make it obvious. "I'll have to keep an eye on you, Yesung." He blurt out. Immediately I turned to face him. I know what he means by that. Just then everyone else turned to us both. It became quiet. "You almost beat me. I'll have to practice myself, can't get rusty around you." He stated while trying to lighten the mood. But underneath all that, the look he gave me I know he is not talking about the game. I'm sure he caught on to my intentions towards Amy, and as such he has put up his protective guard around me. "Yes but don't worry, I too will practice and take the win next time." I confidently responded. "We shall see. Keeping my spot as number one in my granddaughters eyes is very important to me, but you seem to be good. So I'll give you a chance the next time I see you." He smirked at me. "Thank you!" I replied. I can tell no one else picked up on our conversation. They all still believe we're talking about the game. "Wow so competitive!" Katie chuckled to herself as she got up to give her grandfather a hug. "I'm on your side too papa!" She exclaimed while planting a kiss on his forehead. He smiled at her. That was the end of our little chat. We both feel we said what needed to be said. It's out in the open. We ended up staying a little longer before we had to go...

Amy's POV...

I can tell both my grandparents really like Yesung and Jongjin. Specially Yesung and papa seem to have connected a little during their game. I feel really happy about that. Whenever I get a chance I like to take a moment to stare at Yesung, and I noticed that he too seems happy to be here. If I'm honest with myself, this truly seems natural, like somehow this is how it should have been all along. Both he and my family are getting along so well that it seems like they've known each other for years. But still, as nice as this is I can't allow myself to want more. He and I both agreed to stay friends, so I can't allow my growing feelings for him to yearn for more, even if I truly do want too. "Again thank you so much for your hospitality." Yesung said to my grandparents. Which brought my focus out of my own thoughts and back to reality. After saying their good-byes nana, papa and Maddy decided to call it a night. Only Katie stayed along with me to walk them out. She and Jongjin seem to be getting along well. They got a head start and walked in front of us but before I realized they turned a corner for some reason. I decided to stay behind by the door next to Yesung. "I was surprised when you first showed up, I wasn't expecting to see you." I paused. "But I'm glad it was you who came." I turned to face him, he smiled at me. Right now seeing his sincere smile makes me yearn for more. I feel like I'm loosing this battle with my own feelings. I don't care about any company or anything else. All I want is to be with him. Yes I am becoming possessive but is it so wrong when being with him makes me truly happy? Why should I hold back? Why should I not date him? Why should I pass this chance? Why??? Feeling frustrated with myself I quickly leaned in for a hug. I want to somehow fulfill this need for his attention. I want to hold him and stay like this. Yesung is surprised by my action. I know I shouldn't do this to him, and I don't expect anything in return but right now I need him. I need him like never before. Feeling so many emotions I embraced him tighter. Not wanting to let go. Not expecting anything back but then he too placed his arms around me. Making me feel in a daze while holding me tight. It's so crazy how this man makes me feel. How all logic goes out the window when I'm with him. To my surprise he pulled away to look me in the eye with such a serious look. The way he keeps looking at me makes my heart race like crazy! And even more when he lowered his gaze to my lips. He proceeded to look up at me asking for permission. I smiled at him, I don't care about anything at all. I want this and I know he too wants this. I can feel it. I'm sure of it...

Yesung's POV...

I can tell why Katie and Jongjin turned the corner. They're both trying to give us privacy, I caught on to their little plan. They're so obvious! I couldn't help but chuckled to myself. "I was surprised when you first showed up. I wasn't expecting to see you." Amy said then paused for a moment making me feel worried that she's upset for us showing up without her knowledge. "But I'm glad it was you who came." She turned to face me. The look she's giving me made my heart race. It was such a nice evening, great dinner and company. Everything about it feels right. This is how it should be! How it should have been since a year ago. I turned to look at Amy. Her face looks radiant with happiness, she looks so beautiful with the way the moonlight is shining through her eyes. I raise my arms ready to hug her but hesitated. Remembering how the last time I did that she pulled away, so immediately I lowered them. Feeling nervous to place her in an awkward position by being too forward. That's when to my surprise, I felt her arms wrap around my waist. She left me in complete shock, unsure how to react. It took me a moment to process what had just happened. Once I came to my senses I began to feel the beating of my heart speed up. Feeling on a high with my emotions for her, I wasn't able to hold myself back from embraced her. I can feel her tightening her grip so I followed her lead. This feels so right. This is where she belongs, in my arms. I know we agreed to stay friends but that doesn't feel right. We are meant to be more. She's my one and only. I pulled away only to look her in the eye. Feeling confident of what I'm about to do, I lowered my gaze from her eyes to her lips. I know this is the right moment but still, I don't want to scare her so I looked up at her for approval. A smile is her response. I know I have the ok. I smiled back feeling extremely nervous but at the same time beaming with happiness. I had been needing this for such a long time, and now the opportunity finally presented itself. I gently placed one hand under her chin and raised her face to meet my eyes. Slowly I leaned in, taking my time while looking at her. I want to remember this moment perfectly. She closed her eyes waiting for me. I leaned closer until I felt her warmth.

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