Come To Terms

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Amy's POV...

Immediately after walking inside the house, I went straight to my room passing by Ryan who was trying to tell me something. Right now I want to be alone. Once in my room I closed the door and fell to the floor. So... all this time Maddy's suspicion of Kyuhyun was right. Even so, I never imagined he'd be in 'love' with me! To hear those words. How do you react? What was I suppose to say? He caught me off guard. To me he means a lot. But... I just don't see him that way. What am I suppose to do now? How can I look at him the same? I know he asked for me to be normal with him but how can I do that now? How? I can't help but feel guilty and saddened by this situation. "I'm sorry Kyuhyun. I'm truly sorry I can't return the same feeling. Sorry..." I whispered feeling like by saying it out loud somehow he'd hear me. That night I hardly slept...

The next day...

"Good morning^^." Yesung's text message woke me. I feel bad responding, I feel like if I respond I'll be hurting Kyuhyun somehow. "I'm sorry Yesung." I mumbled to myself while I turned off my phone. Just then Maddy knocked on my door. "Amy? Are you awake?" She asked. I decided to not answer, hoping she'd continue to think I'm still asleep. I heard her footsteps walk away. I sighed in relief. At this moment I don't want to see anyone. I feel sad how everything turned out...

Maddy's POV...

"Well is she awake?" Ryan asked while I sat next to him on the sofa. "No. I don't think so." I responded. "I wonder what happened. She was fine all night long." He stated. "I heard Kyuhyun call her. I think he said he needed to speak to her. Maybe something happened between them?" I wonder. "That's so weird. She's not being herself. Something had to have happened between them but what?" Ryan responded as he scratched his head with frustration. "I'll try again later." I reassured him...

Yesung's POV...

I woke up this morning feeling so much better, and the first thing that came to mind was to send Amy a message. "Good morning. ^^" I texted. I decided to wait to see if she'd read it. "read"... she read the message. I anxiously waited for her response but nothing was coming back. Maybe it was a glitch from my phone? I wonder. "Hyung why are staring at your phone so intensely?" Donghae asked while he got out of bed. "No reason. Never mind." I sighed while I too got out of bed. I want to hurry and eat breakfast so I can invite Amy to do something with me. Walking into the kitchen I noticed Kyuhyun already there. His face looks really puffy. "Woah Kyu! What happened? Your face!" I pointed out while I sat next to him. He didn't even bother looking my way. Instead he simply got up without a word and left upstairs. "What is it now?" Kangin asked as he sat across from me. "Not sure... he didn't say anything." I answered. Could it have anything to do with his talk with Amy last night? I wonder. "Hey where is our Manager?" Ryeowook asked. "Maybe still asleep. I think he and Kyuhyun stayed up late last night." Leeteuk responded as he too sat to eat. I guess that explains Kyuhyun's swollen face. It's probably like that from lack of sleep. I rushed through breakfast and ran out towards Amy's house. Once at her front door I began to fix my hair and shirt before ringing the door bell. I took one more glance at my cel to see if she had responded but still nothing. "Oh Yesung good morning." Ryan greeted me as he opened the door. "Hi. Morning, is Amy awake yet? I tried texting but she hasn't answered." I asked. I noticed he hesitated to speak. "Hmm... not sure. Come in... I'll have Maddy check on her." He said while allowing me inside. "Alright. Thank you." I said. "Morning Yesung!" Maddy greeted me. "Hey go check to see if Amy is up yet?" Ryan asked her, but she too looked a bit hesitant. I wonder what's going on? Did I miss something?...

Maddy's POV...

"Amy... I'm coming in!" I walked in her room. The moment I did I saw her sitting up on her bed. Looking to nowhere with a blank expression on her face. "Hello?!" I blurt out as I waved my hand in front of her face. "Oh. You scared me! When did you come in?" She asked. "You didn't hear me knock? I knocked several times before coming in. Is everything ok? You seem out of it." I responded. "Yes. I'm fine." she stated in a hesitant tone. "Yesung is downstairs. He came to see you." I told her. She stared at me with an uneasy look. "Yesung?" She asked. "Yes. Yesung! He's waiting downstairs." I exclaimed. "I thought you'd be happy to hear that?! But judging from your reaction now I know for sure something happened last night. So why don't we do this." I paused as I pulled on her arm to force her out of bed. "Go say hi, then after he leaves we can talk about whatever it is that's bothering you ok." I told her with a warm smile. She simply nodded with out saying a word...

