Meeting Super Junior!

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Yesung POV...

By the time we finished eating breakfast it was already late into the morning. So when lunch came around we still weren't feeling hungry. "Hey hyungs let's go down to the beach and work off what we ate!" Siwon suggested. That was a good idea since we couldn't really afford to gain much weight. We all agreed and went outside. As we walked down the steps which leads to the beach I began to wonder about that girl. Was she done sketching? What did she sketch? Will I see her again? What would I say to her if I did see her? All that kept racing through my head. As we reached the sandy area by the ocean that's when I spotted her. She was walking back with her sketchbook at hand. As soon as we came across each other our eyes met. Once more I found myself feeling nervous and all that came out was "Hello again". Just then Heechul took notice of her "Oh... you our neighbor?" He asked as she turned to face him with a surprised look written across her face. "Yes.. but how did you..." He cut her off with laughter as I'm sure he realized he sounded like a creep. "Last night... um... car." He tried to explain himself but couldn't. He's the same as me, he too struggles with english. Just then he turned and signaled at Siwon to translate. When out of nowhere Kyuhyun stepped up. I'm assuming he did so to sharpen his English skills before Kcon. "He saw you get to your home last night. He said he was taking a walk outside around the time you arrived." A smile formed on her face. "Oh I see. It's nice to meet you, my name is Amy." She introduced herself. "I'm Kyuhyun. This here is Heechul. Eunhyuk. Siwon. Donghae. Kangin. Leeteuk. Yesung and Ryeowook." She glanced at us all as she seemed to be trying to memorize our names. As she was about to leave she turned to me "Ye... Yesung? Thanks again for your help." She smiled ever so sweetly before she left. Some of the members continued on their merry way, while others stared at me with sly looks. "Why are you blushing Yesung?" Leave it to the evil maknae to point out. "I'm not!" I turned to him with a cold glare. After noticing my face he backed up. Just as I thought I was in the clear Donghae jumped in. "Hyung was being a peeping tom last night!" That caught the attention of everyone. "What???" They rushed to ask with such curiosity in their voices. "Yes. I caught him watching our neighbor last night." Donghae blurt out. They all turned to look at me. "So you do have a darker side. I misunderstood you before, you can start hanging out with me more often since you are AB blood-type after all!" Heechul joked with a devilish face as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Hey! I'm not like you! So stop with those remarks." I pushed his arm away. "And Donghae! Stop spreading stupid rumors!" I scolded him. No one took me seriously but instead laughed even more. "But in all seriousness do you not find our neighbor cute? She's very pretty! I might just have to sweep her off her feet. You know have some fun on this vacation." Heechul smirked devilishly. The others continued laughing but his comment made me irritated. "Stop it! Do what ever you want but leave me out!" I gave him a cold glare as a warning. They all knew I meant business this time since they stayed quiet and slowly walked away. "Don't pay attention to him hyung. You know how he is! Try to relax. It's our vacation after all." Ryeowook calmly said to me. He's right! Why am I so flustered about this anyway?

Maddy's POV...

"Hey Amy...good you're back. Now here come help me with this tray please." I said as she stepped foot inside the door. "Are we going to grill outside?" She asked. "Yes. It's such a nice day I don't want to waste it inside." I responded while walking out the sliding glass door. "So are these what I think they are?" Amy asked with so much excitement in her voice. "Of course! I'm making it up to you since I couldn't join you last night." Through her stomach is the best way for me to apologize. She yelled with excitement. She's so cute. She's always been that way towards things she loves ever since we were kids...


I still can't forget the time when Amy and I were 6 years old. We were playing and running around in my backyard with a few other friends. Amy has never been much of a runner so she yelled at me to slow down. She kept trying to catch up to me but instead of waiting I pressured her to keep up. After that I kept running not caring to look behind. When our friends and I reached the tree house, I noticed Amy was nowhere to be seen. I waited a little while but nothing. I began to get worried but still I allowed a few more minutes to pass before I finally went to look for her. I found her semi-conscious. Immediately I ran to her aid yelling for help from the grownups. She was laying on the ground with her hand tightly holding her chest. Desperately gasping for air, trying to breath. I panicked, I didn't know what to do. I remember hearing Amy's mother frantically running to her. My eyes began to swell up. I was so scared and confused. I wasn't sure what had happened, she was fine not to long ago. That's when I heard Amy's mom on the phone, she was calling an ambulance informing them Amy had just suffered a severe asthma attack. That was the first time I found out about her condition. Right away I saw her mother take out a little bottle and place it in Amy's mouth. She pushed medicine into it telling her to breath it in. She said it in such a calm tone even though she herself was very frantic and looked really scared. The sound of her calm voice is still very vivid in my head. It's truly amazing what a mothers love will do for their children. Keeping calm composures for the sake of their children even if on the inside they too are terrified. After a little while Amy began to breath a little better, but ended up passing out by the time the ambulance arrived. I watched in horror as they took her away. I didn't know it then but that day would mark such an imprint on my mind that would later help me decide the career path I took. I remember crying to my mother to take me to the hospital to see her. But by the time I arrived I had so much guilt build up inside me. I remember standing by her door as I watched her, feeling unsure if I should even walk in. She was awake and seemed to be more herself. She then took notice of me hesitating to go in. The moment she did I remember not being able to look her in the eye. I blamed myself for what had happened, I felt it was all my fault. She could have died! I went to her bed side and all at once I let it out, I weeped for what seemed to be an eternity. She kept telling me something but I couldn't hear through my crying. Once I calmed down all I could do was beg for forgiveness. She smiled and hugged me trying to comfort me, assuring me it wasn't my fault since I didn't know about her condition. She even went as far as to say it was hers since she knew better and still kept on going, even after she felt her breathing shortening. But I knew the truth, I was the one that pushed her to keep going. Me! I pressured her, so ultimately it was my fault. I knew she was trying to comfort me, she's always been such a forgiving and kind person, giving so much love. Which was more of a reason why I felt so miserable. I couldn't loose such a precious friend because of my own negligence. At one point or another she must have realized her comforting words were making me feel worse. I didn't know it then but now looking back I know that what she said next wasn't because she really wanted to do it, but because she knew that somehow that would help alleviate some of the guilt I felt towards her. She told me that for my part of the blame I was to buy her ice cream every day after school for week and that only after that week she'd forgive me. I knew that wasn't going to change what I had done but somehow feeling like I was paying her back for some of the pain I caused her I readily agreed. So for a whole week I bought her ice cream and by the end of it she told me she had forgiven me. She then proceeded to embrace me which I gladly accepted. I knew the only reason she said that was for my sake, to help alleviate some of the guilt I felt. Looking back I now realize how silly it was but we were just kids after all. Even so her action did the trick and ever since that time we've grown to be more like sisters. I knew I didn't want to loose my precious sister and I vowed to always be there for her no matter what. For whatever reason from that point on every time one of us wronged the other, even in the smallest way we would always make it up to one another through our favorite foods. As silly as that is it has became our thing and that's how it's been until today...

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