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Katie's POV...

I can still feel my hands shaking. I was so nervous talking to Yesung. He is a million times cooler than I thought. "Don't worry my dear oppa, since you still like my sister I'll make sure to help you. I'm on your side!!!" I spoke out loud while stopping in the middle of the side walk. That's when I noticed people laughing and looking at me like I'm this crazy person who talks to herself. I rushed away feeling somewhat embarrassed. On the way home I kept thinking about my meeting with Yesung. Never in a million years did I think I'd have an opportunity to meet one of my biases. While still in lala-land I realized I got to our front yard. That's when it hit me. "Omg!!! Grandpas cookies!!!" I let out while I ran back towards the convenient store. I can be so dumb sometimes! Finally I reached the store. While walking in a poster caught my attention. It's Yesung!!! I stared at it. "This poster has nothing on the real thing. He's much better looking in person!" I mumbled to myself while walking away to look for the cookies. On the way home I was thinking about today. It's so obvious Yesung still likes Amy. Man if I was her I wouldn't hesitate. He's so cool, handsome and sweet. She'll be really dumb if she misses out. I finally arrived to the house. "I'm home!" I announced while walking in. "Hi, kitty. Did you find my cookies?" My papa asked. "Of course. Anything for you!" I responded and handed them to him. He smiled and happily took them. "Thank you kitty!" He said to me. After saying goodnight and getting ready for bed I stayed awake for a while, planning ways to help Yesung. I think I'll have to push things a little. Amy can be so hopeless sometimes. After a good while I finally came up with something. Yeah that's what I'll do! I giggled while laying out a plan in my head. I will have to get Maddy to help me out though so that will be a little hard. I feel nervous to get her involved. But it's for my dear Yesung so I'll do it! I cheered myself up. I quickly got my phone out. "Oppa, sorry don't want to bother you but I want to ask when it is that you have a free day in your schedule while you're in Japan?" I wrote and sent it. Alright. Now, I'll just wait for his response. I stared at my phone, a few minutes went by... nothing! But I'm determined to wait so I keep it at hand...

Yesung's POV...

After my meeting with Katie I was left in better spirits. She truly believes Amy doesn't have a boyfriend. I had been curious about that but now I know for sure she doesn't. Still, I have to watch out for this Seichi guy. The thought of her dating him makes my blood boil. I can't believe I'm becoming jealous of something that happened in the past. Because of the way it's making me feel I decided to dismiss those thoughts and go back to what Katie said about Amy still interested in me. I can't help but smile as I remember her words. How I hope that's true! I continued thinking about Amy the whole night until I fell asleep from exhaustion...

The next morning...

My alarm woke me up. I feel like I just closed my eyes for a moment but now it's morning?! I grabbed my phone to turn off the alarm when I noticed a message. I rushed to open it, hoping it's Amy's. But instead it's one from Katie. "Oppa... sorry don't want to bother you but I want to ask when it is that you have a free day in your schedule while you're in Japan?" I read it. She sent this last night. I must have been knocked out since I didn't hear it come in. I feel surprised, usually I'm a light sleeper and practically any small noise will wake me. I guess having good dreams about Amy helps me rest better. I thought about Katie's question for a moment. "In a couple days I'll only be busy in the morning. I'll have all afternoon off. Why?" I replied. I placed my phone down and began getting ready for the day. After doing so right before leaving I glanced at my phone to check if she responded, and of course she did. "I would like to invite you to our house for dinner. BUT so that my grandpa doesn't get suspicious, I'll say Maddy knows you and invited you over since she hasn't seen you in a while. What do you say?" I laughed while read it. She really is trying hard to help. I'm not sure about her plan though. It might look like I'm interested in Maddy in the eyes of Amy's grandfather. I definitely don't want him thinking I'm some sort of a player. Just then Jongjin walk out of the bathroom ready to go. "Hyung we'll be late. Let's go." He said to me. I can feel a grin forming on my face while beaming with a bright idea. "Sure I'll go but just so that it doesn't look weird I'll take my brother along." I replied back. "Why the smirk?" Jongjin asked. "Would my little brother like to be my wingman?" I placed my arm around his shoulder. "What?" He asked with confusion written on his face. "I'll explain on the way." I told him while heading to the car...

Katie's POV...

