Meeting My Bias

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Amy's POV...

"I'll walk you home." Yesung offered while walking out of the restaurant. "Thank you but no, my home is near by so you don't need to bother yourself. I'm ok, besides it's late and you still need to get back to Tokyo." I responded. "It's ok I insist, I'll walk you home. I would feel better if I did. That way I can make sure you arrive safely." He persisted. "No really this town is really safe and I know it pretty well, so don't worry I'll be fine on my own. Thank you anyway." I stayed firm with my decision. Finally he stopped asking. Since he barely had called a cab I decided to wait with him for a little while until it arrived. Once it did I said my goodbyes and began to walk away. "Thank you for today. It really was nice seeing you again." I let out. He smiled and waved back. On the way someone surprised me as they popped up in front of me. "Oh Seichi! You scared me!" I sighed. "Sorry!" He blurt out while embracing me. I haven't seen him in a while so it's really nice to see him. "Did you get to see Katie and Maddy? They went to your house earlier today." I asked. "Yes they stopped by but I had to leave to go to work and I barely just got out. I was heading home when I spotted you." He responded while walking together. "What are you doing all dressed up?" He glanced at me. "Meeting someone?" He asked. "Umm... yes..." I answered. "Boyfriend?" He continued asking. "No. He's... he's only a friend." I responded. Not wanting to talk about it any longer I decided to say my goodbyes and go our separate ways...

Yesung's POV...

I felt completely annoyed on the drive back to the hotel. Wondering who the heck that guy was. Is she dating someone else? Maybe that's why she agreed to be my friend so quickly? "Hey hyung where did you go?" Jongjin asked while I walked in our room. "I took a walk somewhere." I feel annoyed and I'm simply in no mood to explain anything. "I'm tired. I'm going to bed after my shower." I told him. "Alright. So what time should we get up tomorrow?" He asked. "Early. Our flight to Korea is at 9. So at least two hours earlier." I responded. "Ok." He blurt out as he jumped back on his bed and set his alarm...

Katie's POV...

Papa and I were playing a card game when Amy walked in the house. "Hey sis? Where were you?" I asked. "I took a walk." She responded. I don't believe her response. "Dressed like that?" I pointed at her dress. "Yes like this." she exclaimed while walking towards my grandpa and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to get ready for bed. I'm tired." She sighed and walked up stairs. I think it's really strange how she never mentioned anything about that person I called on accident yesterday, and now she went out looking all dolled up. Something fishy is going on, but I will find out whatever it is! "Papa I'm tired too. Can we finish our game tomorrow?" I pouted at him, he only laughed. "Sure have sweet dreams Kitty." He responded while giving me a kiss on the forehead. I always love it when he calls me that, since that's the nickname he gave me when I was a baby. He said I looked like a little kitten when I was born. While walking upstairs I heard the shower running in the hallway. I figure it's Amy. I giggled to myself as I cautiously approached her room, slowly opened the door and glanced around until I spotted her phone. There it is! Immediately I ran to it and opened her messages. "What the heck! She did notice I called this Yesung person. She even responded." I silently read last nights messages. "Hmm so she did meet up with this guy?! Wait a minute???? Concerts??? Fans??? This can't possibly be??? No... no way!!!" I blurt out while rushing to place the phone down. No! She would have told me! Right?! By now my curiosity is killing me! Maybe I should... I feel hesitant. "Oh what the heck!" I dialed the number. I'll never know if I don't investigate. I placed the phone on my ear. I know Amy just got in the shower so she won't be coming out anytime soon. "Yeoboseyo?" A voice on the other end answered. I stayed quiet trying to make out if the voice really is his. "Yeoboseyo?" They said again. "Umm who's this?" I asked in Japanese. "Jongjin. Who's this?" They asked. I knew it wasn't him! I chuckled to myself and was about to hang up when I heard someone else in the background. Speaking what sounds to be Korean. "Yeoboseyo?" Another person came to the phone. "Sorry wrong number!!!" I shouted and immediately hung up. That really did sound like him!!! I began to freak out. No way!!! It can't be! Amy would have told me! I continued in shock and disbelief trying to convince myself. Just then the phone rang. I looked at the caller. It says Yesung! I began to feel nervous and shaky. "Oh... my... god!" I mumbled while pressing the answer button. "He... hello?" I answered. "Amy are you ok?" He asked. I froze. The more I hear the more he sounds like him. "Amy?" He asked again. "Umm... no. I'm not Amy." I responded feeling my voice crack. "Who's this?" He asked. It's him! It really is him! I started freaking out even more. "K... Katie." I could barely respond. I heard him laugh. Yup it's him alright. That laugh can only belong to the real Yesung. My hand started to shake so bad! "Did you dial on accident? Or did you want to speak to me?" He asked in Japanese. "Umm... not.... sure... I... I'm... uh... I'm a huge fan!" I blurt out feeling embarrassed for the way I'm uncontrollably fangirling. He began to laugh even more. "Yes. I know Amy mentioned that before."

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