First Date

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Donghae POV...

"Wake up. Hyung..." Ryeowook tapped Yesung's shoulder but with no luck. Yesung simply rolled over to his other side of the bed. "Just let him be." I said to Wookie as I got up from my bed. "Alright." Ryeowook agreed then silently walked out. "Hyung if you need to talk, just know I'm here for you." I said to Yesung. He didn't move pretending to be asleep. I sighed. In the end, I went to wash up first then walked down stairs to a good smelling breakfast. All the guys were there except for Yesung and Heechul. I could see a bump on Ryeowook's forehead so I assumed it was his turn to try to wake up Cinderella, but clearly to no avail. "You ok?" I asked him. He pouted at me. "Yeah. You know how Heechul can be." He responded. I laughed. "Hey. Is Yesung still asleep? It's a bit out of character considering the hour." Leeteuk took notice. "Uhh... yeah he is... he seemed tired so I'm guessing he wanted to rest some more." I answered. Leeteuk looked at me with suspicion. Just then Heechul walked down stairs. "Here I am. The life of the party is here. Miss me?" He said in his usual loud tone. Making sure everyone knew the princess was awake. "Yeah. Yeah..." Leeteuk responded. "When does our manager come back?" Kangin asked. "In two more days. The day of rehearsals." Leeteuk informed him. "So let's enjoy this time as much as possible. This will be the only manager free time we get for a long time." He turned to looked at us. We all nodded in agreement. We decided that for the day we were going to go to LA and spend it there. Some wanted to shop, and hang around the city while others wanted to go to Six Flags. Thankfully, our company had rented a van for us to use. So It should be fun as we didn't think many people would recognize us. Just then Yesung came down stairs. "Are you going too or you're going to stay and rest?" Leeteuk asked him. "No, I want to go." He answered with one of his common side smirks. We all grabbed our belongings and items we'd need for the day and one by one got into the van. It took a while for everyone to be ready but when we finally finished we all left...

Amy's POV...

"I'm tired. What time is it?" I looked at my phone. "10 am!" I was surprised I had slept in that much! Then again I hadn't fallen asleep till around 5am or so. All I kept thinking about was Yesung and Kyuhyun. Just then I remembered what happened between KyuHyun and I. "Ahhh. I feel so embarrassed!" I said in a loud voice. Then my thoughts went back to Yesung. Did he get upset? What happened to him? Before I realized he had gone back home so I didn't get to say anything to him. I kept tossing and turning. Ahh... This is nonsense! How can I be feeling this for him when I barely even know the guy! Just then Maddy walked in "Everything ok?" I jumped with surprise. "Yes! Everything is fine." I smiled trying to reassure her. "Hmm... well... alright if you say so." She didn't seem fully convinced. I walked downstairs after washing up and noticed Maddy watching TV while doing her nails. "Ohh. Can you do mine?" I asked. "Sure. But usually when you want to talk about something you tend to ask me to do your nails. So go on. Tell me, what is it?" Maddy turned to me. I'm amazed at how well she knows me. I simply pouted and nodded my head. "I knew it. Come here!" She called me over to sit next to her. I couldn't help but smile as I walked towards her. Sitting by her side. "Hey want to watch a few Super Junior videos? ehh?" She playfully elbowed me. "Sure" I responded. I began to feel nervous to watch. She put on their latest dance music video for the song "Devil." Right away Yesung took my breath away. With his grey jacket and dark clothes and his hair! His voice is just so raspy and unique. Once again I was mesmerized by him, but Kyuhyun didn't stay behind either. His voice is very dreamy too. That's when I remembered my dilemma and looked at Maddy. "What should I do?" I then turned back to the screen. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Well. You were right! I do have feelings for Yesung. He's just so, I don't know. I love how he can be silly but serious at the same time. He's mysterious looking but sweet all at once. And his eyes are so..." I stopped myself as I realized I was getting to descriptive. I cleared my throat and turned to Maddy. "Then there's Kyuhyun. He's handsome too but I don't feel that way towards him, or..." I paused. "Or what?" Maddy asked. "Or so I thought. I mean I don't know. He made my heart flutter for a moment last night." Maddy smiled. "I could tell. Actually, I think everyone could tell. You're really easy to read." Maddy chuckled. I on the other hand began to panic. "Do you think Yesung?" I asked not really wanting to know the answer. Maddy nodded. "I'm positive! Just as I'm positive it bothered him. The guy is interested in you I have no doubt about that." She seemed so sure of what she was talking about. I shook my head. "No, how can that be? He doesn't know me and I don't know him either." I said feeling confused. "Have you heard of love at first sight?" Maddy blurt out. I ignored her comment. I don't believe in that. "Well I don't know but you have to decide on who to pursue. I mean you can't have both." Maddy said as she looked up another song. "Oh look. It's a solo live performance of Yesung." I quickly turned to the TV. "Hmmm... Gray Paper huh? Let's watch it." Maddy suggested. Once the song began I wasn't sure what to expect, but the more I heard it the more I fell in love with it. And thankfully it had subs. The lyrics were deeply describing the meaning of love in such a sad way. "Wow! That was beautiful!" Maddy exclaimed as the song ended. "I gotta give it to him. The guy has talent." She exclaimed. "Yeah..." I sighed as I stared at the TV. "Hey want a snack?" Maddy asked while she went into the kitchen. "Sure..." I happily responded. She looked trough the fridge taking out some watermelon. "Oh hey I haven't seen the guys around. I wonder if they are home." She turned to face the window. "Hmmm... Maybe they went out." Maddy looked a bit disappointed. "Oh well... I was looking forward to hanging out with them again!" She said with a smile. "Who are you thinking about? Anyone in particular?" I asked already knowing the answer. "Oh... uh... No one in particular! They are just fun you see." She blurt out. I glared at her "Uhh huh?! Yeah right! I can tell you have a thing for Donghae." I teased her. Maddy laughed. "Maybe? Maybe not?!" she said as she laid the bowl of watermelon on the coffee table. "Where are you going?" I asked as she walked upstairs. "I'll do your nails later. Right now I want to change my pjs." She said as she disappeared from my view. "Ok. But later you have to do them!" I raised my voice. I stayed watching more Yesung videos. The ones where he's on variety shows are hilarious. His personality really is different than most but somehow I find it very charming. While continuing to watch more videos of him I couldn't help but feel like I was somehow stalking him so I decided to stop. After finishing my watermelon I looked out the window towards the guys house hoping I'd see any activity going on. But Nothing. It was completely quiet...

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