Yes! Phase one of my plan is complete. Now to phase two! I began to look for Maddy but was having a hard time finding her until I glanced out the window to our backyard. Finally I spotted her. She's laying on a blanket under a tree while listening to music and reading what seems to be a medical book. Typical multitasking behavior from her. I then proceeded to approach her with caution. "Maddy." I called to her but she can't hear me due to her music. "Maddy!!!" I yelled. Finally she took notice of me. "Katie? What is it?" She asked while taking her head set off. "Can you help me with something?" I innocently asked. "Sure what is it?" She asked while signaling me to sit next to her. I explained everything. "You want me to what???" She let out in a high pitch tone. "Please. It's for Yesung. He already agreed to this too. Please!" I begged. "He even admitted his feelings for Amy! Don't you want to help your best friend be happy???" I cunningly used 'the friend card.' "You know Amy still likes him too but sometimes can be really dumb and scare easily. Come on let's try to help them out a little. You know they deserve to try it out and see for themselves if it will work out. They can't just give up because of a "suggestion" his company gave Amy! That's not fair to them and you know it! Come on please help your best friend be happy!" I pouted trying to look cute while gently poking her arm. She thought about it for a moment. "She won't be happy we got involved but I guess I can help. Just this once!" she responded. I jumped with excitement. "Yes!!! Thank you! Thank you!!!" I gave her a huge bear hug. "Okay okay you can let go now." Maddy exclaimed while having a hard time breathing. "Sorry got too excited! Can't wait! Phase two... complete!" I checked it off in my head. "Now for phase three... this will be the easiest because Maddy you're up." I gave her a little push to walk inside. I on the other hand laid on the blanket Maddy had placed outside. It feels so nice out here. I yawned and got into a comfortable position "Now I can relax." I sighed feeling happy...

Maddy's POV...

As Katie gave me a push inside I began heading to the door, once there I turned back to look at her unsure if I want to do this. Since it will be really embarrassing. Katie on the other hand has made herself comfortable on my blanket and seems so relax. Of course she would be since I'm in charge of the embarrassing part of her plan. She then took notice of me and signaled for me to continue walking. That brat! But at least she is trying to do something nice for her sister, so fine I'll do it! I took a deep breath to gather courage and went inside the house. I looked for Amy's grandparents and found them in the living room watching a show. I cleared my throat to get their attention. They turned to me. "I... uh... I want to ask you both if I'd be ok to invite two friends over for dinner? I haven't seen them in a while and since they are visiting Japan, I thought I'd be a good way to get together with them again. I hope it's not too much to ask?" They smiled at me "Not at all. It'll be nice to meet a couple of your girlfriends." Granny responded. "Umm... no... they are guys." I bashfully clarified the matter. They seem a bit surprised that I'm asking to have guys over. This is so embarrassing!!! "Hahaha... sure... boyfriend?" Grandpa asked. I could not help but laugh like I heard the funniest joke. "No! You kidding me?! No, No!!! They are simply friends. Nothing more than friends." I responded. "Okay if you say so... that's fine... I want to meet them." Grandpa said. "For when do you want to invite them?" Granny asked. "In a couple days. That's when they'll be in town." I responded. "Yes that's fine. I'll make some preparations." Granny winked at me as if she still believes I like one of them. I shyly smiled and walked away. That was so mortifying!!! I wiped some sweat away. "So what did they say?" Katie immediately asked. I viciously glared at her. She put me up to this embarrassment and I was dumb enough to go along with it! I sighed.. "Why couldn't you ask them instead? I won't ever do that again!" I let out. "What? Why? You know as well as I that they won't ever say no to you and won't ask too many question either, but if I was to ask they'd be interrogating me like crazy and I'm scared I'll accidentally let everything out. You know it can be hard for me to not spill the beans when I'm under pressure! So enough about that, what did they say? They agreed right???" She proceeded to ask again. "Yes! They said yes." I told her. "Alright!!!!" She yelled with excitement while jumping around with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you!!! I have to let Yesung know!" She took her phone out and sent him a message. "There. I told him. He'll be so happy when he sees this." She exclaimed. "Who will be happy?" Amy asked while walked towards us. "Nothing!" Both Katie and I responded in unison. She looked at us with suspicion knowing something's up. "Umm I asked for permission to invite a couple friends over for dinner in two days." I responded. "Really? That'll be nice. But wait, who is it?" She asked. "It's a couple friends who we haven't seen in a long time!" I said hoping she won't get suspicious. We have quite a bit of friends here in Japanese so I'm thinking she'll think it's one of them. "Okay but who?" She continued to ask. "Hey Amy I thought I heard my nana call you!" Katie interrupted. "Okay." she said while walking inside the house. "She totally bought it! She's such an airhead but better for us. Let's avoid the question as much as possible and if she still continues to ask we will just say a couple of her old friends names and hopefully she'll buy that." Katie whispered in my ear. I gave her a pinch on her arm. "Ough!!!" She complaint while rubbing her arm. "This better go good or else." I whispered to her. Katie devilishly smirk at me. "When have my plans ever failed?! You'll see! Trust me! I have it all under control!" She stated...

