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Amy's POV...

I'm unsure of when to make the announcement to my grandparents about my decision to move to Japan. Plus, I also need to decide to either move in with them or live alone. Either way I want to talk about it with them as soon as possible. So I concluded I'd be best to do so over dinner. While helping nana with the cooking she came beside me. "Your grandfather told me he likes how honest your boyfriend was when he spoke to him. I think he really likes him for you." She chuckled. I too couldn't help but laugh. "And you nana? Do you like him too?" I asked, even though I already know what her answer is. "Of course! He is very handsome and polite. You and him will make good looking babies if I say so myself." I almost chocked on my spit. "Babies! Us??? Nana!!! How can you say that??? We just started going out and..." I'm frantically looking for words to say. While she laughed cutting me off. "I'm only joking." I sighed at her response. "You still have a long way to go. You need to get engaged first, and then the wedding." She continued. "Nana!" I blurt out. She laughed even more along with Katie who apparently had been listening. "You know she's just messing with you!" Katie exclaimed as she walked towards us. "Yes I am, but seriously I do like him. Specially since I can brag to people that you are marrying a handsome celebrity." She continued with the teasing. I can definitely see who Katie takes after. I too tried to laugh at her silly jokes, but they did get me thinking. What if Yesung and I get really serious, to the point of wanting to marry? That thought made me blush as I imagine myself in a beautiful weeding gown. I chuckled then quickly dismissed my fantasy. I have serious matters to discuss so I have no time to daydream. Over dinner we were all talking and laughing at Katie's and nana's jokes. Still, I continued searching for an opportunity to speak up. The moment I finally did, I cleared my throat to get their attention. "I have something I'd like to talk about." I blurt out. They all became silent and turned to face me. I feel nervous to make my announcement. "I've made a decision to move here, to Japan." Everyone looked at me without flinching. "Yeah. I knew that would happen." Katie said. "Me too. I figured once you started dating Yesung you'd want to move to Japan." Maddy also agreed. "Are you mad?" I asked her. "Not at all. I know that's the best way to make your relationship work. Plus, I know since you were young you always wanted to live here so it makes sense." Maddy exclaimed. "Where will you live?" My Grandfather asked. "Well that's the thing..." I paused. "Move in with us, and after you get yourself situated you can try living on your own if that's what you wish. If not then you can live here as long as you want." He offered. "Thank you papa!" I happily exclaimed. I'm so grateful for his generosity. "I think I will move in. Then after I get situated I want to try living on my own. I don't want to be a burden to you both." I looked at my grandparents. "You would never be a burden to us. You are our granddaughter, so this is your home but if that's what you wish to do its fine with us. We support you!" Nana said. I smiled at them. "Who knows maybe after I graduate I might come live here too, but for now I want to stay with dad." Katie told me. I glanced at her feeling sad. "I can't believe you're so grown up." I tiered up. "Don't be sad sis. I'll be coming in a couple months for a week when Yesung's movie comes out. Remember? You promised you'd take me. Plus, I have to support my dear oppa!" I laughed at her comment. "That's right. I did promise you." I responded. "Alright so it's settled. I'm moving to Japan!!! I'll get everything ready when I go home, and give my two weeks notice at work. In the mean time, I have to look for work here." I said while I stood up to go to my room. I sent Yesung a message. "Can you talk?" I waited a few minutes before I began getting my clothes ready to go take a shower. Just then he responded. "In about 30 minutes I'll be able to call you. Wait for me." He responded. "Okay. I'll take a quick shower while I wait." I replied. Immediately I jumped in the shower and rushed through it. While blow drying my hair his call came through. "Hello?" I answered.

 "Hello?" I answered

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