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Amy's POV...

That night Maddy decided to stay with me, while Yesung volunteered to take Katie home to my grandparents. "So what exactly happened to make your dad as furious as he was?" Maddy asked. I sighed. "He caught us making out in the hallway." I responded. "Wow that must have been awkward." She let out. "Yeah but it was more humiliating than anything else. You should have seen the way he spoke to Yesung. Insult after insult, until I finally got mad and told him off." I said to her. "You??? Told your father off? You? Who usually stays quiet when he yells? You who never talks back to him?" She asked with shock written all over her face. I glared at her "Yes! I was angry at how he insulted him. He had no right to say all those terrible things with out knowing him or even giving him a chance to speak." I answered. "So how did your dad react to you talking back to him?" She continued to ask. "Obviously he was furious and was about to slap me when Yesung stopped his hand mid air." I responded still feeling the awkwardness of that moment. "Wow that's pretty bad! I don't think I remember him ever laying a finger on you before. He must have been that furious for him to try to hit you, but still, that was pretty bold of Yesung to step in like that. I'm surprised your dad didn't take it out against him instead." She scratched the back of her head. "But you know what? Let's not worry about this for tonight. Tomorrow is a new day like you always say, and Yesung is a likeable guy. Your dad will realize that soon enough and approve your relationship, just be patient." She said as she placed a blanket over me. We talked a bit longer before I fell asleep from pure exhaustion...

Yesung's POV...

Keeping in mind what Katie said about Amy I decided to stop by a restaurant to pick up food. It was still early in the morning but since the furniture would be delivered soon I figured Amy would be awake by now. As I pressed the code to her apartment she came to receive me, giving me a tight embrace. Both my hands were occupied with what I was carrying so I wasn't able to hug her back. "How are you feeling this morning?" I asked while I placed the food on the kitchen counter. She gave me a slight smile. "Better but now I have so many bags under my eyes from all the crying." She gave me a pout. I smiled and walked towards her. "Don't worry. You still look beautiful even with puffy eyes." I responded while I gave her a peck. "Ahh... my eyes! Get a room you two!" Maddy joked as she walked out of the bathroom. Amy and I both laughed. 

"What's that?" Maddy asked while approaching the kitchen counter

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"What's that?" Maddy asked while approaching the kitchen counter. "It's breakfast. Let's eat, ok." I turned to look at Amy. "I'm not hungry, sorry." She responded. "You're not hungry? But you love to eat, and look, I even brought your favorite buns. Warm out of the oven." I tempted her with the sweet bun. She smiled but continued to reject it. "No maybe later. I really am not hungry." She let out. I pretended to get serious while continuing to pressure her. "Amy you have to eat. I won't take no for an answer, ok? or else I'll be sad." I analyzed her face trying to see if that will work. "Ok fine. I'll eat." She responded. I smiled and handed her a bun. Maddy served the rest of the breakfast. In the end with more pushing from both Maddy and I she ended up eating, not much but at least she had something. Just then we heard the door bell. "Guess who??? Hurry, open!" we heard a voice on the other side of the door. We laughed as we recognized that voice. "Morning Katie!" Maddy said as she opened the door. "Oh Hisako? Seichi? Hi it's nice to see you both. Let me guess, Katie dragged you out here to help, right?!" She stated as she allowed them to walk in. "Me? I'm offended!!! They offered to help. I simply just told them it was today!" Katie said with a devilish smirk. "Morning." I greeted them as they walked towards us. "Morning! I'm here to help with..." Seichi paused after taking notice of Amy. "Were you crying? What happened?" He asked with so much concern while gently placing his hand on her cheek. Given the circumstances I'll let it slide. It became silent for a moment. "My dad..." with out needing to say another word Seichi understood exactly what happened. "I see. I'm sorry. I'm here for you if you need to talk." He took hold of her hand, immediately I turned to him. "Thanks but that's what I'm here for!" I responded giving him a glare. He smiled my way as he let go of her hand. "So what do you need help with?" He turned back to Amy. I couldn't help but feel irritated by him! I hate how close he is with Amy and the way he knows more about her than I do. He was a part of a very important moment in her life and no matter how much I wish to have been there instead of him, I can't. They have so many memories shared between them, and the fact that they both lost parents they know how to comfort each other. As for me I can't relate. My relationship with my parents is so different than theirs. I'm simply an outsider looking in. It's annoying and frustrating feeling this way! Once the furniture arrived we helped with bringing some in, as well as putting it together. While working on a drawer I took notice of how Seichi and Amy were interacting with one another. I stopped what I was doing while I watched more closely, losing myself deep in thought.

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