A Reveal

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Amy's POV...

"I'm home!" I let out the moment I stepped foot inside my apartment, but was met with silence. I went to every room in the house but Yesung was no where to be found. That's when I grabbed my phone to send him a message when I noticed one from him. "I'm heading back. Be there soon." I read. "Well I should probably fix myself before he arrives." I said to myself while grabbing a towel and heading to the shower. Since I had rushed out the door this morning I didn't have time to shower, so I want to do it now. Plus I'm exhausted, hopefully it'll help relax my muscles...

Yesung's POV...

I had spent most of my morning relaxing at Amy's place, so I decided to hit up some friends who live in the Tokyo area. That's where I spent most of the afternoon, until I realized that Amy had already gotten out from work. I decided to rush back since I didn't want to waste time away from her. While standing in front of Amy's apartment door, I was about to place in the code when I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Hey man!" I turned around to see who it was. "Oh...Hey. What is it?" I asked feeling somewhat annoyed. "You're both coming tonight right?" Jin, Amy's coworker asked. I gave a quick sigh. "Yes." I answered. "Ok cool, see you both a little later, and again sorry for what happened yesterday." He said before walking away. I didn't say anything else in response, I simply pressed the code and walked inside. "Amy... I'm back!" I called her out but she didn't answer. While walking towards her room I noticed light in the bathroom. I walked closer to it and realized the door was somewhat open. To my surprise I caught sight of Amy wrapped in a towel stepping out of the shower. Just for a split second I froze, unable to look away! It took every ounce of sheer will power to force myself to turn away. Feeling very flustered I walked to the living room and sat myself on the couch. I didn't realize staying with her would be this hard! I decided to turn the tv on as a distraction, but nothing seemed to be working! A few minutes went by but I simply could not get her image out of my head. "Oh you're home!" Amy let out while walking out of the bathroom, already dressed in casual clothing, but again the image of her wrapped in that towel still lingered in my head. I took a big gulp, feeling my throat completely dry. "Y...yes!" My voice cracked. "Are you ok? Your face looks red, You're not getting sick are you?" Amy placed her hand on my forehead feeling for any fever signs. "N..no! I'm ok" I cleared my throat. "Ok, just give me a few more minutes and I'll finish getting myself together, for tonight!" She let out. "For tonight? What's going on tonight?" I asked with my mind still blank. "Remember? The gathering with my coworkers!" Amy responded. That's when I came back to my senses. "Oh right! Yes I remember. That's fine, I'll wait until you're ready." I said to her. While waiting a few messages came in. "Oppa, sorry to bother you on your day off, but I wanted your opinion with these two suits. I really like the blue one since it's very sleek and modern but the gray one is more edgy. Which do you prefer?" It's messages from SooHee. What is this girl doing? It's her day off and she's at work already planning my wardrobe for my next schedule? Does she ever take a break? I examined the two photos. "The gray one!" I responded. "I knew it! Ok the gray it is! Good choice!" She replied. "Ok thanks, but Soohee it's your day off! Go home and rest! You won't be getting time off in the next few months so enjoy it while you have it! Don't be such a workaholic!" I reminded her. "It's ok! I really love my job! I have fun selecting your wardrobe! So it's not a problem, don't worry! Anyway thanks for responding fast and I'll see you soon!" She replied.

SooHee POV...

"The gray one!" Yesung responded. I chuckled, "I knew it! Ok the gray it is! Good choice!" I responded. I bet he will look very handsome dressed in this. Just then another message came in from him. "Ok thanks, but Soohee it's your day off! Go home and rest! You won't be getting time off in the next few months so enjoy it while you have it! Don't be such a workaholic!" I couldn't help but blush in such a situation! He is so mindful and extremely nice to ask me to take it easy. "Come on SooHee! Get your head on straight! No way he likes me! He's never shown me otherwise, so stop getting your hopes up! He's just nice! That's all!" I spoke to myself out loud. I decided to reply, "It's ok! I really love my job... because I get to spend time with you..." I wrote but immediately deleted the last part. "It's ok! I really love my job... I have fun selecting your wardrobe! So it's not a problem, don't worry! Anyway thanks for responding fast and I'll see you soon!" I sent it. "Don't be so stupid SooHee! I can't reveal my feelings to him!" Again I spoke to myself outloud. "Why not?" I heard a voice behind me say. I got startled and jumped away from it. "HaeWon! You scared me! You really should stop eves-dropping all the time! Anyway, what are you doing at work?" I asked. She only chuckled as she went to select clothes from a rack. "I'm here to replace one of the Kim's (Heechul's stylists) who called in sick." She responded. "Anyway, were you talking to yourself about your feelings towards Yesung?" She asked, making me feel very flustered. "No! I was talking about... about someone else!" I blurt out. "Why lie?! I know you're crushing hard on him! Why not just reveal it to him? As far as we know, he's not dating anyone! So why not make an attempt?" HaeWon again continued to encourage me. "You're crazy! I am 11 years his junior! No way he'd look at me like a woman!" I reminded her. "Do I have to remind YOU how he changed after YOU started working for him? Remember how cold he was to you in the beginning, until YOU managed to win him over? I don't know but I still feel he pays extra attention to you, more so than he does to the rest of us! And age is nothing but a number! He's still young and you are more than old enough to date! Just give it a go! Don't be such a chicken or you might regret it later!" She continued with her crazy idea. She always says that! She believes he changed because of me! But I don't want to get my hopes up! There might be another reason why he changed, another reason that isn't me. I don't want to make a fool of myself. "You might regret what SooHee?" Heechul oppa asked as he walked in the dressing room. I froze on the spot. "She has a crush on someone but is scared of rejection!" HaeWon revealed to him. "What??? Our little SooHee wants to date? Who? Do I know him? He'd better not be a jerk or I might have to give him a good beating!" Heechul made a fist with his hand. I turned bright red from embarrassment! If only he knew! I turned to HaeWon and glared at her, warning her to not reveal it! "Hahaha! You fight another guy?! Sorry Heechul but I'm sure you'd probably lose!" Haewon teased him. "Anyway, your wardrobe for today's schedule is ready! Why don't you go change." She suggested. I felt thankful she distracted him! I sighed in relief!

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