My Next Move

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Amy's POV...

A couple weeks passed since my visit to Korea, when I decided I was ready to move into my own apartment. With the help of one of my grandfather's acquaintances who works in a mortgage department, I was able to find a very nice apartment in a nice area. Finally, my moving day came and Yesung somehow managed to take a couple days off his schedule to help with my move. Walking to the front of my door I turned to him. "Any suggestions for what the new code of the lock should be?" I asked. "Hmm... Let's see... How about the date of when we first met?" I chuckled as I turned to him. "You remember the date?" His cheeks turned a nice rosie color as he nodded. "I'm impressed! Not many boyfriends remember such details." I praised him. He then turned to me with a bright smile. "Well, I'm no ordinary boyfriend! I remember everything about you with great detail." He chuckled. I caressed his face as he closed his eyes. I then began to trace his lips with my index finger. "I know and that's why I love you." I whispered. He smiled while allowing me to continued tracing them. Slowly he puckered his lips, waiting for a kiss. I giggled as I turned to enter the new code. "Okay that'll be the code." I said. I could hear him complaining in the background for not kissing him but I wanted to tease him a little longer. "Okay done!" I blurt out while I opened the door. I walked in and took a quick look around. That's when I felt him walking towards me. I turned to him and noticed he continued with his lips puckered, begging for a kiss. I couldn't help but laugh, that's when he turned serious. "I'm sorry are you mad? I was only teasing you." I tried to cheer him up but nothing. He continued seriously looking at me. He took a few steps closer to me until he had me backed up against a wall. He then smirked while caressing my face then began tracing my lips.

 He then smirked while caressing my face then began tracing my lips

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I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. The way his gaze was, the way his side smirk lingered, he looked so perfect! I couldn't help gulp in such a situation. Just then he leaned closer to me, I knew he was about to kiss me so I was really anticipating it. I closed my eyes and waited for his kiss, feeling him getting closer and closer until I felt his warm heat, and then laughter?! "Pay back!" He blurt out as he laughed at me. I feel a little embarrassed but I guess I walked into that one. "Haha very funny. Just for that you get no more kisses!" I scoffed at him. "Huh? Wait... No! I was only joking. Come here." He frantically extended his arms. "Nope! You'll have to wait for another day!" I stood my ground and turned to walk away. He then hugged me from behind and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Fine. No kissing for a while, at least until you calm down, then it's fair game." He whispered into my ear. I broke free from his embrace. "Maybe, we'll see." I smiled at him. "Now let's focus on what we came here to do." I said to him. Since I don't have many things to take from my grandparents place to mine, we finished everything by around noon. Then afterwards we decided to go shopping together for some furniture. On the way we kept silent for most the car ride. "I still feel a little unsure of you living on your own." Yesung broke the silence. "Are you sure you'll be ok? What if something happens? Or..." I paused him when I placed my index finger over his lips, I chuckled. "You worry too much. Trust me, I'll be fine. I've done it before I can do it again. Besides I don't want to be depending on my grandparents. I'm a big girl who can take care of herself." I grabbed his hand. "Ok I guess it should be fine. I'm just glad you're so close to your grandparents house. That makes me feel better about it." He let out. I turned to look out the window before I heard him chuckling. "What's so funny?" I asked feeling confused since a moment ago he was concerned, and now he's laughing? He turned to me with a side smirk. "The only other good thing about you living on your own is that I'll be able to have more alone time with you. Heck, I think I'll stay at your place instead of a hotel when I'm in Tokyo." I felt surprised by what he said. I stayed quiet thinking for a moment. "Sure you can stay with me." I responded. I felt mischievous and wanted to tease him some more. "Really?" His eyes widen. "I was only joking, but if you insist I won't hesitate to take you up on the offer." He rushed to say. "Well it's there if you want to take it, but with that being said; you can sleep in the spare room. So no funny business." I continued to joke. "Seriously?! I was hoping to be able to sleep next to you." He chuckled. I too laughed. "Haha... keep dreaming buddy." I teased. "Okay fine then I'll settle for the guest room." He pouted in defeat. I smiled at how childish he can be at times. Once inside the furniture store I couldn't help but feel excited, it felt almost as if we were newlyweds shopping for our new home together. Yesung helped me choose modern furniture. He has a good eye and very good taste, very similar to mine. We looked at sofas, tv's, stands, tables and more items. I still haven't bought a bed for my room so that was the next place we went. Yesung laid on a few of them. 'Testing them out' so he said. "This one! Come sit! It's very comfortable." He signaled me to sit next to him. I chuckled and walked his way. "You're right! I think you found the right one." I stood up. Before leaving the store we arranged for them to deliver the furniture the following day. By the time we arrived outside my building it was late in the early evening. Yesung held my hand as we walked to the elevator. He pressed the 5th floor button then turned to me. "Well this was fun." He stated. "Hey since they will be delivering the furniture tomorrow, where are we going to sleep tonight?" He continued with joke from earlier. "I have a couple shiki futons we can sleep on. Not as comfortable as a bed but we should be able to sleep just fine." I responded following along. He smiled as he tighten his grip on my hand. Upon arriving at my floor I was about to press in my code to unlock the front door when Yesung turned to me, pulling me close to him. "Like I said earlier, it's fair game once you calmed down." He let out before locking his lips with mine, I giggled over them. "Couldn't this wait until we walked inside? What if someone sees us?" I asked. He wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me even closer. "So what? Let them see. Besides if we make out inside things might start to get out of hand, so unless you want to have 'that' happen, I suggest it's best out here." He responded. I smiled while wrapping my arms over his neck. Leaning in to deepen our kiss, enjoying every second of it. We continued for a good long while, savoring our sweet moment. "So... this is the reason why you wanted to move to Japan?!!" I heard a deep voice say, sending shivers down my spine. I recognized it immediately pulling away from Yesung. "Dad?! What are you doing here?" I froze on the spot...

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