Yesung's POV...

Ryan and I conversed while I waited for Amy. We actually seem to have a lot of similar interests. He's not that bad once you get to know him. Just then I heard steps from behind me. "Amy! Hi!" I happily turned to her. "Hi..." she responded. I leaned in to get a closer look at her face. "You ok?" I asked. "Yes I'm ok." She responded as she smiled looking up at me. "How are feeling today?" She asked me. "Better... see!" I flexed my arm. I laughed at myself while I did that, since I'm not very muscular these days. Thanks to my dieting I lost quite a significant amount of weight. She simply smiled at my childish playfulness. Still she doesn't seem like her usual self. She's more serious. "You sure you're ok?" I continued to ask her in Japanese. She simply nodded. "I have a head ache, that's all." She rubbed her forehead. "Ok. Do you want me to come back later so you can rest?" I asked her. She nodded again but didn't say anything else. "Alright I'll leave. Let me know if you need anything ok?!" I stated and decided to leave for now. I'll have to check up on her later...

Amy's POV...

Before closing the door Yesung glanced back at me while he waved with the most sincere smile... There! How can that tiny gesture make my heart flutter like crazy? That smile of his, I love it! I can feel my heart racing just from that! But now every time I feel that for him, I begin to feel guilt. I can feel it consuming me. "Okay. So tell me what's going on?" Maddy demanded as she sat next to me. "Kyuhyun... he... he confessed his love for me last night." I responded. "He did what???" She blurt out with shock on her face. "He told me he's in love with me, and that he knows I like Yesung but even so he wanted to confess his feelings." I said in a shaky voice. "Wow!!! I knew he liked you but love? I didn't expect that." She continued. "That's sad." she paused. "So why were you short with Yesung? Are you upset with him?" She asked me. "No! Not at all. It's actually the contrary. I really do like Yesung. But knowing that Kyuhyun loves me and is hurting because of me... well I don't know... I feel guilty. I mean, how can I be happy at a moment like this? When he's hurt! And on top of that, they are like brothers. I don't know... I guess I feel really unsure of what to do next..."

Yesung's POV...

"Back so soon?" Leeteuk asked while I walked in the house. "Yeah... Amy doesn't feel so good." I answered and walked to the couch. "Oh... ok... well some of the guys and I want to go into town to do a bit of shopping for a few hours. Want to come?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment. "Sure I'll go." I answered. "Let me just grab my wallet." I ran up stairs. I quickly grabbed it but while walking down the hallway I noticed light in Kyuhyun's room. "Hey Kyu..." I said to him as I walked in. He's busy on his laptop with the headset on while playing Starcraft. His back is towards me. I playfully punched his arm. "Kyu!" I called to him again. He turned to me. "Are you ok?" I asked after noticing his puffy eyes. "Yes I have allergies..." he responded and turned back to his game. He normally does get allergies here and there but his face and eyes are more swollen than usual. "Okay. Did you take medicine? It looks pretty bad." I told him. "Yes. I'll be fine. Don't worry." He responded while facing the screen of his laptop. "Hmmm... I wonder if there's something in the air that's causing allergies? Amy seems like she too is suffering from some since she has a headache." I said out loud while I began to walk out. "Then I suppose you don't want to come with us into town. Do you?" I asked before walking out. "No... I'm busy." He stated... His allergy story seems a little far-fetched but for now I'll give him the benefit of a doubt...

Kyuhyun's POV...

I heard Yesung close the door as he walked out. No hyung it's not allergies Amy has. She probably cried feeling bad for me. "Amy... why? I told you to not act differently. To treat me the same and for you to act the same." I sighed feeling frustrated with myself for causing all of this mess...

Leeteuk's POV...

"Kyu said he doesn't want to come." Yesung told us as he approached the front door. "Alright then, he and our manager can stay. Let's all go shopping!" I said feeling excited. I could hear some of the guys cheering as we walked out the house...

Kyuhyun's POV...

