Our Compromise

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Amy's POV...

When Yesung asked to see my sketchbook I hesitated. I'm not one to brag about my accomplishments or my skills so I felt a little shy to share it. But even so, he insisted so I caved. While flipping through the pages he seemed impressed by my work. He even gave me a complement, but as he was about to turn one of the last pages I realized there was the sketch I was just working on. I freaked out and immediately took it away from him. I'd be to embarrassed if he knew I was sketching HIM! He begged to see it but I couldn't bring myself to show him. In the end, we left it at that and moved on to building a sand castle. I couldn't help but laugh to myself when I realized how extremely bad I was. Then turning my gaze to his work made me feel a bit better since his was just as bad as mine, maybe even worse! But seeing him work so intently was extremely cute to say the least. I was so concentrated on him that I didn't even notice a huge wave come in, knocking both of us down. The water felt like it was staving me with a million needles! It was freezing! When I tried to stand another wave came in and knocked me down again, this time wetting me completely. It was like an ice bath. I could feel my fingers and toes numbing from how cold the water's temperature was. As Yesung managed to get himself up he walked over to me and offered his help. He laughed at our situation, but luckily for him only his bottom half got wet. While I on the other hand was not so lucky. I began to shiver like crazy. I looked down at my hands and noticed how pale they looked from the freezing the waters. Just then Yesung wrapped his shirt around me. Surprised I immediately looked up at him. We both froze looking into each other's eyes. For a moment I found I couldn't look away. His gaze... That mysterious gaze! How much I'm beginning to love the way he looks at me, with so much warmth and sincerity. For a split second I found myself at his mercy. That's when I noticed he lowered his gaze to my lips. He starred with much intensity. My heart began to race like crazy. It felt like at any moment it would erupt. I was frozen by my own feelings. I couldn't move, but somehow I could feel my cheeks turning red. I get the feeling that maybe... just maybe he may kiss me! But... if he tries? What should I do? Should I let him? A part of me wants to allow it but isn't too soon? I mean, we are barely beginning to know each other, but only as friends... right? So then what should I do? Just then to my relief or maybe disappointment, he looked away and apologized. I couldn't believe that had just happened! I think maybe he too was in disbelief. After that it became a little awkward. I didn't know how to break the silence. "Umm... want to get something to eat...?" I asked trying to distract from the awkwardness. I figured it's close to lunch time, but when I grabbed my phone to check the time it wouldn't turn on. "Oh no!" I sighed... "What's wrong?" He asked as he took hold of my phone to examine it. "My phone's wet!" I complaint. That's when I remembered about my sketchbook. Immediately I looked for it. I found it a few feet away from me, completely soaked. I went to pick it up. Just then we noticed Kyuhyun and Kangin walking our way. "Why are you both wet?" Kangin asked while glancing at my hair and clothes. "The waves came in when we weren't looking, knocking us both into the water." Yesung responded in Korean...

Kyuhyun's POV...

I knew Yesung was acting weird earlier when he quickly rushed out, and of course here he is with Amy! I felt annoyed with him. "Why are you both wet?" Kangin took the words right out of my mouth. I looked at Amy who was soaking wet from head to toe. Of course I couldn't help but feel even more irritated when I noticed she had Yesung's shirt around her, but it seemed she was still cold since the temperature was beginning to drop. I took my jacket off and I placed it around her. "Come on. You'll catch a cold if we don't go in." I took the liberty to wrap my arm around her while making sure Yesung noticed. I could tell it really bothered him. She took a quick glance at me, but was too cold to protest. I noticed a book in her hand which by the looks of it also got wet. Waking with my arm around her I couldn't help but feel like she really is meant to be with me. I began to feel happy by my own thoughts, so much so that I pulled her closer to me. Plus for some reason I couldn't help but feel a little territorial. I wanted Yesung to see her with me like this. I want her to stay like this, but to my disappointment she slowly pulled away. To avoid any awkward moment I turned her focus to the book. "Is that a sketchbook?" I asked. She simply nodded. "Well you need to dry it right away or else it'll get ruined." I said to her. Once reaching the top of the steps Kangin told Yesung to go home to change. Which I felt grateful. Now I will have the opportunity to walk Amy home, but in the end Kangin came along as well. Oh well better him than Yesung. "Oh my! What happened?" Maddy let out as she opened the door. "Thank you guys for walking her home. Come on you'll catch a cold if you stay like this." She told Amy. "Wait." Amy turned to me. "Here you go. Thank you Kyuhyun!" She returned my jacket. "No problem. Just don't get sick." I responded. She smiled at me before walking in. Her smile is simply breath taking. She is perfect. I love every bit of her. I feel completely mesmerized by her. Out of no where I felt a strong stare. It was Kangin who was quietly watching me. "What?" I scoffed at him. "Nothing... it's nothing." He responded in a serious tone. After that we both walked home. Yesung has really been busy lately. I really need to step up my game if I don't want to loose to him. I will win Amy...

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