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Yesung's POV...

After my morning texts with Amy I tried to look for an opportunity to call, but unfortunately my schedule has been so hectic to the point where I haven't even had time to eat much less call her. I've been running from one place to another. I'm exhausted but I still have two more appointments to go to before I'm done, and by the time I finish it'll be too late to call her. I sighed feeling disappointed, but no matter... I'll keep trying to find at least a minute to hear her voice...

Hours later...

By the time I was completely finished with all my schedules it was already passed midnight. Since it's late, more than likely Amy is asleep by now. I feel a bit frustrated. I wanted to speak to her but not once did I find a moment. In the end I decided to head home to rest. After parking my car on the driveway I took a moment to myself, feeling completely exhausted. I checked my schedule for the next day and it too is completely booked. I closed my eyes for a moment. I sighed knowing tomorrow will be just as tiring. Checking my watch I realized how late it became, I immediately walked out of the car and rushed inside the house. While taking my shoes off I heard tiny little foot steps walking behind me. Turning around I noticed my dog Kkoming coming to greet me.

 Turning around I noticed my dog Kkoming coming to greet me

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 "Kkoming!!! Hi girl... come! Kkoming!" I called her but the moment she realized it was me she decided to ignore me and walk away instead. Typical bratty behavior from her. That's when I saw light coming from the living room area. It's my father who is up. "Oh JongWoon! You scared me!" He exclaimed as he turned my way. "Sorry, I'm home. Why aren't you in bed?" I asked while sitting on the couch. "Couldn't sleep." He responded. "Really. why?" I asked. "I had caffeine earlier at your cafe and now I can't sleep." He responded while turning to face the tv. I smiled at him. "And what about mom?" I asked. "She went to bed already. She tried to wait for you, but she had a long day and her exhaustion kicked in." He responded. "Okay well I'm tired too." I yawned while I stood up. "JongWoon wait! Your brother told me something about you having a girlfriend? Is this true?" He asked. I smiled with a nod. "Yes. It's true." I responded. "Okay. If you're serious about her, I hope to meet her soon. I want to see for myself what type of girl she is. Don't want a repeat from the last time." He said in a serious tone. My smile disappeared from my face since I know well who he's referring too. "I am very serious about her, but she's nothing like my ex." I responded. "We'll see. I hope for your sake you're right. I know ultimately it's your decision who you date but still, we want peace of mind." He said in a firm tone. I couldn't help but feel irritated by his comment so I walked away. How can he compare Amy to my ex! Amy is not like her! After that unwanted comment my father made I kept thinking about my past. All the troubles I went through because of my ex, but no more because Amy is different. She likes me and only me! I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart, but still there is a small part of me that fears it might happen again. My ex-girlfriend left me devastated when she decided to cheat on me. Looking back I can see there were always signs that she was an easy person but I wanted to believe otherwise. I loved her so I wanted to believe she was as pure as what I believed her to be. Sadly, I was confronted by reality in such a pitiful way when I was forced to see her for what she really was. My pride as man was bruised, but what was worse was when she threw my love away. Treating it to be nothing, like it was simply a meaningless piece of trash. So yes, having been thought something like that I do have a fear, a fear that it'll happen again. A fear that I may not be good enough for my partner. Maybe because I'm not as good looking as others in this industry. Or maybe because I lack in confidence. Either way what she did to me has left a scar. Even if she means nothing to me now, she still left my pride hurt along with some fears. In the past, I remember hearing that when one person scars another can heal. I used to believe that was nonsense. I used to think it was all foolish words spoken by foolish people to try to make themselves feel better. But now I know it's true. Ever since I met Amy, I was confronted by the truth. Yes my ex left me scars but Amy is my healer. Amy is the only one who has the power to make me forget about all my past pains. So what my father said about her is irrelevant, because I know Amy is different and that's why I will continue to trust her. She is loyal and I know she will continue even if we are apart for long periods of time. I'm confident of that! I took my phone out and stared at her picture. She really is beautiful, but her true beauty lies inside. She's my beautiful healer...

Amy's POV...