Yesung's POV...

I've been feeling the stress of my schedules. It's been so hectic. I've been having to fly back and forth from Japan to Korea and vise-versa. On top of that I've been nervous about my movie coming out in a couple months. Will it do good? Will people like it? Then I've had the stress of all my solo concerts. So far they've been going good but still I can't help but feel anxious. I've also had to drop in on my side businesses making sure everything is running smoothly. Thanks to the good work my brother has been doing everything has been going smoothly and now I even have the added stress of my personal love life. Thankfully, I'm having help from Maddy and Katie. Even my brother agreed to help. Hopefully things will work out between Amy and I. Then we will have to deal with my company issues, but I won't stress about that for the time being. I already have way to much on my plate than to have to worry about one more problem. "Hyung can I borrow your phone? Mine died. I was in the middle of taking a selfie." Jongjin asked while extending his arm out reaching for my phone. "Sure." I handed it to him. "Better yet let's take one together and post it on social media." I suggested. "Fine by me." We both took a few. "Here choose one for me and I'll post it." I said to him. While looking through my photo album he came across the picture I took of Amy on the beach. "Who's this?" He turned to me. "Her name is Amy. She is who we will go see tomorrow. The one I told you about remember?" I answered. "Yes yes. How can I forget! She's... how did you say it?! The woman of your dreams?!" Jongjin began mocking me. "Shut it!" I scoffed at him. He only laughed. "She's cute though, definitely your type." He responded. I smiled at his comment. "Yes she is." We only have about few minutes left of this flight. I want to hurry and get to our hotel so I can rest. I felt so exhausted...

Katie's POV...

All morning long we have been preparing the house and getting groceries for tonight's dinner, but Maddy and I have been so nervous. We're hoping everything will go according to plan. Plus I want to see my bias Yesung again. Both my grandparents are sitting on the sofa in the living room while watching 'The Office' along with Amy. That's Amy's and papa's favorite American comedy show. My nana is more neutral to it since she doesn't always get the jokes. After the show ended. Papa began flipping through the channels trying to find something else to watch. "Wait!" My sudden demand startled him. "Go back one more." I said while looking at the tv. "It's the preview to Yesung's movie." I yelled out loud. "Can't wait to watch it!!!" I exclaimed with excitement. "You really seem to like this actor. Don't you?" Papa pointed out. "Yes but he doesn't just act, he is multitalented! He also sings. He's a fantastic singer." I immediately bragged. I can feel the fangirl in me coming out. "Really? Is he Japanese? I've never seen him before." He continued asking. "No he's Korean. This is his first time acting in Japan. But he's been in a drama before. He's so good!!!" I continued fangirling. "He's handsome!" My nana blurt out. I chuckled at her comment. "I agree nana and so does Amy." I looked at her who had kept quiet through the whole thing. She simply smiled at them without saying a word. She tends to get really bashful around my grandparents. "By the way what are we cooking tonight for Maddy's friends?" I asked. "Since Maddison said they are foreigners I thought I'd make a traditional Japanese meal." Nana responded. "That sound perfect." I gave her a thumbs up...

Amy's POV...

For whatever reason Katie seems really excited about tonight. I asked her who is coming but she said she won't tell me until I guess the right persons name. All day long I've been wondering who I haven't seen in a while, a few people have come to mind, but I'm still not sure who it is. Every time I mention a name Maddy says no, so I think I'm going to give up on trying to guess and just receive whoever it is that shows up. As my nana heads to the kitchen to start cooking I decided to go in to help out. While Katie and Maddy are setting the table and preparing a few games for us to play after dinner, so regardless of who shows up it should be fun...

Yesung's POV...

The directions Katie gave me to their house are extremely hard to understand and my WiFi keeps glitching like crazy so needless to say we are having a hard time finding their house. It took us a while before we finally got to the front of their house. I feel nervous since I'm about to meet her grandparents, and also because Amy has no clue that we are showing up. According to Katie she wants it to be a surprise so she insisted on me keeping it on the down low. I wasn't happy about it but I can't be asking too much of Katie since she's done so much already. Still, I suggested a few times that I'd be best if Amy knows but somehow Katie convinced me to not say a word. So now I'm anxious to see her reaction. Hope she won't mind...

Katie's POV...

Yesung should be arriving any minute now. I'm eagerly peeking out the window waiting for them to show up. Just then I spotted them. I happily watched as they walked to the front door. Yesung looks extremely nervous. He began checking his clothes and hair. "Don't worry oppa. You look good. Like always." I mumbled to myself while watching. Finally he rang the door bell. "I'll get it!" I yelled while running to the door.

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