I waited a while for the coast to be clear before heading down stairs. I tried covering my under eye puffiness with some makeup. Since it's quiet I decided to check. I went downstairs and with no one in sight, I quickly rushed out the door and headed to Amy's. I was about to knock the door when... "Hey Kyuhyun." I heard a voice call out from the driveway area. I turned to it. "Hey." I noticed Ryan shutting the door to his car. "Here to see Amy?" He asked. Isn't it obvious! I thought to myself. "Yes!" I responded. "Ok. Go right in." He told me. "Alright. Thank you." I told him. I turned to the door, grabbed the handle and slowly walked in. I noticed Amy and Maddy watching an American show. "Kyuhyun!" Maddy quickly stood up. "You scared me." She looked startled. "Sorry. Ryan told me to walk in." I told them. I glanced at Amy. "Can we talk?" I asked her. She nodded and walked to the office, I followed. After walking in I didn't know what to say or how to start. "Amy..." I called her. "hmmm?" she responded. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have burdened you with such a confession." I told her. "No. It's..." I cut her off before she could say more. "I know you care for me so please do me this one favor. Don't feel guilt when you're around Yesung. I want you to be happy even if it's not with me. He's like my real hyung, and if he makes you happy then I accept that. I want you to please continue to see him if that's what you wish." I paused. "But..." She tried to speak. "But, nothing. You will hurt me more if I see you miserable because of my confession. So please, don't deprive yourself from being happy even if I'm around. Like I told you before, you did nothing wrong! I looked your way. I fell in love with you. Without you even glancing my way. So please let me live with this and you be happy. Don't worry about me either. I'm not one to be sad for long. I'll get over it... eventually. So please do me this favor." I looked at her bleary-eyes. I placed my hand on her face and wiped away tears. "What did I just say? No crying. Can you smile for me instead?" I asked her. "I need to see you smile for me to be happy." I told her. She finally gave me a slight forceful smile. "Kyuhyun... I'm sorry." She blurt out as she took a step back. "I know." I mumbled. We talked a little longer before heading back home. I knew she'd be fine after our talk. And I too felt better. Sad and heartbroken but better. "Where were you?" Our manager asked the moment I walked in the front door. "I took a walk." I responded and walked upstairs. I want to be alone for the time being...

Yesung's POV...

As we walked back home we noticed Ryan and Maddy outside by his car, and that's when I noticed Amy walk out while holding what seems to be a sweater. "Hello!" Leeteuk greeted them as he approached their driveway. "Going somewhere?" He asked. "Yes I'm heading home. Today was my last day here with the girls." Ryan responded. I glanced at Amy. She smiled at me. By the looks of it she must be feeling better. It's nice to see her back to normal. "Well... here... this is my number. If you ever go to Korea. Hit me up. It will be our turn to treat you." Leeteuk gratefully said while he shook Ryan's hand. "By the way you look younger than me. How old are you?" Heechul asked Ryan. "28." He responded. "Aigoo... then we can treat you like our dongsae. From now on call us hyungs, since most of us are older than you." He told him. We all said our farewells, but somehow we felt a little sad sending him away after finally warming up to the guy. "Yeah you can consider us your hyungs." I reassured him as I too shook his hand. Ryan looked around making sure no one was looking "Hyung..." he said to me. "What's up?" I answered. "Be good to Amy. She's like a little sister to me and I want her to be happy. So treat her right. She's one of a kind, and must be treated as such." he firmly stated. I stared at him with a surprised look. "How did you know?" I asked him. "It's obvious. Besides I'm a genius remember?!" He smirked at me while he walked to his car. I felt like a deer on headlights. "Wow. He really is a genius." I couldn't help but feel impressed by my dongsae. I walked over by Amy. "How's your headache?" I asked her. "Better..." she responded with a smile. "Hey. Kyuhyun-ah get down here and bring our manager too. Ryan is leaving and I want to take a selfie with everyone before he leaves." I heard Leeteuk on the phone with Kyuhyun. "Alright he said he's on his way. Let's take a picture by the beach. Let's go quickly." Leeteuk said as we all began to walk down the pathway towards the beach. Finally, arriving there we found a good spot. "Here. This is perfect. Let me take the magic stick out!" Leeteuk exclaimed while extending his selfie stick. "Hurry guys get in." He rushed everyone. We all squeezed in the picture. I made sure to be next to Amy. "Alright. Ready? One, two, three!" Leeteuk snapped the picture. "Can you send it to me?" Ryan and Maddy both asked. "Just did." He responded. "Alright guys. Thanks, I'll see you next year. I'm planning on taking a trip to Korea and Japan. I'll let you guys know when I'm there. See ya!" Ryan humbly and respectfully vowed to us, then walked away towards his car...

 See ya!" Ryan humbly and respectfully vowed to us, then walked away towards his car

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To be continued...

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