Passing Connections

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Amy's POV...

"Amy do you want to go out with me? Be my girlfriend?" Those words keep playing in my head over and over again. As much as my heart is yearning, as much as it yells for me to say yes... I can't...


"Amy wake up. Mr. Junghoon is here to see you. He's waiting downstairs, he said it's an important matter." Maddy woke me. Instantly, I rushed out of bed and made myself presentable before walking downstairs. "Morning Mr. Jonghoon. What brings you here? Is everything ok?" I asked. "I need to talk to you about Yesung and Kyuhyun." He answered. That took me by surprise. "Why? Are they ok?" I could feel a cold chill on my back, fearing the worst had happened. "Yes, they're fine! I'll go straight to the point. I know you're a nice girl and I know you like Yesung. Normally that wouldn't be a problem and I hate that I was forced to meddle... but." He paused. "Force to meddle?" I asked. He looked at me with a serious stare. "Yes by our company." His response left me frozen. "Why would liking Yesung have anything to do with the company you work for?" I feel completely baffled. "Listen I don't dislike you. I actually believe you'd be a nice partner for Yesung in my opinion. I've known him for a long time and I feel bad for having to do this to you both but our company feels it'd be best if you don't see him." He revealed. "Why???" I asked not knowing how to react. "The night Kyuhyun confessed his feelings for you he broke down. I found him outside a complete mess. He got himself completely drunk, and in the process he told me everything that happened while I was gone. He and Yesung almost got into a fist fight because of YOU! They were fighting for a while. Then Yesung got drunk in a bar, thankfully no one took pictures of that. At least we hope that's the case. Unfortunately, even if I didn't want to say anything I had to let our company know. It's part of my job. I know it's hard but try to see it from our point of view. Two members of the same group getting drunk and almost fist fighting over the same person. If for whatever reason any pictures come out not only is it bad for their image but their fans can choose to kick them out of the group. They'll be scandals. Last time a huge scandal broke their fans wanted one of the members kicked out, we barely managed to save them from being force out. Look, Yesung and Kyuhyun are our lead vocalists. We can't have their fans kicking them out. They are an essential part of the group." He paused as he allowed me to process all this information. "Not only would they be affected but you aswell. You are part Japanese right? And what else? Hispanic? Well when you go to Japan or any other country in that area even Latin America. Yesung is really popular there. He has many fans. If your picture ever gets out you too will be harassed by his fans. Not all but some can be vicious. Even trough social media they'd be harassing you. Specially if they find out about the fights between Yesung and Kyuhyun. It'll be hard on all of you. That's why our company feels it's best for you to leave them alone. They believe you are trouble for them. I know it's hard but try to understand. I know you care for them, so please take today to say your goodbyes; and don't contact them again!" he stopped talking long enough to walk to the door. Once there he stopped and turned my way. "I'm sorry I have to do this to you, but it has to be done. I trust you'll do what's best for the boys." He said as he turned to walk out. Maddy stood next to me listening to everything he just spoke. We both were speechless. While I felt devastated by his news...

End of flashback...

"I'm sorry... I can't..." I answered Yesung. Shock was written all over his face. Unable to say a word. I could feel warm tears running down my face. "I'm sorry!!!" I blurt out before running away...

Yesung's POV...

This isn't real, right?! I'm only having a nightmare! Right?!! I feel frozen completely in shock! I don't know what to say. I can feel my heart shattering into a million pieces. We were so happy just a few moments ago. How? Did I miss something? Did I misinterpret her feelings for me??? No! I know that's not the case but then... why??? I want to ask her, I need a reason, an explanation but nothing's coming out. I simply can not speak a single word. I noticed tears on her face as she turned to run away, leaving me behind. What just happened? While trying to stand I felt something on the palm of my hand, I looked down only to see what will forever be a reminder of her rejection. A beautiful and delicate necklace which I had carefully selected to gift her on the day she became my girlfriend. But now... what am I supposed to do with it? It was meant for her! It was meant to be a beautiful reminder of this day and now it's all ruined!!!

Maddy's POV...

After Mr. Jonghoon left Amy broke down. She was having such a hard time deciding what to do, but in the end she decided to sacrifice her feelings for Yesung, in order to not hurt him. Can fans really be that aggressive? I wonder. After a while Amy composed herself. She got ready and cooked a meal for Yesung and herself. I asked to help, but she insisted on doing it on her own. Finally she had everything packed and was about to walk out. "So you're ready? Are you sure?" I asked her feeling sorry for what she was about to do. "Yes and yes." She answered while trying to force a brave smile, then turned to leave. The day seemed to be going by slowly. I was anxiously waiting for her. I knew she'd be broken inside the moment she came back. I kept glancing at my watch. Waiting. Finally, by the time the sun had set I heard the back door open. I quickly ran to it only to see Amy in a complete and total mess. Sobbing her eyes out! Sadly, the only comfort I could bring her was a simple embrace. She weeped bitterly. After somewhat calming down I decided to walk her back to her room. It's late but hopefully she can get some sleep. I stepped out of her room. Shutting the door behind me. I went down stairs to turn the lights off when I heard knocking on the door. When I opened it I saw Yesung standing before me, with such a serious look like I've never seen on him before. "I need to talk to Amy!" He let out. "I'm really Sorry but she doesn't want to see you." I responded. "I need to see Amy... please!" His voice cracked. "Sorry. Please. Go home, she doesn't want to see you." I slowly closed the door. I couldn't help but feel so bad for him. Just like Amy he too looked completely out of it...

Kyuhyun's POV...

"Hey Kyu! Share that bag of chips!!!" Heechul ordered while trying to snatch it away from me. "No! It's mine. Get your own." I scoffed at him. Heechul raised his hand about to smack my arm when out of no where we heard the front door slam shut. It startled us. We quickly turned our attention to the entry way. It was Yesung who walked in. Fuming and looking furious. "Yah!!! Watch how you close the door!" Heechul scolded him. Yesung gave him a deadly glare only to then quietly walk up stairs. Even Heechul knew better than to mess with him when he gives those scary stares. We watched as he disappeared from our view. For a moment we heard nothing but then heard loud banging. "What the heck!" Leeteuk ran upstairs. I too followed. When we reached his room it was turned upside down, a complete mess! He had thrown things around out of pure anger.

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