Life Goes On

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Amy's POV...

It's roughly been around three months since the last time I saw Yesung. I haven't spoken to him since. I thought about deleting his contact information, but somehow every time I try I end up finding some excuse within myself as to why I can't erase it. In the end my life went back to "normal". At least on the outside, because on the inside I feel torn. I'm back at work, back to my regular every day life. Maddy and I don't speak about that time, I do not want to remember. I want to forget all the pain. Even so, I still think about him from time to time, but I tend to quickly dismiss the memory. It's simply too painful, but sometimes during school while my students quietly work on their projects I find myself lost in my memories, but usually the school bell ends up bringing my mind back to reality... "Alright, everyone is dismissed." I said to my students as they gather their belongings. "Ms. Cohen?" One of my girl students came to my desk. "What is it Sarah?" I turned to her. "When is my next project due? Since I wasn't here yesterday I don't know how long I have to work on it." She bashfully looked at me. "You have a week. Next Monday I expect it on my desk finished and ready to go. Alright." I smiled at her. "Ok. Thank you!" She responded with a cute smile as she turned to walk out of the room. She is such a nice obedient student. One of my favorites. She has really good art skills. She reminds me of myself back in high school. Timid and quietly working on her art projects. After gathering some paperwork I was ready to head out myself. I grabbed my bag and stood up to stretch. "Finally I'm done. I'm so tired!" I sighed while I too walked out of the classroom. I feel really hungry but I'm not sure what to eat. What should I make for dinner tonight? I wondered on the drive home. By the time I arrived I noticed Maddy was home early since her car is parked in the driveway. I used to live on my own, but Maddy and I decided to move in together about a year ago. Our apartment is a decent size, it has three bedrooms with two baths. We decided one bathroom for each of us. After entering the front door I was greeted by Maddy's cat. "Hi Aria..." I picked her up. She's purring loudly in my arms, enjoying her back scratch. I placed my bag on the entry table and sat on the couch. I sighed while leaning back. "Hey how was your day?" Maddy asked as she took Aria from my lap. "Good... I'm just really exhausted." I responded. "And yours?" I asked. "Fine just the usual." She responded as she too sat on the couch looking just as tired. She works as a pediatrician. She really loves working with kids. Ever since we were kids she's always been so caring and motherly, something I personally admire about her. Just then I heard a giggle from her while I noticed her glancing at her phone... texting. "Who are you talking too?" I asked. "Umm just... someone!" She blurt out. She seems a bit suspicious. "A guy friend?" I teased her. She only chuckled without answering. "Well? Am I right? Do you like someone?" I continued to ask. "No!!! But... I don't think you want to know." She responded. "Who?" I stupidly continued asking. "Leeteuk." She responded. The sound of his name brought back so many memories. Feeling a bit down I turned to look out the window. "Wait... you still keep in touch?" I feel surprised about it considering the situation. "Yes but we are just friends though, so no one needs to worry about us dating... oh gosh! That was so insensitive! I'm so sorry." She rushed to apologize. I know she's referring to the company getting involved incident. "It's ok... don't worry about it. I'm fine. If you want to continue talking to him that's your call. Don't mind me. Besides, your situation is different than mine." I told her. She turned to me almost as if she wanted to tell me something but hesitated. She sighed as she continued giving Aria a back scratch. Then sighed again and turned to me... "I want you to make me enchiladas..." she demanded. "What??? That's a lot of way! I'm tired." I responded at her request. "Please... I'm really craving them!" She continued begging. In the end I agreed, even though it's quite a bit of work they do sound good for dinner. "But you're helping!" I told her. Maddy didn't look too happy about it but she still stood up and walked to the kitchen to help. After roughly two hours of work we finally sat down to eat. Since we're feeling tired we both opted to sit in the living room in-front of the TV while watching one of our favorite childhood rerun shows; Malcom in the middle. "Oh my!!! This turned out so good!" Maddy let out while taking a bite. We laughed at the silly jokes of the show and continued eating...

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