A Carved Memory

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Katie POV...

I was about to dial my sisters number when a call came in from Yesung. Immediately I responded, "Hello!" I answered in Japanese. "Hi, I missed your call?" He asked. "Yes I called because I noticed some news." I was interrupted by a long sigh coming from him. "Are you alright?" I asked him. "If you haven't done so already, please don't mention anything to your sister." He begged me. "Oppa you're making me very concerned. Why don't you want Amy to know?" I asked. "I don't want to burden her with all this mess." He responded. "Will Sungmin oppa be ok? I mean I knew there had been issues about him getting married in the past but wasn't that two years ago? Since he left to the army I figured things were going to cool down by the time he got out, so why is he leaving?" I asked feeling heartbroken. "Well turns out some of our fans weren't happy about it and that's why he was pressured to go on hiatus but don't worry we'll work something out. Leeteuk believes we just need to give it some time to figure out how we will handle this situation." He responded with such sadness in his voice. For some reason things don't seem to be adding up, he seems way too depleted about all of this. I mean I can imagine it's putting a lot of stress and worry on his plate because he cares for Sungmin but it seems to me like there might be more to his sounding so depressed and insisting Amy shouldn't know, but what? Just then my father walked into the kitchen. "Oh hold on..." I said to Yesung. "Gloria is dinner ready?" He calmly asked her. "Oh yes, let me go ahead and serve you, I'll take it to the dinning table for you." She responded. "Alright, Katie who are you speaking with?" He turned his focus to me. "Me? Oh uh... I'm on the phone with... uh... a work mate." I lied, for obvious reasons I didn't want to reveal the truth. Just then my eyes met Gloria's who turned to look at me. Instead of revealing the truth she kept quiet as she gave me an understanding look. She's seen how my dad gets when it comes to the 'Amy's boyfriend' topic. "It's very important, I'll join you for dinner in a few minutes once I'm done with this call." I rushed to say while walking towards the hallway and turning a corner, once in the clear I ran upstairs to my room. The moment I stepped foot inside I shut my door. "Sorry oppa! That was my dad and..." I paused as a light bulb went on in my head. "Oppa, my father was in Seoul for business, did you by chance run into him?" I decided to investigate. I have a gut feeling that by asking this he will reveal what really is bothering him, on top of the obvious reason of course. "Why do you ask?" He sounded like he wanted to deviate the question. "Because truth be told, you're way to depressed. Like something extremely heavy is weighing on you!" I revealed. "So you're saying Sungmin leaving isn't a big heavy weight?" He retorted. "No! Not what I'm saying at all! It's very unfortunate what is happening but it won't be like this forever. Like you said you guys will give it time to figure things out. So yes it's very unfortunate but there is hope at the end of the tunnel. I believe he will be able to rejoin Super Junior in time but you... you sound like there is more on top of what is going on? I don't mean to be nosy but since I'm sure it has to do with my dad then it must be something serious! I saw the way my father came home and I know him well enough to know his different moods. So tell me, you ran into him didn't you?" I decided to not beat around the bush and demand an answer. "I guess I'm lucky Amy doesn't live there or she too would have figured all this out thanks to your detective skills." He tried to make a joke but it didn't land since he said it so seriously. "I'm serious, how bad was it?" I asked. He bitterly chuckled, "Bad!" He replied. "Why? What happened?" I mean with my dad I always expect it'll be bad news but the way he answered makes me scared to find out what truly went on between them. "What happened is that I was an idiot who believed that by having a serious conversation with him would help him see how committed I am to your sister and finally approve our relationship for her sake. But... like always, I miscalculated and was too overly confident in my decision, so in the end I'm sure you can imagine what happened." He expressed in such a pensive way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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