A Sorrowful Confession

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Kyuhyun's POV...

I felt irritated at the fact that not only Yesung but now even Heechul has had some sort of skin-ship with Amy. I really need to step it up just like they did. After the game it was around 5 and we were all hungry by then. "Hey want to start heading back to our place?" Ryan asked. "Yeah. Let's get cooking." Maddy responded. "What are you making?" I asked Amy. "American style BBQ." She responded. I'm not sure what to expect since I've never had it before. "Okay. Sounds good." I told her. By the time we arrived at their patio I noticed something had already been cooking in a grill. The smell was absolutely delicious. But since it would still be a little while for it to finish Donghae decided to quickly go clean the powder sugar and Ryeowook went to finish the cake he had started earlier. The rest of us went inside. "Kyuhyun can you help with this tray?" Amy turned to me. "Sure." I responded feeling happy she asked me. Ryan had apparently been grilling or I think they called it smoking pork ribs for hours. So now he's even a good cook?! Is there something this guy is bad at? I feel even more annoyed. Well let's see how good his cooking really is. I smirked feeling hopeful that it might suck...

Yesung's POV...

As the day progressed the weather began to get chilly. Finally the food was finished and the girls along with Ryan served it. It looks amazing, and it smells absolutely delightful. Lately, I've been watching what I eat, so I haven't been enjoying food prior to this trip; but this I know I will enjoy! For a split second I was left in shock... I felt so amazed at how good the ribs are. It's completely different than our Korean BBQ. I can tell all the guys are loving it just as much, Including Kyuhyun. Even though he seems to be having a hard time admitting that. After dinner we continued talking. Since Amy has light clothes and the weather keeps dropping in temperature she decided to bring out a couple blankets. She offered me one but I felt fine at that moment so I said no. Ryeowook however was cold so he took one, Amy kept the other. "Oh that's right... Before I forget. Can you guys sign this?" Ryan asked while he took out a copy of our latest album, 'Devil'... "What???" We all yelled. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention, Ryan and his girlfriend are huge Super Junior fans." Amy told us. Wait what??? He's a fan of ours??? I felt surprised by this turn of events. "I thought you said you didn't know about Kpop?" Kyuhyun asked the girls. "Yeah we didn't. But since Ryan learned Korean he apparently had been listening to your music for years now." Maddy responded. "Yeah I'm a fan." He responded. "But this album belongs to my girlfriend. When I told her that I knew you guys she asked me to buy her an album, and have it signed by you guys. She was so disappointed to not be able to come. She's out of the country, unfortunately for her... and I was pretty disappointed for not being able to make it to Kcon to catch your show." Ryan let out. "Really???" We continued in disbelief. Wait... back up... he said he has a girlfriend? So there really is nothing at all between Amy and him?! Just pure childhood friends?! I found myself feeling ecstatic with these news. "So what song do you know?" Our manager asked him. "Most of them. My girlfriend even knows all of the sub-unit songs as well." He revealed. "Does she have a favorite member?" Heechul asked hoping it was him. "Yes... Kyuhyun." He pointed his way. We were all pretty surprised, but Kyu's face is priceless! What turn of events!

Kyuhyun's POV...

I was shocked by Ryan's revelation. He doesn't seem like someone who would listen to Kpop, but then again he does speak fluent Korean so I guess it makes sense. Still, I began to feel somewhat guilty for hating on him this whole time. I still don't like him, but I guess I'll give the guy a break. Specially because I'm his girlfriend's bias...

Maddy's POV...

I think Leeteuk didn't mind the comment I had said about him the other night. He has continued to treat me the same. Actually, he's a bit more talkative to me, maybe he feels bad that I embarrassed myself the way I did. He really is a nice guy. That's the reason I like his personality! As for Donghae he seems more quieter than usual. I may be reading too much into it but it almost seems like he might feel shyer around me. Oh well... that sucks! I can't take back what I said so I guess I should just try to move on... I sighed with disappointment...

Amy's POV...

While talking with everyone I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I took it out. It's a message from Yesung. He's sitting right next to me so why is he texting me? Without opening the message I turned to look at him instead. Without talking he smiled and pointed to my phone. I turned back to it and opened the message. "I spoke to Donghae and cleared up what happened between us yesterday. So don't feel awkward around him anymore. He knows." It read. I smiled and texted him back "Thank you. I don't want him thinking that we... kissed." I quickly deleted that last part. "Don't want him getting the wrong idea." I texted. He read it and smiled. "Why? You don't want him thinking we kissed? Why? You wouldn't want to kiss these luscious lips?" He responded. As I read the last part I turned to him while he secretly puckered his lips then began laughing when he saw me turn red. I shook my head feeling really red. "Don't joke like that!" I texted back. He simply laughed it off. To distract myself I turned to face the others. They all are talking amongst themselves. That's when I noticed Leeteuk and Maddy talking more than before. I guess the awkwardness between them is gone now, that's good! I'm happy about that...

Kyuhyun's POV...

Sitting on the other side of Amy I was able to notice her taking her phone out. She seems to be texting. That went on for a while. It wasn't until she turned to Yesung that I made the connection. They're both texting each other. Having a private conversation between them. Since when did Yesung get her number? I couldn't help but feel saddened the more I noticed how much he makes her laugh. She looks so happy talking to him. I haven't even asked for her number, but somehow Yesung already has it. I couldn't focus on any other conversation. I just kept looking at them...

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