It's been two days and I haven't been able to speak to Yesung. I've missed him so much. I decided to take a walk to distract myself. Walking down the streets I came across a small park which the city has recently built. I was able to find an empty bench so I went to sit down. I watched kids playing on the swings. They all seem so carefree. Wish I was feeling the same. Since I took my sketchbook with me I decided to draw, I drew for hours. In the end every sketch I did was of Yesung. I couldn't get him out of my head. I miss him terribly! I want to hear his voice. After another hour or so I decided to head back. "I'm home!" I announced while walking in the door. "Where were you?" My nana asked. "I took a walk and sketched." I responded. "Ok well you got back just in time. Dinner is ready." She said to me. After eating and watching some tv I went upstairs to get ready for bed. While getting my pajamas I heard my phone ring. I quickly looked at it. My heart skipped a beat when I saw his name on the caller ID. "Hello." I quickly answered. "Hi! long time no see." He responded. I tiered up a little, feeling happy to hear his voice. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked with concern in his voice. "I missed you!" I responded in a shaky voice. He chuckled. "I missed you too. Sorry I couldn't call. I've been really busy and didn't even have one free moment, and by the time I'm done with work it's always too late to call you. I'm so sorry." He softly spoke. "I understand. I figured that was the case. Are you home?" I asked while noticing the time since it's close to 10. He sighed. "No. I still have one more schedule. Probably won't be home till around 1 if I'm lucky." He responded. I too sighed. "You must be so tired." I responded feeling sorry for him. "Exhausted." He paused. "But it's ok. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I'll be in Japan the day after tomorrow. Maybe we can make plans to meet with your grandfather. Let me know if that works ok." He said to me. "Really? Ok. I'll ask and let you know." I responded feeling ecstatic to be able to see him soon. Just then I heard him talking to someone in the background. He sighed as he came to the phone. "Amy I have to go. I can't wait to see you soon. If I get another chance I'll call you!" He let out before hanging up. He must have been in a rush since I wasn't able to say my goodbyes before he hung up...

Yesung's POV...

After finishing with all my schedules it was closer to 2am. I'm simply exhausted. I drove home as fast as I could. I need to rest, for tomorrow I have to be up by 6. I have another busy day ahead of me. The only thing I'm looking forward too is to see Amy's face again. I can not wait...

Amy's POV...

Thankfully my grandfather agreed to do a dinner for Yesung tomorrow. I can't wait for this night to end. I can't wait for tomorrow to come, since today too I wasn't able to speak to Yesung again. I guess this is one of the "perks" of dating a celebrity. I couldn't help but feel sad about it. "It's ok though. I'll wait for him no matter what! He's worth it. So cheer up Amy for tomorrow you will be with him again!" I said to myself trying to see the positive side of my situation. Finally what seemed like an eternity it was night time. While relaxing by watching a tv show I received a message. I dismissed myself and walked to my room. I quickly opened the message. "Hi Amy. I can't talk right now but I wanted to let you know that I'll be able to go to your house tomorrow around 7pm, since my schedule in Japan will end early. Hope everything is ok with you and your family. Can't wait to see your beautiful face! I miss you!" I pressed my hand on my chest. Even reading his message makes my heart flutter like crazy. "I love you Yesung!" I blurt out speaking to myself...

The next day...

I woke up with so much excitement to see Yesung but I also feel a bit nervous to let my grandfather know we are officially dating. I wonder how he'll take the news. For most the day we got the house ready. Maddy and I also helped nana with dinner. Katie offered to help but her cooking skills are really bad so we didn't let her. Finally it was close to 7. I was anxiously waiting when the door bell rang. I immediately ran to open it. "Hello! Hisako wanted to come visit Katie and..." I sighed feeling a little disappointed. "Hi Seichi. Hisako! Come in." I told them. While walking in Hisako gave me a quick hug, then Seichi too embraced me. I stood there unsure of how to break free from it. Even though he hugged me I don't want to hug him back since I now have a boyfriend. Since Yesung and I barely started going out I haven't told Seichi about it, so he's not aware of my situation. I was about to break free when I heard a deep husky voice call my name. My heart began to race. I know exactly who's voice that is. I quickly pulled away from Seichi. I smiled while looking at his face...

Yesung's POV...

While walking to Amy's house I noticed that guy Seichi and I'm assuming his sister standing by the front door. I saw when Amy opened the door and greeted them, then I saw when Seichi wrapped his arms around Amy.

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